Freja Mithra

From Incantatem


Freja Mithra

Freja Mitrha-Verillion (FRAY-uh MEE-thruh ver-ill-ee-OH) is a 7th year Slytherin played by Meian.

The Basics

Current Age: 17
Birthday: June 3rd, 1976
Height: 5’7’’
Weight: 137 lbs
Wand: Hawthorn, 14 inches, Hair Stand of a Siren/Merperson
School Education: Completed 6 years of schooling at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Honors: Received prefect title in 6th year, received Head Girl title in 7th year
Blood: Considered to be pureblooded by most. This is technically incorrect.*
Maiden Name: Verillion
Husband: Dante Mithra
Name Meaning: Referring to the Norse Goddess of Passion, Freja or Freya
First Language: French
Played By: Jenny/Meian

Early Years

Living in France

Freja was born to her parents Amon and Adalinda Verillion and into the large pureblooded wizarding family in Paris, France. She is the second child of their family, her older brother being Amon Verillion Jr. While she lived in France, she lived a very secluded life and was not allowed to leave her family estate, and never did until she left it five years later. During this time she developed a strong bond with her older brother, as he was her only friend and playmate.

Leaving France

She lived in France up until she reached the age of five, when her father moved to Great Britain in an attempt to conceal his wife’s identity. He needed to do this because his wife was a veela from Bulgaria and classified as a magical creature, who do not have a great deal of rights in the wizarding world. The couple mainly made the move to secure the rights of their children, especially Amon Jr, and make sure that both would be allowed to carry their own wands. Because Amon Jr. was a boy, he did not show any signs of veela heritage and was much easier to conceal as a human. He did not inherit any veela traits or abilities, and would only pass down these traits or abilities to female offspring. Freja on the other hand, possessed the tell tale traits of a veela, with crystal blue eyes and white hair. She also had the ability to turn into a harpy-like creature and throw fire. To conceal this, her hair was charmed to appear a platinum blonde color and her eyes charmed to be the same green as her father’s. So far, the disguise has worked without question. Freja has to re-apply this charm monthly.

Years Up Until Hogwarts

In Britain, Amon Sr. was assisted by his old school mate, Armand Rodrigo, who helped them to find proper housing and get them certified as citizens. He also ensured that both Amon Jr. and Freja would have a place at Hogwarts when they came of age to attend. During this time, Armand took a liking to Freja, and decided to betroth her to his only son Cillian Rodrigo. Cillian and Freja quickly developed a close friendship. He was the one to teach her the majority of English that she knows, as well as conversational Spanish and some conversational Gaelic. Freja spent the majority of her time at the Rodrigo residence as Amon Jr. grew and her parents’ interest in her brother increased. Freja became severely neglected by her parents, and sought parental influence from the Rodrigos instead. This greatly helped to shape her views on muggleborn wizards and pureblooded lines. The Rodrigos believed that any blood with magic in it was considered to be pureblooded, which is the case of Freja.* However, some wizards disagree and insist that only human magical blood is pureblooded. Because of the Rodrigo’s influence, Freja was inspired to become a Death Eater when she became old enough to accept the responsibilities of one. The followed Cillian in his ideas and actions without question, mainly in adoration and dedication to the one person that gave her the attention she sought.

Life at Hogwarts

Years 1-3

At the age of eleven, as predicted, she received the acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She quickly made in impact on the school with her harsh and strict views of muggleborn and halfblooded wizards. She also took a certain dislike to Hufflepuffs, because it was a house that had the majority of muggleborn wizards in the school. Cillian and she quickly became very popular and well known first throughout the Slytherin House, which they were both sorted into, and later throughout the rest of the school. She also developed a strange understanding and friendship with Sebastian Glass, the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. During her second year, he brother suddenly up and disappeared while on his first real task for the Death Eaters. He had tracked an auror all the way to America, and then suddenly disappeared without a word. Her third year had the most changes for the young girl. Freja was let on to the Slytherin House Quidditch team as a beater that year. Towards the end of that year, Cillian and Freja decided to mutually break off their betrothal to each other. This was partially because both of them had interest in other people, and partially because they viewed their relationship to be too ‘perfect’ without any change or variation. They both agreed that they would remain very close friends regardless, and that if they both agreed to later, they would reinstate their betrothal. All of this was said and done without the permission or knowledge of their parents. Also at the end of her third year, Freja and her family finally heard from her brother. He was marrying a muggle, and was breaking off all contact with them. Freja was shocked by the sudden change, and felt betrayed by her brother who had always been there for her in the past.

Years 4-6

In her fourth year, she began to pursue a strange yet passionate relationship with Dante Mithra. This was mainly a tug-of-war sort of relationship where both sides were normally very angry with each other and tormented each other on a regular basis. Despite this, their relationship managed to survive throughout the years, although it was kept a secret to protect Freja’s reputation. Although Dante was a Gryffindor and an aspirant auror, Freja did not see her relationship with him as a betrayal to her own values. Dante was a pureblooded, despite the fact that he was a muggle sympathizer and not on the side of the Dark Lord, and this was the only criteria that he needed to fulfill other than being an intelligent person. Freja got along with Dante well, despite the turbulence in their relationship, because he gave her the constant attention she required and managed to make her feel better about herself and more important.

