The Gay Opener

From Genco

After you gone to the story of how a guy came on to you, actually demonstrate and mock this imaginary dude, so you could talk to the group (ignoring the target) then say, "Yea, i mean this guy was totally flirting with me, he started by smiling from across the bar, so... we locked eyes...and again. Then he's smiled, so i politely smiled back, the next thing i know he walking towards me and we're shaking hands, (Demonstrate on the HB that you've been ignoring, then neg her with your body language when you turn away back to the group.) "So the guy asks, my name and we share general chat... then he steps closer and whispers, (Demonstrate on HB, Body language neg. BAck to group.) Don't let the group hear? "That shirt looks adorable on you." or something else, a neg even. Back to group," Now, i've taken this guy as just being drunk and over friendly, you know, i'm a good guy so i don't judge, i thought he was just complimenting the shirt and my model looks like everybody else. (SMILE) But, he's persistent and giving alot, (DIRTY SMILE) Anyway my idea is to get physical and inadvertantly flirt with the HB your gaming, or if you want jus completely leave her out and run game after thats your call. I think that said with enough charisma, you could gain such social proof from the group, thus eliminating cock blocks, and DHV to the HB all with just an opener.

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