
From Hl2land

Owning a business and supply license is one of the best ways to get ahead in HL2Land. By owning a business and supply license, you are able to buy supplies - usually in bulk - and sell them to other players at a higher cost.


Creating a Business

Creating a business is very easy. Simply press F3 to bring up your Player Menu and navigate to the Business tab. Click Create Business, type a name for your business (this can be changed later), and press your enter key. Congratulations on your very own business! However, you cannot buy supplies from the supply market without a supply license. That requires that you put 10,000 credits into your business and buy it.

Putting Money into your Business

After you have created your business, you can put money into it. You do this by going to the Business tab of your Player Menu and clicking Give Money. Enter the amount that you wish to give your business, and press your enter key. This will move the credits from your character to your business.

The Supply License

Buying a Supply License

Buying Supplies

Personal tools