Vietnam War

From Ibstudy

Sometimes called the "Vietnam Conflict" since war was never technically declared.

[edit] Leadup to war

  • Vietnam divided along the 17th parallel, U.S.-backed Ho Chi Minh in South.
  • French leave Vietnam at the end of the Indo-China war in the face of popular, strong opposition.
  • U.S. gets involved around 1957:
    • advisors
    • then military
    • escalation (under Johnson: "...if I left that war and let the communists take over South Vietnam, then I would be seen as a coward and my nation would be seen as an appeaser and we would both find it impossible to accomplish anything for anybody anywhere on the globe.")
      • max. 500,000 American soldiers in Vietnam (1968)
    • success stories reported, though not altogether connected with reality
      • Tet Offensive was a large coordinated surprise attack by the NLF (Vietnam National Liberation Front)
        • Militarily, it was crushed quickly -> an American victory, but it showed that the NLF was not defeated
  • USA withdraws troops beginning in 1969, under strong anti-Vietnam-war public opinion.
  • Vietnam falls to communism, 1975

[edit] Nature of the war

  • American tactics:
    • bombing: firebombing(napalm), chemical defoliants(eg. Agent Orange). A greater mass of bombs were dropped on Vietnam than were on Germany during WWII.
      • Vietnam wasn't industrialized, and so bombing missions had a limited amount of tactical targets.
      • Agent Orange had adverse effects:
    • Setting up "strategic hamlets" or "safe" villages
      • forcibly relocating people to new villages alienated them
  • Anti-American tactics:
    • Vietcong and NLF were highly motivated, experts at guerrilla warfare
      • Generally, the guerrilla war couldn't be won by the USA: enemy combatants couldn't be distinguished from civilians until they shot at you. The USA's conventional warfare, even with numbers, funds, and technology, was ineffective.
      • Despite heavy bombing, Vietcong supplies couldn't be stopped on the Ho Chi Minh trail.
    • Vietcong/NLF had military/supply support from China, Russia, North Vietnam.
  • NLF had widespread support, even in South Vietnam, because of anti-government, anti-imperialist ideas. America did not recognize this need, and focused purely on military intervention.

[edit] Effects

  • Victory for the communist world
  • Vietnamese costs great
    • 1-2 million civilians dead, 18 million homeless
    • Agent Orange: birth defects
  • U.S.A:
    • Detracted attention from domestic reforms
    • Shook the confidence of this new world power
  • U.S. soldiers:
    • shunned by an anti-Vietnam-war society
    • many had post-traumatic stress disorder
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