The Law of Harmonious Battle

From Jaggedthrone

This covers any specific House Rules. As we encounter situations that require them, they will be entered here.

  1. Join Battle and Join Debate rolls use the formula (6-Successes rolled) to determine the starting tick. The minimum start tick remains 0. Original Rule had everyone subtract their successes from the highest Join Battle Roll.
  2. Replace the rules for relative appearance (which pits Appearance vs. Appearance) with a DV modifier pitting the attacker's Appearance vs. the defender's Temperance. This avoids the somewhat odd construct that pretty people are somehow more resistant to persuasion and gives Temperance a purpose in social combat (as written, it is the only Virtue that isn't used). Plus, it just seems to fit what Temperance is supposed to represent. (Source: Unofficial Exalted Wiki)
  3. Backgrounds are not given an optional XP cost in the Core book. Backgrounds may be kept (if aquired through RP) at the cost of 3 XP per dot. (Source: Fixalted)
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