Currency and the Economy in H&M.

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The Economy in gameplay

People have needs, and the things we need cost money. That's why we work. The same is true for our pups.

Here's the deal. Characters will be given a small sum of the village currency upon arrival. The money, if you will, can be used to purchase food or goods or services at various locations around town. But when the money runs out, it's gone. And to earn more, your pups have to contribute to the community in some (positive) way. Details have yet to be worked out, but so far, we have determined the following:

-Muns must reply to a monthly activity check with a link to a post or thread that shows pups actively contributing to the community (or not, if they so choose, in which case you merely link the most recent post). This puts YOU in charge of what happens to your pups. I'm thinking, you miss three activity check, you're removed from the game. I think that's fair. The village will award payment in conjunction with the activity check.

-Anything that contributes to society counts. Muns are responsible for keeping up with this. If your character has a steady job, s/he probably has a steady income. If your pup picks up trash off the streets regularly, s/he may be scraping by but probably has enough to eat, if s/he is careful and budgets wisely. (Mods will come up with a list of potential contributions to society. Muns are always encouraged to make suggestions!)

-It is up to the muns to determine if your pup goes hungry. Mods can't possibly keep up with the entire game. This is meant to be a fun and somewhat challenging aspect, but not a stressor. Go with it. Enjoy it. And just make sure your pups contribute someway, somehow, and regularly, and you'll be okay.

-If a pup chooses not to work or contribute in a positive way, there is always theivery. Pups can steal to get what they want or need. We totally welcome con artists. But. Within reason. Everyone can't be a sneaky, sly bastard.

-Prostitution and such is certainly acceptable, again within reason.

-We're hoping to establish a mock society here, despite the isolated setting.


The currency of this isolated setting is called 'Darge, or Darges in plural. Our equivalent to this is dollars, and that's all they are. There are no coins or subamounts to worry about, just bills. Bill numbering works the same as dollars, with 1s, 5s, 10s, 20s, 50s, 100s, etc.

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