Emma hadassah phoebe shari doco log

From Ftvprotowiki

Hi, Emma here. My production isn't going so great right now. Not real sure what to do. Can someone help me with some back-up ideas.

hello emma nelle... thats unfortuate to hear. what about the roxi thing?? mine is going great! i am filming tonight at the taipans game. I have organised two cameras, one on the top level and one on the bottom. All the girls are really excited to be filmed so i can't wait! i also have a backstage pass so i can film in the dressing room aswell.

well good luck bro. luv ya P.M

Hey Phoebe Margaret Mawer! well congrtats on your organisation skills! Hi5 for you! My plans for my doc have progressed! Rita has contacted me and i will be filming her on sunday! :):) big smiles for me haha also she has got some photos and footage to show me so i can use them for archieval footage! so that is also a bonus! Next week she will be teaching hip hop classes, she has invited me to come and film her teaching the class! So so far all is going well! Hope everything goes well for you this weekend. If you can still drop the camera over to me thatd be great if not just give me a msg and i shall come collect it! Have Fun. ciao bella xxx xxx EH

Its shaun sory to get off the subject but i was having a look at these and i was just wondering if the footage of the tipans game was from friday the third. if it was i was wondering if you hapened to film the band. if you did can i have a copy. thanks

Hey sisters from other misters, (haha.. im so funny!). Production is going super. I have 4 hours worth of footage (2 cameras, and 1 verrry loong day) of dogs, there owners, and groomers. I may need a soul interview with the manager of The Dog House. Luckily, I now have my own camera so I dont have to hire out the school camera's (thank god). Right now, I have heaps of editing to do. Not really looking forward to it, as I cant remember much about final cut express. Much help would be appreciated! Hope everyone is super. Peace and Love, Shari (SA).

HEY CHICKYS THIS IS DASSAH HERE. (sorry bout caps lock) I am going ok...in my doc. I have done about 80 % of my interviews, but they are all over exposed or under exposed or bad colours or something. Each one needs to be filmed over...arrgghh! I am beginning my editing today, and I am finding songs to go woth my subject difficult to find.

Guys if any of you know of any sad songs that might relate to my topic can you let me know? Have a great day all!!!! Dass (HM)

Hi Hadassah, Weston here. I've had a look for some music that I think could be appropriate and come up with a shortlist of artists/songs. I'll play some of it to you off my computer on Thursday. Its all good stuff don't worry, I haven't got 'teacher taste' in music. Here's the list of names, just in case you have access to some of it already - Cat Power, Elliot Smith, Nick Drake, Jeff Buckley, Joni Mitchell, Jose Gonzalez, Sujan Stevens, Massive Attack, Badly Drawn Boy, Augie March & Damien Rice. Catchya. DW.

Hey, its Shari again! It's DFL time and I have just started my editing with much success! I have edited 1:44:02 worth of my documentary. I just need Weston to check it and see if its 'Year 11a FTV' material. Yay for shazzy fizzle!

Hi guys, Its Dassah again. I am redoing all my interviews ( Mr Weston I am perservering!) It is really frustrating but i have got some nice aesthetic shots that are quite moving. I hope this doesn't become a tear jerker but i think it will anyway. I am having difficulty importing my stuff but i think it will work eventually. Thanks sir for the list of names!! I have a couple of songs myself now too. I think Joni Mitchell has some great stuff! Thanks! Guys I'm off now. Have a great day. HM

Hi followers... Goodluck to everyone who is going for school captain!!.. Hadassah, I understand your frustration towards editing your footage. I just recently found out that i lost my 1:44:02 worth of footage.. which is actually alot considering that I am very slow at this subject! However, I do not think it is entirely my fault as I did save my work and because there is a conspiracy going on against me amongst the apple mac computers in the ftv room at trinity bay state high school!!!!! Good morning, good afternoon and goodnight.

