
From Inff


On this page we can cooperate to translate our brochure from Swedish to English. The text in the brochure is a good introduction to "Engineers and scientists for peace" and can be reused when our webmaster makes the English version of our web site.

The Swedish version of the brochure is available here:

Put alternative suggestions in ( ) or if you are really unsure about them in (( )). Visible comments can be put in (( )) too.

Please note! When writing text it helps to first write it in your word processor and use the spell and grammar checking function there, then paste it into this wiki page. I used "English (British)" as the language setting when I started out this text.

Instead of weapons

Engineers and scientists for peace

Engineers and scientists for peace, INFF, is a Swedish network of engineers, scientists, and others with similar academic background, who strive to limit the production and development of weapons and military systems in the world. INFF is politically and religiously unaffiliated.

We believe that the scientific expertise is better needed in other fields of research, and that the resources spent on production of weapons can be of better use elsewhere.

Would you like to join INFF? Read more about it here

The Goals of INFF

  • To decrease the research and development of weapons. The money saved should instead be spent directly on civilian research. We believe that we can reach this goal by engaging and organising those who actually invent the weapon systems, that is, the engineers and scientists.
  • To decrease the weapons production in Sweden and in the world by transferring resources and investments from military production to civilian production.
  • To decrease the co-operation between the weapons manufacturers and the universities.
  • To increase the interest among engineers and scientists for choosing civilian production before military production.

War research vs. Peace research

Increased Export of Weapons

The Swedish production and export of weapons has increased significantly during the last few years. The export of weapons during 2005 reached the record level of 8.6 billion SEK. More than 50 countries, several of which were at war or ruled by dictators, imported weapons from Sweden.

The Swedish government actively supports the export of weapons and states that the export should increase further to allow Swedish companies to develop new technology.

Increased Internationalization

The Swedish weapon industry has increased its international commitment and is cooperating with international partners in a number of fields, where research and development is a significant part. The purpose of the increased cooperation, especially with so called strategic partners, is to develop a dependence and to strengthen the Swedish competence within the defense industry.

Increased Cooperation with Universities

The universities' cooperation with the weapon industry and military authorities has intensified during the last few years. The cooperation takes many forms and is actively encouraged by the government and the industry. Through this cooperation, the universities are participating in the Swedish weapon industry development, and the consequences of this development. There are shortcomings in the transparency and the presentation of research connected to the military.

Increased Military Research

The Swedish government funds an extensive military research and development. Over 4 billion SEK, about a fifth of the national research grants, are spent on so called defense research. The government increased the subventions of defense research with 60 percent between the last two five-year periods. Two thirds of the subventions to defense research are used for developing weapon systems.

Time to Brake the Trend

This development is worrying. Through these investments in military development, Sweden contributes to locking the world into the behaviour of spending unimaginable amounts on arms races instead of spending resources on civilian and sustainable development.

This trend must be broken and the government should make a substantiable redistribution of resources from military to civilian research and development. Until such a redistribution has been made, we hope that institutions and individuals will take a stand on whether they want to take part in military development.

Universities colleges should

  • include a discussion on work ethics, where these problems should be covered, in the undergraduate education for computer scientists, engineers, natural scientists, and other related education programs,
  • initiate a discussion leading to a new policy on whether military reserch and development is in line with research ethics and whether cooperation with weapons manufacturers or military agencies is to be allowed,
  • produce a separate and complete account of all research and development being conducted today that has a military purpose or military funding,
  • support researcheres who don't want to take part in military research and development.

As a researcher or engineer, you can

  • adhere to the codes on work and research ethics against weapons development that are published,
  • include an ethical statement in your CV: "I will not work on tasks associated with arms development", and
  • work towards making your institution, college, or university adopt a policy against arms development.

Cannon research

Research for war or peace?

((David's note: Should we perhaps call it "Explosive research" to retain the slight humour that perhaps was intended with the Swedish title "Kanonforskning"? Another English expression also comes to mind: "More bang for the buck"))

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