12aFTV Production Blogs ShortFilm/Eric

From Ftvprotowiki

9 - 3 - 2007 Today i finished writing an email and then sending an email to Cairns Central asking to use there premisis. EW

13 - 3 - 2007 Today was spent working on the title for my film. EW

15 - 3 - 2007 Today i got an email back not letting me shot in cairns central so i started a new second half of my shot list. EW

16 - 3 - 2007 Today i got some shots ideas whilst watching Fight Club. EW

19 - 3 - 2007 booked cameras for tuesday and thursday. EW

20 - 3 - 2007 watched bike movie. Filmed at cairns central carpark. EW

21 - 3 - 2007 had camera booked but was raining. EW

22 - 3 - 2007 imported/edited. EW

23 - 3 - 2007 edited. EW

26 - 3 - 2007 filmed rolling to cairns central. EW

27 - 3 - imported/edited. EW

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