Deities of Hyrule

From Hyrule

The Deities of Hyrule are, at best, the driving force of the world in which HA2 takes place. There are many gods within Hyrule, some good, some bad, all revered. Of the gods, only the Fierce Deity and Armaggedon have featured prominently in the story.

The gods are almighty beings, the most powerful of any form of existence, they are eternal, and infinitely powerful, Armaggedon once ended a timeline to erase all its evil. With their might, they are revered by most people in Hyrule, although there are some lesser-known gods that have appeared every so often.

[edit] Known gods

Din, Nayru, and Farore: the three mother goddesses of Hyrule, as they are the ones who shaped it, as well as the ones who left behind the Triforce. They are the prime focus of worship in Hyrule, though they have not appeared yet in the storyline itself.

Aalya: the legendary goddess of time who protected the ancient Hero of Time during his mission in Termina. Most people have forgotten her, even though she continues to watch the world of Hyrule and dictate the events transpiring within its boundaries...

The Fierce Deity: the god under which Kasei serves, who reigns as the god of war in most respects. He wears silver-blue armor and carries a helix sword. He has appeared only once in the main story, to prevent Kasei from attacking Cell Sky. He seems to be very serious in what he does, and does not like jokes.

Armaggedon: the god featured the most in Kasei's series, he appeared mainly in the alternate timeline as an evil deity, and ended the timeline. It is unknown if he will return in the main story.

Rohtric: the god of Storms and Thunder, Rohtric is a deity that has been all but forgotten by the people of Hyrule. A select few, however, continue to revere him, and to these people he grants the ability to control the element of Lightning with great efficiency. He is in no way a major part of any storyline; however, the powers he has granted to Alpha are essential to the Sheikah's continued existence against the forces assailing him.

[edit] Possible Deities

Zeso: Little is known about this (man?). Even though he existed over a hundred years ago, before new Hyrule was formed, cults still worship him today. It is said that at the height of his power, he rivaled the power of not only the Triforce, but the power of Din, Nayru, and Farore as well. His return has been predicted by many future seers.

The Three Knights: A trio of mysterious beings, only one of which has been to Hyrule. This Knight, Creator, ran into Burlo and Darkin, greatly injured. The Three Kings, who the Knights work for, seem to bear remarkable similarities with the Goddesses, but little is known about either the Kings or the Knights still.

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