
From Modpedia

-INTRO-- Hey everyone! It's me! Surely you know who I am? I'm that guy you look at and think " Man, I wish I could be as cool and as awesome as that guy! " The one who you see post and think " He changed his Username AGAIN?!?! " Sadly, the awesome part is currently being said about Angus or whatever his name is.... Lol ....

-ABOUT ME-- I joined MaskofDestiny on Febuary 1st, 2005. This means that in around three months I'll have been in the community for three years! I'm not very active here anymore but along the way I've made some good friends such as Brogen, TNK, Toa of America, Rapi, Kopaka Lady, Abyss.... The list goes on! Anyway, I really like Bionicle, obviously. I like it so much I've got nearly every set made so far! I have other interests to, but those will be in the next paragraph... My favorite set(s) so far are the MCToran, Toa Olda, Turaga, and Rahi. Yep, I'm an oldies fan...

-INTERESTS-- My other interests include Runescape, Lego System, Video Games (Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2, to name a few) Baseball, and Basketball. I love to play with my friends, they're great. Another thing I enjoy is writing, which, if you look up my past topics on MoD explains itself. I can't say I'm really known for my work, but I do it anyway. Yes, even for one 'lil reply...

-FADS-- While I have yet to start a fad on MoD, I did create the used-to-be-popular game "Bionicle Vending Machine", which rivled Hahli's "Food Fight!" Topic as the biggest topic in the Everything Else Forum. W00T. When I'm old enough for a job, I'd like to become an artist, particularly in the field of cartoons/anime. Maybe KL will let me "borrow" some of her work...

-LEGO-- I enjoy Lego, and have been avid about it since 2000, when the Throwbot (Slizers) came out. I bought a few of them, moved on to Bionicle, and I've been hooked to both Technic and System ever since. One thing I've noticed though is that as the years pass by, Lego looses something in the past that made better. Don't ask me, I've got no real answer to it, but I think that , looking back, the earlier years of Technic and Lego were better ones.

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