Hey Homie G Units! Emzy here!.. well what a weekend of no show interviews! Friday was the goal to get it interview.. that didnt happen, and then it was sunday and then :O that didnt happen either. and by this time i was like omg what am i going to do. theres little time left before its due and i have NOTHING filmed! i was majorly freaky out, plus all the other assignments and assessment i have at current! arghh! so then the goal was for tuesday! and all was going well.. i went to her house she was there, we picked a spot that was kind of ok.. i wasnt too happy about it but i had to get something. But.. give it 10 minutes or so.. and all you could hear were trucks.. because she lives on a highway!! so then we stopped because i didnt want trucks all through my aduio. SO we organised for her to come to my house at 8:30 to finally get the footage done. This was succesful! I no also have some photos and newspaper articles that she has given me which i scanned onto the computer!. Now all is left is to interview 2 others and edit edit edit! geeze./. im not stressing or anything. So i better hop to it! ciao amegos. hopes everything is going well with you all

p.s.. Phoebe and Hadassah congrats on your school captain speeches they were superfantasticbeautifulgorgeoushotandinteresting!


HELLO ALL YOU GORGEOUS GIRLS!!!!! congrats Phoebs on school captain!!!! I am struggling with my EDITING at the moment because I haven't got enough quality footage. This is due in in less roughly a week arrgghhh..and i have only done about 1 and a half minutes of editing. Ok ok that is about halfway, but i have a heap more to go. i was planning on getting an interview with the caring friends representative. (Caring friends are a group to support those who have lost loved ones). They do not have anyone available in cairns. The family i am filming has a newsletter for contacts, but the qld contact is in Brisbane. (ARRGGHHH) I am working around this by bulking up my interviews with different peoples perspectives of this tragedy. i am currently trying to get an interview with a health nurse at the hospital who had a lot to do with the family during their loss. Have a great weekend all. HM

HEY GUYS!!! I am here at School and it's SATURDAY!!!! (very unnatural!) I am rocketing along on my doco now. I am still trying to organise a few more interviews but my editing is happening nicely with minimal glitches! Yes, well this is due in just over a week so I hope you are all on target! HM

Hello. Im at school, doing some editing, but im happy to see all three of you here too:) good group effort! Rita is currently getting her hands on some footage of her dancing at he olympics for me, so that is swell and im just editing editing editing. My music is really annoying me thats why im taking a break and hopefully go back to it all relaxed. The edditng is going well but, im quite happy with how its going! So ill get back to it! one week and its due! goodluck to you all. Emma Hughes

Heey, Shari here (wish i wasn't) Um it is Saturday at 2:30pm. I have been here since 10.30am, and i have made heaps of progress however my audio is all over the place, and i dont mean to rain on anyones parade but this documentary is ruining my life. Word. I have edited bits and pieces all over the place and i just need it all to come together so i think you will be hearing from me (reading this from me) almost every lunchtime and afterschool as I have a long way to go. I have to go home soon, because im working at a wedding tonight and i need time for my eyes to adjust to the outside world, as i have been looking at this screen for 4 hours. Im out. Shari.

Hey Shari, your life isn't ruined until you have pulled two all-nighters in a row, sleeping and eating in the edit suite. You'll feel really good about the effort you're putting in when your sequence is finished. DW.

THIS IS DUE IN 6 DAYS!!!!!! Oh no! I have only got 2 minutes of absolute junk! I am getting so much editing done, but I have had some trouble with my importing. Forgetting Mr weston's FANTASTIC advice, I imported straight from my USB drive, which means that when you pull out the USB, the files are inaccessable. I have had to re save them and I am now on a mission of reimporting and recutting the pictures to place back in my clip. arrgghhh...hopefully I will get this completed by today. HM

Today I have fixed up all my audio. Now I have to get the beginning of the documentary together and make it super so people don't get bored from the first 5 seconds of a dog coming through a dog door. If anyone has some super music i could use that be real super. I am going to stay through lunch and do more work cause I get really distracted during class time, it sucks sitting in the corner (No one sends Shari to the corner) (that was a joke). I know how I want my documentary to look its just, I dont know how to put it all together. Im out. Shari.

