Curcible of the Bendu

From Kotuswiki

The Second War with the Krath

The Krath Lord Nihilus began a quest for an ancient artifact, the Crucible fo the Bendu, in the belief that the Crucible would offer him the power to bring down the Jedi. So his minions spread across the Republic to muster an army. This they did. However a small group of Jedi came across his plot and moved to stop him. In the process the Krath lead a rebellion with the assistance of the Imperial Sector, starting at the Battle of New Alderaan. The war ended with the Jedi confronting Nihilus at the Crucible and discover it's nature; it was simply the laws of the Bendu, realizing that those rules were the same as the Jedi, that the Bendu were the Jedi. However the Crucible activated several ancient libraries across the galaxy.

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