
From Lixans Comics

Template:Digimon Infobox Zenamon is a fictional digimon, created by Lixan for an RPG unable to be linked to.

Zenamon is the name of the type of digimon, not the particular one. However, it is the only one seen so far and possibly the only on in existance, as Kato created it out of his imagination.



Zenamon takes on the appearance of a small dragon, complete with wings. He is a pure green color, with the row of skin runnign down his stomach a gold color. He is small, and very flexible, as he often rides with his body curled up Kato's arm.


Zenamon was created as a way for Kato to cope not having a digimon after 13 years, as opposed to his brother, Zach, and his father, T.K. When he recieved his D-Tex (Digivice), it scanned his drawings of Zenamon, and made it come to life in the DigiEgg of Darkness.

Zenamon is playful and hyper, and can move very fast, sometimes like he teleports.

Zenamon's main role is in Virus, and RPG on the BZR website where he is first introduced. However, it is specualted that he shall appear in other media.


  • DragonFire: Zenamon breathes a devestating fire on his enemies

Other Forms The Name Zenamon only refers to the rookie form of the digimon. He has other forms tha go by other names, which he accesses by digivolving.


Innomon is Zenamon's fresh form, which he appears in when just being hatched from an egg (although when he was released from the DigiEgg of Darkness, he was Zenamon). Innomon looks like a lot of fresh digimon: a circular digimon. He is green, a has two horns on his head, and has two big, golden eyes.


  • Shield: Innomon creates a shield around himself and whoever is physically touching him in order to protect them.

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Minimon is Zenamon's In-Training form, which he appears in when he loses power in a battle, and is too weak to appear in his rookie form


  • Shield: Minimon creates a shield around himself and whoever is physically touching him in order to protect them.



Zendadramon is Zenamon's Champion form. He now stands on two legs, has a skull helmet which covers most of his head, and has more developed claws. His left claw is about three times bigger than his right claw. He is about the size of Greymon.

Zendadramon first appared when Kato was about to be killed by an infected Angemon. Zenamon jumped in front of Kato to try and save his tamer, his bravery unlockng his next form and allowing him to digivolve, defeating Angemon and purifying him.


  • DragonFire: Zendadramon breathes a devestating fire on his enemies
  • RazorClaw: Zendadramon slashed at his enemy rapidly with his giant claw

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