Assistant Professor of History at the University of Massachusetts - Boston

From Indopedia

-- The Department of History at the University of Massachusetts Boston invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professorship to begin in September 2007 in the history of South Asia, Southeast Asia, and/or the Indian Ocean. Period and area of specialization are open, although we particularly encourage candidates whose work is broadly comparative or transnational. The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses as well as to engage with the University's growing Asian Studies program. Please send a letter of application, c.v., writing sample, and three letters of recommendation by December 15, 2006 to Chair, History Department, Harbor Campus, UMass/Boston, Boston, MA 02125. The committee intends to conduct interviews at the AHA meeting in Atlanta in January 2007.

-- The University of Massachusetts Boston is an urban university with a diverse faculty and student body. We strongly encourage applications from women and members of minority groups. A PhD in hand by August 2007 is required.

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