They're really scary! I hope I never have an argument with a fat bald guy in a pub!

From Gamedatawiki

You are:

A Pawn!!

"Why?!" I hear you ask! Well, it depends how you got here.

If you got here through Read a Book and picked a thriller you picked choices which put you down as being quiet, dependable and with a firm sense of duty. Which makes you a pawn.

If you got here through Read a Book and picked something for Adults, your choices show you're quiet, willing to share and posessed of a slightly exiting edge. Which still makes you a pawn.

If you got here through Watching TV you've shown yourself to be lazy, disinterested in the world around you and pathologically nervous of bad things happening to you. So you're a pawn too.

Fear not! The best thing about Chess pieces is that their 'personality' differs depending on the person playing with them.

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