
From Gwn

The Newtype is humanity's next evolutionary stage. Since the modern space age, humanaity has experienced unique environmental factors. With the increased exposure to zero gravity and space radition, the human race began to evolve itself further than the genetic norm common throughout the ten-thousand years of homo sapien existence. The term Newtype indicates the 'newtype of humanity', theorized by scientists from studies as a new classification; homo novus, latin for 'Newytpe of Man'. In the past 100 years evolution has proceeded to the point where a mass re-examination of what it means to be a homo sapien has forced a new classification of humanity. This has yielded two distinct catagories of new classifications, physical newtypes (homo novus valensis) and mental newtypes (homo novus presentia).


Physical Newtypes

The so-called 'Physical Newtype' (homo novus valensis), also known as a P-Newtype, is an individual that displays a high point of evolution in their physiology without having advanced mental facilities. The basis of this evolution can come from a number of factors, including the exposure that many humans have to existing in zero to low gravity for extended periods of time. A common enhancement of the muscle tissues and skelatal structure allow the 'Physical Newtype' better able to endure extreme enviroments much better than the other two classifications of humans.

The advanced development of the immune system is another unique part of the P-Newtype, which has led to some important medical advances. T-cells present in P-Newtypes have provided important steps in erradicating the power that some bacteria and viruses held over humanity. Enhanced healing through new particles found in the P-Newtype's blood work which accelerate the normal healing process. The presence of P-Newytpes in the biological pool have also helped ease fears that exporation of planets with indigenous life would produce microbes that would produce diseases that would devastate humanity.

Testing of the P-Newtype has revealed an average of 15-30% better reflexes, physical strength, endurance, and health than of a similar classification of both homo sapien and homo novus presentia. This can be lent to higher amounts of iron, calcium, and sodium chloride in new chemical combinations in the body, which have strengthened physiological systems beyond genetic norms.

Mental (Psychic) Newtypes

'Mental' Newtypes (homo novus presentia) possess highly evolved brain stuctures. Mental Newtypes have an extremely high degrees of spatial awareness to almost a sixth sense. They are capable of empathicaly detecting other Newtypes, and are sensitive to the hostile intentions directed at them by others, allowing them to uncannily react to their opponents even before the offender carries out his intended action. Some Newtypes also exhibit telepathic and psychokinetic abilities, most notably the ability to manipulate plasma.

The standard M-Newtype genes give their nervous systems more control and production of ATP than standard humans. When combined with an advanced neural network, a m-newtype's brain can produce 'psychic' waves, aka m-waves. These waves allow a level of ESP, which form from sensing what others are thinking before they actually command their body to do so. Also m-newtypes possess the ability to communicate with other m-newtypes within a range of approximately 25,000-200,000 km. The advanced development of a M-Newtype's central nervous system give the m-newtypes advanced reflexes and a higher tolerance of pain.


The Mental (Psychic) Newtype, also known as homo novus presentia, has been classified into several different levels through PSYCorp. research conducted through AC 265-268. The project analyzed a control group of several thousand subjects, analyzing their brain wave patterns to gage how to best classify the continuing evolution of humanity. In a surprising result, the results correlated into nine groups, which were recorded into a classification system. Presented below is the classification system developed, presented with detailed descriptions and examples of famous people placed in the groups.

Oldtypes / Physical Newtypes

Level 1

The basic level of human consciousness. The subject displays no conscious level of external projection of mental wavelengths (m-waves or psychic waves) beyond the confines of the human skull. It is impossible for a level 1 psychic to transmit brain waves, and they can receive them in very limited capacity. The Level 1 is also synonymous with 'Oldtype', as in humans without advanced mental facilities.

Approximately 67% of humanity is still at this level.

Weak Newtypes

Level 2

Unlike a Level 1, a person classified as a Level 2 Newtype is capable of projecting their m-waves. This is performed in a very limited fashion. The detection range of a Level 2 is limited, however the ability to project m-waves is greatly larger, allowing the Newtype to 'yell' louder than they could 'hear'. This phenomenon is unique to a level 2, who's power borders between that of a full Newtype and that of an Oldtype. Original classification segmented this stage as a class 1 with an Oldtype being class 0, however that system was discarded due to better understanding of Level 1 physiology.

