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AGX-15 Astranagant
Model Type: Mobile Suit
Pilot System: T-Link System
Construction: Zehirut Crystal/Zol Orichalcon (Cronos-Refined Gundanium)
Date Built: unknown
Date Destroyed: End of AWARE/Cronos War (?)
Height: 20.35 m
Weight: 93.95 tons
Design Features: Cross Gate Paradigm System, Zehirut Crystal, Myomer Joints, T-Link System
Weaponry: Fixed Armaments
  • 2 x Laser Vulcan, mounted on the head
  • 4 x "Gun Familiar" Light Beam Cannon Remote Weapons, mounted in back
  • 1 x Axion Cannon (Black Hole Cannon), mounted on hand

Hand-Held Armaments

  • 1 x Zol Orichalcon Sword
Pilots: Ingram Pliskin, Noriko Takaya

The Astranagant is the pinnacle of Cronos' research and Mobile Suit weapons design. Originally made to be piloted by Ingram Pliskin, one of the leaders of Cronos, it was instead given by him to a test subject of his: Noriko Takaya. Upon discovery that the T-Link System have been fixed to indicate Civilians as hostiles as well, Noriko stole the machine, shooting Ingram in the process. Noriko would later repair the targeting system, and, thanks to the sacrifice of Smith Toren, her closest friend in the AWARE academy, and Aaron McAmis, her first love, was able to fend off both the AWARE and Cronos search parties that had come after her. In the middle of a chaotic battle between her and Ingram in the R-Gun Rivale later on, the Cross Gate Paradigm System was automatically activated via a self-defense mechanism the unit had, and, along with its' pilot, it was sent back to Jupiter during the Gemini Wars.

Noriko hid it and herself amongst various places during the duration of the war, until the Astranagant was fully repaired and Noriko learned how to handle the system. Once back, the Astranagant was used once again to face the older R-Gun Rivale, this time succeeding in destroying it and its' pilot Ingram by using the Infinity Cylinder. It was once again seen at the end of the war between Cronos and AWARE, protecting AWARE MSs and destroying Cronos' strongest machines. The last time it was seen, however, was at the end of the battle, fighting the Dis Astranagant. Both units fired their strongest weapons, The Astranagant's Infinity Cylinder against the Dis's Ain Soph Aur. The resulting blast was presumed to have killed both Noriko and Pharsti and destroyed the Astranagant and Dis.

Design Features

Cross Gate Paradigm System - The Cross Gate Paradigm System allows the Astranagant and its' sister unit the Dis Astranagant to Travel through time 3-Dimensionally: forwards, backwards, and into different dimensions. An extremely unstable system, it was in Noriko and Pharsti's best interests to not use it unless they were in dire need to, as Noriko found out when she and the Astranagant were sent back into the Gemini Wars and stranded during the course of the war. It's through the Cross Gate Paradigm System that the Astranagant and Dis Astranagant use their strongest weapons, the Infinity Cylinder and the Ain Soph Aur, which create an anomaly in the space-time continuum that causes the destruction of their targets.

Zehirut Crystal - A crystal mined on one of GOTT and Mao Industries' various mining planets, The Zehirut Crystal, originally found by Ingram Pliskin, is very alien in nature to the normal anti-beam crystals used on Mobile Suits, in that it, if given enough time, can repair itself via self-replication. Both the Astranagant and Dis Astranagant's bodies are made almost entirely of it.

Myomer Joints -A new technology, Myomer are thousands of nano-fibers, which act more like muscles instead of machines. The Myomer joints give an advantage in strength, giving the edge to two suits with the same strength rating, and a faster use of melee weapons.

T-Link System - Being the first unit to use the true power of the T-Link System, the Astranagant showed its' superiority by manifesting its' pilots psychic powers into a beam-like weapon as well as amplifying them. When channeled into the wings on the back of the unit, it gave it brilliant green beam wings, which could break into smaller pieces, become solid, and be shot at the enemy, exploding after impaling into their unit. It also appeared on the Zol Orichalcon Sword, creating a Beam covering on it to ensure total destruction of whatever the single-handed blade struck.

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