Map Editor

From Gamedozer

[edit] The Map Editor

The most basic component that you need to create maps is the map editor (unless, for some reason, you enjoy manually editing XML files). The map editor is a stand alone program from Battalion that can be downloaded from the link on the left side of the main page ( It is currently only available on the Windows platform, so if you’re running a Mac or other Operating System you will have to manually modify XML files if you want to create a map (currently there is no guide offered on this). With 135 tiles on the smallest map-size, lots o' luck fella!

Using the map editor is relatively straight forward. You are given a list of terrain and units on the left hand side of the screen, and you simply click on the map to place the currently selected object. Some of the important features in the map editor include Open, Save, Export, Fill and Map Properties. Open and Save are pretty straight forward, they are how you save and read maps from your hard drive. Export allows you to export a JPEG image of your map for use in posting screenshots of your map (see the How To Get Your Maps Into the Game section). Fill clears the entire map and replaces it with either plains or sea. The Map Properties tab allows you to give you map a name, tell the world who created it and to give a description to your map.

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