Technologic Labs/Episode 3: Wii-Make

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Rzc3ix I loved your blog post.Much thanks again. Want more.


[edit] Segmants

[edit] Segmant 2-Magic Gamecube

Cream sighed as the end credits to her favorite show, Pokemon faded away. She always hated when the show ended and always wondered what it would be like to live in the pokemon world and have her own little creatures around her. Noticing she had been watching the show with Tails, she turns to him and asks:

"Do you think you could make something that could teleport me into the Pokemon world?"

"I suppose...." Tails said, getting up "Hold I'll go to my lab and I should be able to whip something up there..."

For a few days all was quiet until Tails showed Cream his latest invention.

"This helmet..." he explained "Will be able to teleport you INTO the pokemon world..."

"Awesome!" Cream says, almost immediately strapping on the helmet.

"Here, just remember you can use this remote to return anytime you need to" Tails said, handing her a small red remote control.

Without saying much else Cream closed her eyes and soon teleported into Pokeworld.

When she opened her eyes she quickly noticed it was a lot warmer than the interior of Tails' house. The climate was almost tropical and a sweet smell filled the air. She was in a huge meadow now, and she was dressed like a pokemon trainer with a red vest on over a white T-shirt. On her vest were 6 pokemon, one of them reflecting the light in her eyes. She took that one off her vest and threw it down. There was a flash and a familiar yellow creature burst out of it. The small yellow rodent looked back at her and said:


"Aw...its a Pikachu" Cream said, kneeling down before her obedient Pokemon. She wrapped her arms around the creature when it suddenly whimpered and immediately started glowing. Before Cream could move her hands away she was instantly electric shocked and backed away as an odd chime came from her pocket. As if by second nature she whipped out her pokedex as it spoke to her.


"That wouldve been more helpful EARLIER!" Cream shouted into the machine, her skin now black and charred as was anyone's on a cartoon after being shocked.

Just then, she turned quickly at the sound of a rustle in the bushes. Suddenly, a Charmander leapt out at her. She quickly backed off at the sight of the fire lizard and directed her pikachu to fight it.

"Pikachu...." she said hesistantly "Shock him"

Cream backs off but is suddenly shocked again.

"HIM! NOT ME!" she cried.

The Pikachu tried again and hit the charmander, causing it to faint. Cream slung a pokeball at the creature and it was quickly sealed inside. Upon catching the creature, she scooped up his pokeball and sat down next to her Pikachu under a tree.

"You gotta work on your aim fella" Cream said, referring to the fact that she had been shocked numerous times.

Pikachu just whimpered. Cream felt bad and pet his head as a projectile suddenly whizzed by.

"BULBASAUR!" a small pokemon roared out, firing off small but deadly leafy projectiles at Cream and Pikachu.

Cream leaps to her feet to avoid being killed and prompts her Pikachu to fight but Pikachu instead does nothing, but shrug and slink away.

"Wait!" Cream asked "Where are you going?"

"Pika" the creature whimpered mournfully and slinked away, leaving Cream to deal with the menacing Bulbasaur. She then got an idea and threw the other pokeball to the ground releasing her Charmander that she had caught.

"Char! Char!" the creature barked cheerfully.

"Now....uh... char that beast!" Cream said.

Charmander turns around and blasts her with flame. She growls and points him at Bulbasaur.

"THAT CREATURE, YOU IDIOT!" she screams.

The Charmander whimpers and hangs it's head as the bulbasaur advances. Cream groans and backs away. Pokemon had such self-esteem issues. She takes the Charmander now opens it's massive jaw and kicks it in the back, forcing a stream of flame from it that hits Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur's leafy back catches fire and it runs around growling incoherently.

"Oh gee" Cream says "I should probably put that fire out!"

Cream runs to the river nearby and is greeted by a turle pokemon. None other than Squirtle. The squirtle looks at her for a couple seconds before opening its mouth and drenching Cream with water. Now all her clothes were soaked and her fur was matted as she glared at the turtle pokemon who stared back at her with puzzled look. It opened its mouth again.