Hi all! phoebe mawer here. hope you are all well. i had a few issues importing the yesterday, but i eventually found a fire wire that worked. i have done 44 seconds and i am really happy with it!! have you girls had any probs with your footage?? oh yeh shaun, the footage is of the 3rd so yeh if you want the band footage i have it. i am filming some interviews at lunch today so thats all i really have left!! im excited. keep in touch. love pm

Its Emma, Today i have just been editing editing editing. its all going successfully and im really happy still. Rita was ment to come into my dance class today so i could get some more footage, she couldnt, so shes definately coming in tomorrrow! during my dance class today im going to come in and do some more editing so i can get some more done. Ive also booked this computer so i can use it all day saturday and get this project finished! i cant wait, im hoping it feel good when its done! But for now ill just keep working hard! goodluck to all of you, hope it is going well. EH

Hey ladies!!! phoebe here.... you sound like you are all doing really well so far. glad to hear. Super super. i am going to film the cheerleaders again 2moro night at their wednesday night rehearsal and then i should have all of my footage. yay!!! i am coming into school on saturday to finish editing, and i assume you will all he here so see you there. love phoebe!

G'DAY GIRLS!!! I am editing..and have successfully changed all my saved files to the data drive..so I am now in the process of re-editing all my clips that were on my thumb drive. I am doing my last bit of shooting tonight and then I am done. I could not co-ordiate an interview with anyone at the hospital so I am just doing the story of the family, and changing the focus of my doco to be more personal and specified than the general, more clinical approach I was planning earlier. Have a great day girls. I hope your filming goes well tonight Phoebe! HM

Hello Hello. i just tried to save something on here but it didnt work.. not happy! So what i was saying was i am trying to get 'real' looking pictures of the australian and islander flags and a map of the torres strait island but i cant seem to find any that suit the mood' of my documentary! ill just keep looking. other wise im happ with my production:) goodluck to you all! Ciao EH

Hey. Shari again. Its Wednesday. 4.20pm. Ive been here since 1.10pm. That's something like 3 hours. Going to work at 6pm til 10pm. Not going to be fun. I've done heaps of progress. I would just like to say Thanks to Mr. Weston who is sitting right next to me helping me choose a song and hopefully will burn me a CD. I still have a long way to go with my doco. I will be here at little lunch through to the lesson through to big lunch. I will also be here on Saturday, dont know what time, it depends if my brains will be catfood from excessive consumption of certain substances that will not be named due to privacy at the after party. should be fun. peace out.

Emma here, im in the ftv room with shari and sir. Were busily getting some editing done. Ive found a map i can use, finally, so that section is competed:) now just moving on to the rest of it. I have also put in the photos of the flags but i faded them to make them look a little less 'fake' but im not sure if sir will like them. Ive got shari to watch it, she said she really likes the beginning so that made me feel good. Hope production is going well for you all! im outies. EH

Howdy, Its Emma. Its the 16th today. So i came in during first break and worked through till second break editing. I had a bit of trouble at first: when i opened final cut and i clicked on the menu bars up the top it just came up blank for everything, so that was scarey. so i exited got back in and the same thing happened. I shut the computer down and after the second go it started to work again, and luckily for me i didnt loose anything:) i was very happy. Everything is going well, im just getting fussy with my editing and it is taking a long time! but im sure itll be well worth it once its finished. Im going to try and come in other classes if were not doing anything to get some more done. until then goodluck to everyone. Two weeks of school left. EH