At the end of her fifth year their relation stabilized and by the middle of her sixth year at Hogwarts, Dante proposed. Freja had insinuated that she wanted him to do this, knowing that her parents wouldn’t allow her to marry a muggle sympathizer and unsure of when they would push her to get married to Cillian. Unfortunately, her uncle Armel Verillion caught wind of rumors of her engagement, and sought to end the engagement by any means possible. He attempted to cast a few unforgivable curses on her, but this backfired when instead, she cast Avada Kedavra on him and killed him instead. During this time she was accompanied by Cillian Rodrigo, Dante Mithra, and Rose Tippet. The four of them decided then to start an alliance to protect themselves and their friends from Death Eaters and the Ministry alike, and named the alliance The Hush, because they would work in secrecy. Freja also vowed to help all of the members train to try and resist the Imperius Curse and endure the Cruciatus Curse through the private and illegal lessons she had been receiving from Professor Glass. Also in her sixth year, Freja achieved the status of prefect of Slytherin. Her parents were unimpressed, saying that Amon Jr. had managed Head Boy when he was at Hogwarts, and that they doubted she could.

Before 7th Year

Right before her seventh year as soon as both Dante and Freja were seventeen, the two eloped. The ceremony was very small and open only to the couple’s closest of friends. On her wedding night, she revealed to Dante that she was of veela descent, and apologized for keeping it from him for so long. Ironically, Dante had a few secrets of his own that he then confessed to.


Right now she is in her seventh year of Hogwarts as Head Girl (her parents have yet to comment on this as they are currently not speaking with her).

Career as a Death Eater

With Freja’s parents and Cillian’s parents both active Death Eaters, everyone expected that Freja would follow in their footsteps. She was often asked to do menial tasks as a child for the Death Eaters, simply because she was cute and no one would ever suspect that a small child would be leading them to their doom. She was usually asked to lure targets away from a crowd by asking for help, and then lead them to a more quiet area where they were killed. Once she entered Hogwarts, she was used as an example of what every aspirant Death Eater should be, and often helped to persuade people who were on the fence to support Voldemort. However when she started seeing Dante and considering him as a serious partner, she realized that a relationship between an active Death Eater and an auror wouldn’t work, and slowly started to remove herself from the organization. When the other Death Eaters caught on, most became very angry and started to blackmail Freja, using her past as a Death Eater against her and threatening Dante. This is despite the fact that she refuses to give out any information on any Death Eaters and has kept all of their secrets.

Freja never received the Dark Mark, because she quit the organization well before she was considered old enough to bear it.

The Possibility of Insanity

Family History

Like many people who have pureblooded lines, Freja’s father’s side of the family is somewhat inbred. Inbreeding is known to cause insanity in some individuals, and is especially prevalent in Freja’s cousin Amaryllis Noircroix. Whether or not this has hit Freja is debatable, although she certainly displays a few odd tendencies.

Irrational Hatred

Her seemingly irrational hatred towards Hufflepuffs is usually justified by the fact that the majority of them are not of pureblooded descent, but this is the case with the majority of the school as well. She also says that they have no special talent (Gryffindors are supposed to be brave, Ravenclaws intelligent, and Slytherins cunning), but some would agree that Hufflepuffs being hardworking is their talent. The truth is, Freja is bothered by Hufflepuffs because the majority of them seem to be rather down to earth and happy people with a middle class or lower income. Freja resents them for their happiness because her childhood with her parents was so lacking, and she constantly has to work to gain their respect. She has everything when it comes to money and power, yet she often finds that she feels empty and like something is missing, and this frustrates her. Instead of seeking help, she feels the need to bring others down to her level by making them just as miserable as she is, and giving them what she would consider to be ‘a real taste of life.’


Her jealousy is also more intense than what one would consider normal. This is brought about by the insecurities she felt as a child as she was neglected, worrying that she was not living up to her family’s standards or that she was simply not good enough for them to care about. She is, basically, jealous of everyone who she feels has a better family life than her or who she feels is trespassing in on her own with Dante. For this reason she is especially horrible towards Elizabeth Ryder, a younger girl who has a crush on Dante. She also jealously guards her friendships, in fear that they too will abandon her as she felt her brother did. In doing so, she displays a fair amount of paranoia. Freja also often feels like everyone is out to get her, although this may be justifiable due to the fact that at the moment, many people actually are.

Concealing Emotion

Lastly, Freja feels the need to keep a fairly level array of emotions at all times, without going over the top. This is due to the fact that veela who get overly excited or emotional often revert to their bird-like forms, especially if they are angry. Because Freja is hiding this fact from the general population, she often forces herself to suppress the majority of strong emotion she feels. This often leads to sudden, unexplained outbursts during arguments that seem menial to the other person involved, or waves of sadistic anger in which she takes her anger out on others by hurting them rather than yell and express herself.

Current Plot Involvement

Freja has surprisingly only been involved in one of the plot threads concerning a time when Cillian cast the Dark Mark on Hogwarts Grounds and was not discovered. She has been involved in several Hogwarts related mini-plots, and will probably be involved in more main plot threads in the future.

OWL Results

Astronomy: O
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Charms: O
Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
Herbology: E
History of Magic: E
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O
Arithmacy: E

Other Interesting Facts

+ Freja loves little kids, and would find it physically impossible to hurt anyone under 12 years old.
+ Freja’s patronus appears as a Thestral that is visible to everyone.
+ Freja’s plans after Hogwarts are to become a professor, but in the meantime she’s going to be a housewife.
+ Freja’s favorite class is Defense Against the Dark Arts, but she also has a natural aptitude for Charms.
+ Freja has written a few of her own minor charms.
+ Freja plays the piano in order to relax, and also writes her own piano solos.
+ When Freja sings, she mostly sings Soprano or Mezzo Soprano despite her speaking voice being fairly low.
+ Like Cillian, Freja admires muggles who have some artistic talent, although she would never admit this.
+ Freja has studied piano since she was five, and now plays quite well.
+ Freja is currently pregnant... but she doesn't know it yet. O__o Kinda weird, cuz she's at Hogwarts... kinda bad, because she's playing violent Quidditch games...
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