
From Heroic Insanity

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Alter ego
Creator Lysinias
Aliases Lysie, Ly
Alliances Shelly/Seany/Amanda
Former Alliances
Species Imp
Affiliation insane
Powers Shapeshifting, portal opening powers, ability to control reality inside her home, able to turn raw energy into potions, can channel many different powers, has multiple personalities, has a magic bag

While the Ly personality was originally based off her creator, she's not your typical Mary-Sue. While still maintaining her creators love of horror movies, animals (normal or magical, dragons most of all), reading, and a protective streak that leaves her shuddering with horror at the thought of truly hurting someone else, she has differed strongly with the advent of going insane.



Originally, Ly was not insane, nor an imp. She was in fact, a human, lacking any powers at all. Artistic, with a near perfect memory for biology, she went to California for a convention featuring some of her favorite web comic authors. While in California, she stumbled across what looked like an abandoned mansion. Feeling drawn to it, her normal cautiousness was cast aside, and she snuck up. The pull got stronger as she approached the front door, and when she entered, the door snapped shut, and the house immediatly began the process of turning her into something the house could force its wild energies through, and tame them. While Ly was capable of physically surviving this (the first in a long time), her mind did not fare so well.

New personalities began to form, in her mind's attempt to try and handle the many energies being forced through her. Many were originally Ly's own visualizations of her personality's aspects, which she used to personify arguments when a decision was hard to make. Because of this, Ly at first noticed nothing wrong with herself mentally, despite the fact she could speak to and even see the other personalities in the dimension her imagination had become. When new "aspects" began showing up, she merely continued naming them based on what they were like. These aspects however, began developing into entirely seperate personalities, each one gathering energies related to their strongest characteristic. Several strong emotion based personalities gathered some of the same energies, though every personality has at least one energy it alone has mastered.

The house itself is strange, and does have a mild ability to think on its own. However, it only has actual thoughts when connected with someone through a mental link, which it will only maintain with its current "owner". It is in weak spot in the fabric of reality, where many dimensions (or alternate universes), have a weak spot and connect to each other. As a result, there's a lot of energy being forced through the weak spot chaoticly. The house has no specific form, and no one is even sure if it was there before the weak spot was created. It needs a living being to channel the energy through, to bring order to the energy. This is where all the human Ly's powers came from. The house is now actually a part of her, and she a part of the house.

At some point while she was discovering that she could control the house, which seems infinite, and that she had powers, she stumbled across a silver bag that also appears to have infinite space, and can create anything the person who reached into the bag is thinking. She keeps this bag on her person at all times, and uses it frequently.

When at another convention 2 years after having her mind connected to the house, Ly brought a boy to live in the house, as he (Seany) didn't seem to have anywhere else to go. At the time, she wasn't having much problems with the other personalities taking control, and was even unaware they had powers. He agreed to take one of her potions so that she could study the effects on his mind. The two became very good friends quickly, and soon Ly began to show him her other personalities, though not realizing it. Soon after she first showed him one of her other personalities, she began to lose control of herself, and the other personalities began to be able to take control of the body. Ly lost all will to go out unless Seany accompanied her. This made her exiting the house rare.

At one point, her most dangerous personality was in control, when a copy of her was made into a seperate physical form, identical to Ly. In the fight the ensued, this personality, Creepiness, was given a scar across her face and renamed Acissa. Seperated from Ly and the boundaries placed on her, Acissa quickly degraded into a psychopath intent on murdering them both. She still maintains the same powers as Creepiness.

Shortly after, Ly made the decision to become a certain type of imp that Seany had described to her. The potions were brewed for it, and she slowly turned imp, finishing on April 1st. This gave the Ly personality shapeshifting powers. And stabilized her mind for a short period of time, and has permanently slowed Ly's mental degradation.

Currently, Ly continues to degrade mentally, though she is still the dominant personality.

Occasionally dubbed Crazy Ly, in order to keep the creator and character seperate in conversation.

Lysinias' personalities


Fashion obsessed, and a little cruel at times. Her powers seem to be an ability to make makeup appear from nowhere. A new personality, her full powers are yet unknown.


One of the more insane personalities. She has weak telempathy, enough to cause insane cheer in anyone in her range (about 100 feet), she is a powerful telepath, and lacks any and all rationale, inhibitions and ability to understand there are consequences to actions. And if she does comprehend that, she doesn't care.


Possibly the most powerful of the personalities, however, the least likely to do anything about it. Almost a zombie, she is almost constantly in a trancelike state, and isn't capable of speaking. She is capable of almost no "left brained" functions, though she can understand speech. She never forces control, and when in control, only paints. However, she is capable of making anything materialize out of thin air, and can alter reality. Will do pretty much anything she is asked, if asked nicely, or if it is suggested right.


A dark and murderous personality. Her main focus is not murder, but torture. Has Umbrakinesis and weak telepathy. She can only use the telepathy when very near someone.


Rather childish, is constantly taking notes or trying something new. Mild telepathy, can make her notebook materialize out of thin air, can figure out any puzzle quickly due to very fast logic and reasoning processes. Can see small details in things, but is slightly simple minded, in a child like way. A very bright child, but still a child.


A warrior, yet very peaceful. Has had no official training in anything, but does know how to weild a few weapons. She has never taken control, nor plans to, unless Ly's body is in danger. Keeps Lust and Creepiness locked away. Drew the strongest shapeshifting powers, mild super speed, unnatural agility and strength.


A very comforting, kind, and mothering personality. Has powerful Telempathy, and a calming aura, as well as great healing capabilities. She thinks clearest of all the personalities, has enough telepathy to make someone who is upset think clearly and reasonably, and is a peace maker.


Had she still been an aspect when Ly turned imp, she would have disappeared. Can shapeshift into any female form the person she is seducing would find most attractive, can make even someone not attracted to women attracted to her, and emits an aura that removes all inhibitions and makes one very lustful. She can even focus her powers to make them unable to think at all. Her powers maintain a control over herself, making her a sex addict. Otherwise a nice, sensitive person, during certain periods of time she's extremely able, and will without a second thought, drug someone with her powers to get sex, in other words, will essentially rape.


The dominant, and original, personality. Is experiencing a slow loss of rationality and reason. Can open portals, shapeshift, and channel and bottle the energies (or powers) of the other personalities.

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