16/11/2006 - Hey Shariinaa here.. umm its lunch time on a thursday. I started at 11.20am and by 12pm I almost had a heart ache because Weston is away (sir, your a dicer. If i can come to school, so can you!). I then attempted to upload music onto my documentary and had heaps of trouble but after much frustration I worked it out. I have 3 different songs playing, and they are all super. The only problem i had is that some of the songs are not long enough.. which is annoying when you need an extra 5 seconds of the music. I have 4mins and 10 seconds of footage now. Also it's really hard to concentrate in class, I almost lost it today because people walking around and music playing and i get easily distracted, i need chocolate. Im out cause my art class is going to start in 5 seconds. Weston, I need you to have a look at it, pretty please. Thanks. and thanks for the CD (some of your music is actually not noise :)

18/11/2006 - Its Saturday, i started to do my documentary but this box popped up saying I couldn't listen to any of the music I had recently added in because I didn't save it onto the comp (I tried importing it last time.. and it said it worked?) umm and i forgot the CD so yeah I have lost enthusiasm to work on my doco as the music sets the mood, and without music there is no mood!! I think I should go home now. However I have a 'sequence' (i think) so I'm going to do my art assignment now. Ciao. Shari.

Today is SATURDAY, and, yet again, I am at School!!!! I have now edited about a further 20 secs. THIS TAKES SO LONG!!!!! I have about a minute left to go!!!!! Bye guys. HM

Today is saturday and im at school again! fun fun! but the editing process is progessing! i had an hour break but and had some lunch! then got back into it. everything looks good just gotta get cracking and get it done! good to see you all here again with me! im proud of you:) Goodluck.EH

Hello all. Today is Monday the 20th. i now have only 7 pieces of assessment left:) im in the ftv room busily working on my assignment. its rendering so i thought id make an entry! i hope you are all going well. goodluck with all of your assessment! ciao Emma Hughes

20/11/2006 - Watup. Its Monday arvo 5pm. I gotta go home. I been here since 3pm. Ive done some more editing. Sir I need your help with the smallest audio bit, I've tried everything and it wont delete and grrr not happy jan. I now have 4mins 30 seconds.. god it's too long I know, but the music will rock your world. yeah just need some wise words of wisdom from you sir. Thats about it. Peace. Shari.

HEY ALL!!! It is Tuesday and I am editing madly. Sir, this isn't working the way I planned but i hope it still comes out ok in the wash. I now only have exams left...*YAY*. I am not having any difficulty with my project, but I am just trying to make the story link together well. It seems like it jumps from one subject to the next a bit. Like Shari, I need your words of wisdom too sir. Have a nice day guys! HM

Goodmorning all. Its period 1&2 - our allocated ftv class and im here busily editing. its all going pretty swell. just nibbling away at the editing and it is coming around so im happy. I need to get footage of the actually olympics opening because rita cant get it for me. Sir suggested going to a movie store and seeing if i can hire it out so i shall do that tonight. Goodluck with all your assessment. EH

Its big lunch and im in here editing. Just thought id come in and get some more done. Some of the students from the other class had a look and they said they really liked it so i enjoyed the positive feedback. I also got my feedback from Mr.Weston and am currently going through and fixing his suggestions (thanks sir!, i know im complaining but it really does help) Im out. EH

Its emma here Again! were not doing anything in dance so i decided to come work on this some more. I just finished my main beginning, many thanks to sir for helping and now thats done. Im still fixing up little errors here and there with audio and what not and then onto finishing it off. Hope your all going well. EH

21/11/2006 - And the air smelled like happiness.... not really!! Final cut just unexpectedly quit. Actually it wasnt so unexpectant as I know when my comp freezes that, that stupid warning will pop up: "would u like to reopen?" ... no i would not like to reopen I would like to go home!! I have been in this room.. doing my assignment.. since 11.20 and its almost 3 now.. so i've pretty much been in here all day! and sir just basically told me that my assignment sucked..actually he said that i have good footage that is just not needed. go figure!! so i am now re doing it.. and it's all over the place.. and i dont have much time and the sky is falling. Shari.

