Getting Started

From Heartsandminds

Arrival and requirements to leave village

When you decide to bring a pup to the game, your character will by default wake up on a passenger train car. After exiting the train, characters will be in a spacious terminal. Two figures will always be present in the terminal. A man wearing dark sunglasses who never speaks a word, and a woman who probably seems a little bit off balance. The man will point the woman out, but it is up to the characters to approach her. She is Delirum (or Dementia) and she will provide minimal information to get pups started in the community.

Characters may exit the train station at any time. They may NOT reenter, until they have fulfilled the goal determined by the mun per the game application. Whatever lesson the character must learn must be learned. At that point characters could reenter the train station and leave the village. These characters may return at any time. Upon return, it is again up to the mun if the character can come and go at will, or if s/he is once again stuck in the village with a lesson to be learned.

Assuming a character has just arrived, There is only one exit from the train station. The train track can not be crossed by any one at any time. There is an invisible wall preventing anyone getting close to the track. In every other direction, once you reach the edge of town (bordered by a forest on one side and a lake on one side, leaving the fourth side open to nothingness), characters may walk until exhausted, and the village will always be right behind them. There is no way out, other than the train station. No exceptions. (Except dropping, obviously, in which case a character disappears).

In game character death MUST be cleared with the mods.

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