Aenaeris (Eris)"Ghostfeathers"

From Jaggedthrone

At present he most often masquerades as a tribesman of the south as he travels with the protagonists. Originally from the East, he is has left behind the ways of the city to embrace a simpler way of life. He was travelling at the bequest of his mentor, Dances on Trembling Leaves, when he came across rumours of Solars mucking about. Instead of reporting back to his mentor as he likely should have, he decided to investigate the happenings in the area. In the process he found that one of the Solars was his Bond of old; this continually draws him back to the group when he considers leaving. The idea of leaving was further complicated by the awakening of a new Lunar, Birght Ocean, to her heritage. Eris couldn't leave her tattooless and alone with her new powers and so while very new to this himself, he has taken it as his duty to educate her as best he can. Luckily with the help of the group, Bright Ocean has become Bright Eyes Over Silver and is protected from the threat of chimerism.

While Eris desperately feels the call of the forests and the sweet smell of verdant canopies, he realizes that events in the South threaten more then just a small isolated group of individuals. There are many threats to the populace, and perhaps even to creation itself. There are also the threats of things unholy and wyld to both the Lunar he found and his Solar Bond.

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