Yes its Emma Editing Again! When i added in my other main title its moved along other footage because it wasnt locked properly.. i got a bit worried but its all fixed up now so im happy. Im now working on where Rita discusses Racism and Discrimination. Im really not sure what im allowed to put in, or how much of it i should put in so i will work out what i think is right and then get sir to check it another time! Stress less shari! itll all come together im sure! just keep working at it! :) Ciao EH

Shari, I certainly did not use the word "suck", because your assignment is actually quite good - your footage is great, but your sequencing of that footage needed a lot of work. Its a shame that some of your really beautiful shots of the dog in the car aren't needed, but sometimes that happens, good stuff ends up on the cutting room floor. Please have more faith in me and yourself, you will finish this, and it will look great. DW.

MY DOCO WON"T RENDER! I don't care what anyone tells me...I HATE computers! These things are so unreliable..like that Whitlams song..ok ok... a bit off track! I am going great guns...as the saying goes. Apart from that I just have a whole mother load of footage to get through. I am staying after school today to try and finish it this afternoon! Good luck all you guys! HM

P.S. Thanks Sir for your imput.it was really helpful!

22/11/2006 - Hey. the sky didn't fall. I'm finished. I just gotta put in text. Sorry sir for being a pain. the sky didn't fall!! - Shari

22/11/2006 - Emma stayed after school to work on her assignment. slowly progressing to the finish line. just touching up bit here and there and putting more in

23/11/2006 - In my ftv - class finally getting there. just fixing things here and there and adding some more archieval footage.. still have to finish my opening sequence. Ciao EH

23/11/2006 hi my names phoebe, i like long walks on the beach. I have done 1 min 28 secs. not that long but i like it. i have to get one more interview with jenna and thats it. then i just have to finalise a few things like my voice over. alls good in the hood!! pm

HELLO ALL YOU FTV-ERS!!! I am so sick of this assignment!!! It is due today and I'm no where near finished...shhhh don't tell sir! I am staying late this afternoon so hopefully I will tie up all my loose ends by then! I can't come in this weekend because I am working both days 9-5.30 *YAY*. Sorry sir...I hope you don't get mad that its not done..but it WILL BE fantastic when I am finished. Bye all. HM

24/11/2006 - I'm offically finished - Shari.

Emma Hughes 28/11/06

'Hidden Local Talent'

What program did you make your segment for: Australian Story

Why was your segment a success on this program: Australian Story base their docos on extraordinary people and events, Rita's story fitted this profile. Also because it was a strong subject and because it involved political aspects.

What tone did you portray: Informative and Relaxed.

How successful were you in creating this tone: I was fairly successful. I informed the viewers of the racism experienced b Rita and also included some of her most memorable experiences to calm and relax the mood of the doco.

What point where you trying to portray: That racism exists and is evident in the Cairns society

4 Successful aspects: Archieval footage, music, shots (camera positioning) and the interview with Rita

What could have been improved: Focus more on audio, get more various footage not just shots of Rita.

How did it conclude: It finished with saying what her future plans were. It was successful in that it linked everything together.

How did the music in the piece compliment your message: I think it was good. I had music that was relevant to the topic. For example, islander and aboriginal music, as well as taking songs from Chritine Anu's new album.

What problems occured: At first i had trouble with my interviewee. We couldnt organise a time and when we did other issues would occur however it eventually worked out well.

What would you change: I would get my interview done earlier so there would be more time for editing and i would get others opinions on the subject. I would have also liked to get more footage not just photos

Why would the audience enjoy or not enjoy the segment: Some would appreciate how an indigenous women has got so far. Others may enjoy learning about anothers experience. It would also be enjoyable to those in the dancing industry and those of indigenous background.