Cream put her hand up over it to block the water and sighed. Did everything in this world want her destroyed?! She grabs the turtle pokemon and brings it over to where the fire was but the Bulbasaur she had seen was gone.

She sighed miserably, throwing the turtle pokemon aside. This world is simply too dangerous she thought nervously and began to reach for her red remote when she heard a devious cackling. She looked up as a huge shadow cast over the land. A massive air balloon lifted up and over the trees and inside were the duo of Jessie and James....TEAM ROCKET!

"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Jessie cackled, holding in her arms a captured bulbasaur.

Cream simply shrugged and turned when she heard an anguished cry fill the air.


Cream turned to look and find Pikachu strapped to net dangling from the balloon. Even the Pikachu didn't deserve that fate. But what could Cream do? She then got an idea. She whipped out her Charmander and directed it to fire at the baloon.

"Uh...Jessie?" James asked.

"What?" she replied.

"Do you smell something burning?" he asked.

"You know it DOES seem a bit hot up here" Meowth, their pokemon sidekick added.

"AHH! The basket's on fire!" James said, desperately trying to waft the flames away from the baloon as they devoured it.

"EER! Whose bright idea was it to make a basket out of WOOD?" Jessie growled.

James and Meowth pointed to each other. Jessie sighed in disgust as the baloon was brough down into a clearing as Cream ran over and snatched her Pikachu from the net. She sneaks off until she hears Meowth's scratchy voice.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" he said.

"You want that Pikachu, you'll have to fight!" James said, him and Jessie each holding Pokeballs now.

"Um...ok" Cream said nervously, knowing her Pikachu wasn't fully trained at all.

"I CHOOSE YOU....ARBOK!" Jessie shrieks, unleashing a massive serpent with exotic patterns down it's back.

"I CHOOSE YOU....WEEZING!" James yells, sending a huge behemoth of smoke and gas towards Cream and Pikachu.

"Pikachu! Thundershock!" Cream shouted.

"Poison Gas!" James shouted, prompting his pokemon to send a terrible odor into the air. Pikachu jumped back and unleashed his thundershock, striking Weezing hard but not knocking him out as Arbok lunged forward and wrapped his fangs around Pikachu, not looking good for Cream at all.

She then calls out her Charmander who sprays out multiple fireballs and knocks Arbok away from Pikachu. Weezing suddenly recovers and tackles Charmander leaving him severely weakened as Arbok opens his mouth and fires out some deadly darts. Cream lunges forward and herself and thrusts herself before the battered pokemon, taking the darts in the chest and falling to the ground as the 2 pokemon look down at her and mourn.

"Dont worry...." Cream said, slowly getting up "I'll be fine!"

"Not if we can help it!" James growled.

Just then Arbok and Weezing both got ready to attack. Cream put her arms around the 2 pokemon and hit the red remote button causing all 3 of them to teleport back to Tails' place.

"CREAM!" Tails said excitedly "Youre back"

"Yep" she said smiling

"Wait a sec,.... what are THEY doing with you?" Tails asked, referring to the 2 pokemon with her.

"Theyre my friends" she said.

Just then Pikachu reared back and Charmander opened it's mouth.

"AHHH!" Cream screamed, running away.

"What?" Tails asked curiously.

Soon after, he was blasted by a barrage of fire and thunder.


Great Work Technologic Sciantists

[edit] Segmant 3-Phobiac

Ah, Friday, a night on the town, good friends, good food, good music. This weekend, the Sonic Gang has decided to go to Pizza Hut and of course everybody is just dying to go.

"Aw man do we have to go to Pizza Hut?" Amy blurts out.

"Yeah didn't we go there last week?" Knuckles asks.

"Look, it was Tails' turn to pick the place and he picked Pizza Hut... again" Sonic tells them.

AHEM I said everyone was dying to go

"Hoo-ray!" Amy says sarcastically.

Now that's more like it. Anyway, unlike most innocent trips like the one the gang shall embark on, this Friday would hold something else, horror, terror and a deranged slice of pizza, with an ax, a really cool ax too, in fact it's got these triple blades and, anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. The gang heads towards pizza hut where the skies are slowly turning gray and gloomy. It was obvious a thunderstorm was on it's way. Amy, feeling afraid grabs hold of Sonic's arm in defense.

