Kialen Hrealis

From Modpedia

Name: Kialen Hrealis


Race: Toa of Matora - Nui

Primary Attribute: Attiliary

Mask: Tikaneo, Great Kanohi of Death

Main Element:Death

Secondary Element:Minor Healing Abilities

Preferred Weapon: Scythe

Starting Weapon: Doomday Scythe

Vehicle: Tiberia (Current Owner of Base/Starship/Robot) (Looks like Fortress Maxamus)

Special Attacks:

Death Bringer: Destroy Between 25%-75% of An Army

Bringer of the Dead: Summons a Invincible Army for 3 Turns

Negation: Can Negate The Activation of a Special

Alignment: Neutral Good

Theme Tune:Hero - Christian Bastian

Character Background: Kialen is how you would say a Person that could fit any role, Friend, Leader, Soldier, Medic, all of them, but hes Caring all the time. He wasn't like this before until Kaden Rapius Showed him he could be a Better person, He now travels from Planet to Planet, making new Friends in a Mission to make peace around the Universe.

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