28/11/2006 - I FINISHED MY ASSIGNMENT YESTERDAY!!!!! it felt goooood! - The title of my segment- Spirit Leaders - I made my segment for a program called - Hot Docs + Emma Hughes 28/11/06 - My segment was a success because Hot Docs is designed for all ages----> my doco was mainly suited for young adults but it also targeted the adults as it covered the issue of stereotyping which is a mature subject. + 'Hidden Local Talent' - What tone were you trying to set in your piece - Fresh and vibrant tone + What program did you make your segment for: Australian Story - How successful were you in creating this tone? - quite successful i thought! my segemtns was fast moving which supported the idea of the cheerleaders being very energetic and fresh. + Why was your segment a success on this program: Australian Story base their docos on extraordinary people and events, Rita's story fitted this profile. Also because it was a strong subject and because it involved political aspects. - What point were you trying to make in your segment? - that cheerleaders aren't BLONDE BIMBOS!! they are inspirational leaders that should be recognised as that! + What tone did you portray: Informative and Relaxed. - Four successful aspects of segment ----> Footage of game night is awesome, my introduction grabs peoples attention and is fresh and stylish, backstage footage is effective beacuse it is something that people never get to see like behind the scenes, and exclusive interviews with the cheer girls themselves. + How successful were you in creating this tone: I was fairly successful. I informed the viewers of the racism experienced b Rita and also included some of her most memorable experiences to calm and relax the mood of the doco. - What coulce have been improved - More interviews with the girls as well as with the actual basketballers. + What point where you trying to portray: That racism exists and is evident in the Cairns society - How did your segment conclude? - Left audience wanting to get up and dance!!!! also left audeince with a new perspective of cheerleaders. + 4 Successful aspects: Archieval footage, music, shots (camera positioning) and the interview with Rita - How did the music compliment the segment? - Pumped up audience, complimented fast pace of the film. + What could have been improved: Focus more on audio, get more various footage not just shots of Rita. - Problems i encounteredin filming this segment - Got kicked out of convention centre...!! by 4 security guards!!! + How did it conclude: It finished with saying what her future plans were. It was successful in that it linked everything together. - What would i change if i had the time and the resources? - Make it longer, add more interviews with more of the girls. also include interviews with baskeballers + How did the music in the piece compliment your message: I think it was good. I had music that was relevant to the topic. For example, islander and aboriginal music, as well as taking songs from Chritine Anu's new album. - Why would audience enjoy this film? - because it is energetic and targets the issue of stereotyping which almost everyone is guilty of doing.... + What problems occured: At first i had trouble with my interviewee. We couldnt organise a time and when we did other issues would occur however it eventually worked out well.

	+	What would you change: I would get my interview done earlier so there would be more time for editing and i would get others opinions on the subject. I would have also liked to get more footage not just photos
	+	Why would the audience enjoy or not enjoy the segment: Some would appreciate how an indigenous women has got so far. Others may enjoy learning about anothers experience. It would also be enjoyable to those in the dancing industry and those of indigenous background.

- THANKS!!!!! cya later alligator.

Hadassah Meadows

Title of segment: Losing Life

Segment made for: Australian Story

Was it a success: Yes, it was a success because it fit the genre well, it was a relevant subject and it evoked emotion from the viewers.

What tone was set: A sad, slowpaced tone.

28/11/2006 - The Dog House by Shazza: The documentary is screened on Better Homes & Gardens, a lifestyle program that features cooking, gardening, building, and a segment on animals.The Dog house will be in the animal section with Dr. Harry as the host. The tone was playful and informative. The Dog house will have an effect on the audience, as they will be amused that dogs are being treated as humans. They will also be informed about dogs and their grooming essentials. We also hear their opinions about dogs being groomed and if too much money is being spent on canines.

The documentary consisted of a day in a dog's life (Simba's life) whilst at the dog salon. The documentary got up and close with the clients, three ladies having a group discussion, and the work that goes into looking after and providing for the animals. The Dog House is aimed at all ages, dog lovers and documentary watchers who are looking to get the best equipment and dog information for their canines. Better Homes and Gardens is aimed specifically at suburban households.

Improvement's could be used with showing 'the journey' to the dog house, nice shots of the dog in the car could have been even more entertaining.

mmaking chnanges is easy

Also final cut express always closed unexpectedly. Return to [11a FTV Production Logs]

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