It is again time that Sir Liam steps down

From Mmc

Original Article

It is again time that Sir Liam steps down

is disingenuous to claim that

doctors have "willingly co-operated" with its reforms to doctors' training ("A thoroughly 'modern' mess", Life & Arts, August 4/5).

The British Medical Association's various objections to the "Modernising Medical Careers" programme date back to 2004. Our survey of over 2,000 doctors last month showed that nine in 10 believe MMC, in combination with working time reductions, could result in lower standards.

Three successive BMA conferences have called for Sir Liam Donaldson, one of the architects of MMC, to resign as chief medical officer. The BMA believes it is time for him to accept responsibility for a disaster that has thrown the careers of thousands of doctors into turmoil.

Jo Hilborne,
Junior Doctors Committee,
British Medical Association,
London WC1H 9JP

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