
From London Requiem


This bloodline was founded by one Anton Malkov of clan Ventrue.

  Malkovians are not well known outside of their parent clan, but among those rare non-Ventrue 
who do know of them, the Malkovians are nicknamed Lunatics. When they are mentioned at all by
the Ventrue (generally only to other Ventrue), They refer to them obliquely as "our most
charming cousins," or sometimes as "the escapees".
Most Malkovians like to pretend to be something else (generally Ventrue), so they usually favor
whatever covenant makes the most sense for their their false identity. Because of this, most
(but not all) of them belong to the Invictus. The fanatical bent of the Lancea Sanctum also
appeals to some Malkovians, particularly those who suffer obsessions or visions. Others,
though, petition to join the Circle of the Crone or the Ordo Dracul, hoping to find relief that
mystic wisdom might bring, but they are usually marginalized sometime during the initiation
process. Rare indeed is the Malkovian whose madness strikes either covenant as an aid to
enlightenment rather than a sad liability. As Malkovians grow weary of vainly searching for
acceptance in the more established circles of Kindred society, it's likely that more and more
of them will show up in the ranks of the Carthians and the unaligned.
Motivations for Malkovian Embraces vary as widely as those for any other clan or bloodline.
Company in misery is a frequent one. Some Embrace hoping that the new childe will help him
overcome his ailment or at least have the psychic strength to somehow overcome the madness and
purge the bloodline of its taint, others pride themselves on selectivity and make similar
selections as their Ventrue forebears.
At present, the very idea of a willing Ventrue seeking adoption into the ranks of the Malkovians
is an absurdity to both bloods.
Malkovians still suffer from the Ventrue clan's "weakness" in regards to acquiring derangements
due to degeneration, but in addition to that, all members of the Malkovian bloodline have an
incurable derangement that is theirs for eternity and it may not be reduced in severity or
bought off no matter how high the Malkovian's Humanity soars. This derangement is key to the
Malkovian's being. Mortals with mental illnesses are far more than the sum of their ailments,
but a Malkovian's curse is no mundane affliction. It runs in her very Blood and in all
likelihood, it consumes the Malkovian's soul.
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