Nathaniel Chandler

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Nathaniel Chandler is a Freikorps officer with the rank of Lieutenant in the Freikorps Marines, Regular. He is an NPC created by Band Geek.

Personnel File

Nathaniel is a Terran male, age 25, 244cm (~6’2”) tall, and weighing 79.4 kg (~175 lbs). He is an athletic boy, and enjoys participating in such sports as basketball and baseball. Nathaniel is naturally quite sociable, and has a wide variety of friends including, Geek. Geek and Nathaniel have known each other most of their lives, even though they were on the opposite of the popularity scale.

Nathaniel has a short blonde haircut, with green eyes. He tends to get his hair buzzed off in the summer and grows it a little longer in the winter. For his non-formal attire he can be seen wearing a polo shirt and blue jeans. His formal wear consists of light armor that is form fitting to his body. This allows for his athletic muscles to move freely and for quick access to his weaponry. As far as the weaponry itself goes, he tends to stick to the basics. He believes in using the basics to achieve his goals.

Personal History

Nathaniel was a typical jock, but is intelligent, and was in advanced tracks throughout his formal education. Nathaniel joined the Freikorps around the same time as Geek. Nathaniel would have stayed loyal to the Freikorps, as loyalty is a major quality that he possesses. He congratulated Geek when he was promoted and volunteered to help Geek in all of his affairs.

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