Unprotective Yoshi

From Glitches

From the game Super Mario World for the Super Nintendo

Go to a level with a lot of wrigglers, like the Forest of Illusion 1. Now, go through the level and get Yoshi. There is a spring sort of nearby. Lick it up and spit it out in an area that the wrigglers will run through and that's easy to see. Now, jump on the spring continuously. The wriggler will eventually come into your path. Eventually, you will get hit by the wriggler. When you get hurt, Yoshi's supposed to run off and you're supposed to stay the way you were. But, in this case, Mario will still be on Yoshi but power down. If you're little Mario, you will die on top of Yoshi. This sometimes works without the spring; if you jump on wriggler at a weird angle, you'll get hurt.

Submitted by: Connie

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