Approximately 15% of humanity is still at this level.

Level 3

A Level 3 Newtype has a greater mental range than a Level 2, and possesses a limited form of Extra-Sensory Perception due to increase spatial awareness. Considered by some researchers to be the first category of 'true' Newtypes, it was this level that was often classified as someone with psychic powers. A level 3 Newtype possesses the ability to project their m-waves to a range of approximately 10,000 - 25,000 km. The greater range of the body's natural m-waves is due to an abnormal high production of ATP energy within the Newtype's cells. The further classifications of Newtypes is directly proportionate to the individual's ability to produce both ATP and advanced networking of the central nervous system.

Approximately 8% of humanity is still at this level.

Level 4

The Level 4 Newtype is capable of a much greater mental range than a level 3 Newtype, expanding to an estimated 25,000 - 100,000 km. The advanced development of the central nervous system gives Levels 4 and beyond advanced reflexes, exponentially growing as each level increases. At this level, still classified under the 'Weak Newtype' grouping, the Newtype is not always able to control its advanced functions. This is seen mostly as a developmental issue, noting the only real difference between a Level 4 and a Level 5 Newtype is their personal control.

Approximately 5% of humanity is still at this level.

Intermediate Newtypes

Level 5

Control is the main issue that separates weak Newtypes from Intermediates. The m-waves of a Level 5 Newtype are the same as a Level 4, but are capable of being focused to the point of direct interaction with another individual. This is often confused with telepathy, although study of the communications between Newtypes are much more complex than simple transcription of letters, sounds, or words. Instead the communication is best described as an exchange of emotions. Again, the 'hearing' range of a Mental Newtype is always greater than their ability to communicate.

Approximately 3% of humanity is still at this level.

Level 6

In Level 6 Newtypes, the mental wavelengths are much greater than the level 4/5 threshold, mostly due to an advanced neural capacity in the Superior frontal gurus from the frontal lobe of the brain. Aside from enhanced range of mental wave projection, approximately 100,000 - 200,000 km, a Level 6 Newtype is also considered by some to be the weakest form of a true Newtype. This is due to superior ATP production within the body and a superior grade of ESP that is the same up to a Level 9 Newtype. The awareness exercised by a Level 6 has caused them to be highly sought after throughout the wars of humanity, as they are the lowest level capable of properly handling psychic systems in military combat.

Approximately 1% of humanity is still at this level.

Level 7

Level 7 Newtypes are often misclassified as level 6, since they share many characteristics with Level 6 Newtypes. The main difference is the ability to use m-Waves in a telekinetic fashion. In Level 6 Newtypes, the ability to control matter telekinetically is often limited to gasses, colloids, and plasma. While liquid manipulation is very difficult, solid manipulation is impossible. This creates not only a interesting concept of the evolution of the brain, but also as the true path that the Newtype will follow.

Approximately less than 0.67% of humanity is still at this level.

Advanced Newtypes

Level 8

A rare occurrence, the Strong Newtype has only be properly monitored by PSYCorp. Agent Kari Shiro in one subject, Machiko Miedo. Her abilities far exceeded any other recorded, though it is theorized with two generations of AC265 that more subjects will be discovered at this level. The telekinetic abilities of a Level 8 Newtype far exceed that of any normal Newtype, and their mental range is observed as traveling beyond the scope of 1,000,000 km. The level 8 Newtype can also transfer short memories to other Intermediate Newtypes. Brain development observed in Machiko Miedo were such that her body was rendered paralyzed, perhaps an internal sacrifice for her own natural abilities. While this stage is seen as morbid by many, the development of Machiko's body may not correlate with the true form.

Approximately less than 0.3% of humanity is still at this level.

Level 9

This level has been theorized as the pinnacle of brain evolution, where both m-waves are capable of transferring whole memories and manipulating all forms of matter. No subjects have been observed exhibiting this behavior, and the leading hypothesis states that Level 9 Newtypes will appear 1-3 generations after a true generation of Level 8 Newtypes have been established as more than a genetic anomaly.

Approximately less than 0.01% of humanity is still at this level. No known subjects have been confirmed at this level.

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