Applicant Update 9 March 07
From Mmc
Information sent to applicants – 9 March 2007
Dear Applicant
The Department of Health has asked us to lead a review into the first round of the Modernising Medical Careers (MMC) recruitment and selection into specialist training made through the Medical Training and Application Service (MTAS). A key aim of the review is to ensure that this will result in the best candidates being appointed.
The terms of reference are to:
- Understand what has worked and not worked to date
- Identify and promote good practice
- Recommend action to remedy any weaknesses, taking account of legal and operational constraints
- Identify specifically what further action or guidance is required:
- Immediately (or before completion the first round)
- Before commencement of the second round
- B*efore any subsequent rounds
Develop improved arrangements for the support and care of applicants
The review group has met twice. We have identified shortcomings in the process. We have decided that the first round should continue but we have recommended immediate steps to strengthen the interview process. These have been communicated to Deans and will be communicated to all applicants and selectors as soon as possible via the MTAS and MMC web-sites. An understanding of existing PMETB principles (para 5) clarifies guidelines for interviews at ST2 and ST3.
The review has identified concerns that some excellent doctors may have been overlooked. The group has recommended all applicants who have not been invited to an interview should be given the opportunity to have their application form reviewed by a trained advisor. This may result in the offer of a first round interview.
Significant changes will be made to improve selection in the second round. This will include changes to the application form and the scoring system. The Department has accepted the need for change and the revised approach will now be tested with junior doctors, selectors, deanery recruitment teams and employers, and agreed with the Medical Royal Colleges, Deans, trainee and consultant representatives and employers before they are introduced.
It is our intention that there is real opportunity for applicants going into the second round.
The review group has also recommended that further advice and information should be made available as quickly as possible for applicants. The Department has accepted that this will include:
- information about competition ratios by specialty, entry level and geography
- the process and timetable for making applications in the second round plus generic guidance about what panels will be looking for
- generic feedback on how applicants can improve their applications for the second round
- information about sources of support for applicants
- enhanced Frequently Asked Questions on the MTAS website, building on feedback from the first round
The necessary time to deliver this process is being assessed and tested and will be announced as soon as possible.
The next stage of the review will be to consider what further arrangements might be needed for the support and care of applicants. The final report of the review will be available by the end of March.
Professor Neil Douglas (Chair) Vice Chair of the Academy of Royal Medical Colleges and President Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Clare Chapman Director General of Workforce, Department of Health
Professor Alan Crockard National Director Modernising Medical Careers
Dr Paul Dimitri Chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges – Trainees Group
Professor Sir Liam Donaldson Chief Medical Officer England
Dr Jonathan Fielden Chair of the Consultant & Specialist Committee, BMA
Nic Greenfield Director of Workforce (Education, Regulation and Pay)
Professor Sheila Hollins President Royal College of Psychiatrists
Dr Judith Hulf President Royal College of Anaesthetists
Dr Tony Jewell Chief Medical Officer Wales
Professor Martin Marshall Deputy Chief Medical Officer England
Neil McKay Chief Executive East of England Strategic Health Authority
Mr Bernie Ribiero President Royal College of Surgeons of England
Dr Mike Watson Director NHS Education for Scotland
Dr Paddy Woods Senior Medical Officer N. Ireland
Para 5 ‘Other evidence that may be sought or presented as part of the selection process may include evidence of excellence in terms of attributes such as motivation, career commitment etc., but no requirement for the completion of a particular post.’
Round 1 application reviews
Further information about having your round 1 application reviewed by a trained advisor will be available next week
Guidance Issued to Deaneries - 27 February 2007
At the COPMeD Steering Group meeting today, it became apparent that there has been variable practice in long-listing regarding the checking of competences achieved and career progression. To ensure consistency during the interview process, we wish to provide further clarification on the functions the selection panels may need to perform at interview. These are:
1. Verification of eligibility
Where selection panels are checking the eligibility of an applicant (eg checking level of competences achieved and career progression), this should be clearly identified as separate from the elements of the interview to be scored.
2. Verification of immigration status
Where selection panels are checking the immigration status of an applicant, this should also be clearly identified as separate from the elements of the interview to be scored. Further to the guidance issued by the Department of Health last Friday, 23 February, we are told that further guidance regarding the documentation that doctors need to bring to interviews for verification of their immigration status will be issued very shortly (hopefully today).
3. Questions for scoring at interview
These should be competency based, using the selection criteria in the relevant person specification.
4. Academic scoring
Scoring for those who have applied to academic programmes should be clearly identified. The applicant's academic score and their appointability for an academic programme will need to be recorded separately.
Please ensure that the interview panels understand the distinction between eligibility and/or immigration status verification and scoring against selection criteria and that the individual panel members only see the appropriate sections of the application form to allow them to undertake the functions assigned to them.
Ahead of the interview
Application forms may be made available to the panel chair(s).
At interview
It is as the discretion of the panel chair(s) if some or all sections of the application form are to be shared with other panel members.
The panel chair(s) should have clear reasons and rationale for sharing this information with other panel members.
Monitoring Information
Under no circumstances should the Monitoring Information be shared with the panel chair(s) or other members of the panel.