"Aw, I think they may be a storm comingm maybe we should go back" Amy whimpered.

"I'm all for that," Knuckles says "if I eat any more pan pizza i'm gonna puke"

"But Knux, we haven't eaten ANY pizza yet" Sonic replied.

"That's my point, the pizza's no good here anyway"

"Oh c'mon you guys," Tails insists "these clouds will clear, I'll check my weather guager"

Tails takes out a handheld unit and takes a sampling of the air, he looks down to see that it's glowing red, predicting a flood of epic proportions that would span miles and miles of land. Tails laugh nervously and quickly stashes it away.

"All looks fine guys," Tails says nervously "let's go"

Tails knew something bad could happen if they went inside, but his dreams of thick doughy pizza far outweighed his desire for safety and he decides they'll only be there for so long, they should leave before the storm gets that bad. Seems logical, right? I mean, you'd think it takes a long time to cover miles of land with a deadly flood right, well Tails did too and he's an idiot so don't be so sure...

"Hey did you just call me an idiot?" Tails asks.

"No...." Sonic replies.

"I mean the author dude"

Who me? Nah.... no way

The gang walks into the pizza hut, a sort of old restrurant at that, the clunky aracade games buzz in the corners, the counters were sort of cracked and the paint job was chipping incredibly but the Sonic gang thuoght it was quaint and charming and...*

"What a dump! Why do we always go to this one?" Amy protested.


" I mean, how quaint" Amy says, without feeling.

Thank you. ANYWAY, the gang orders and gets seated. Rouge decides to just have salad and walks over to the salad bar. She opens to the lid for the salad to see..... THEY'RE ALL OUT OF BLUE CHEESE DRESSING!!!!!

"NOOOOOOO.... wait, blue cheese dressing? What a lame horror fic..." Rouge says

Okay fine, they're out of Red Wine Vinegarette


Rouge screams and ducks under the table in fear

"What a drama queen" Tails says

Tails hears a strange buzzing from his pocket. His weather analyzer tells him to flee at once, but he turns the sound off and puts it away. Nothing could ruin a night at Pizza Hut. Just then Sonic realizes something strange, besides the cashier there was almost noone there.

"Uh guys? Isn't someone supposed to serve us?" Sonic asks at last.

"Eh can't blame them for not coming to work." Amy says "I mean it's Friday night and this place really does suck"

"Hey! I'll have you know Pizza Hut is a fine establishment" Tails begins "that is built with the fine principles of..."

Suddenly there is a flash and the lights flicker profusely. The gang gasps as the power is lost at once and then comes back on.

"More like an establishment built with faulty wiring" Amy says

"Hey don't be dissing, yo" Tails says.

"Uh guys? Where's Rouge?" Sonic asks.

"She's probably still under the table after her salad dressing crisis" Knuckles replied with a chuckle.

"Uh guys, I don't see her ANYWHERE!" Amy says looking around.

Suddenly the cashier from the front comes out with some drinks. But something was eerie about her. She had an oddly goofy looking smile. But of course, Amy was polite not to say anything at all.

"Are you on drugs?" Amy blurts out.

"AMY! That's our waitress!" Sonic yells.

"Oop, sorry"

"So. How. May. I. Serve. You. Today?" the cashier asks, leaving pauses in between her words.

"Uh we'll take a large pizza...." Sonic says nervously.

"Ex-cell-ent... would. you. like sa-lad with that?" she asks.

"Maybe we'll have that to go" Sonic says at last.

"OKAY!" the cashier replies cheerfully "WE'LL BE DONE.....SOON!"

The cashier walks back strangely.

"What was her deal?" Amy asks.

"Maybe she's been working overtime...." Tails replied with a shrug "a LOT of overtime...."

"Yeah maybe," Sonic says "but where do you think Rouge went?"

"Eh, she's probably just in the bathroom fixing her makeup or something...." Knux replied.

Even though they'd be leaving soon, Tails was kind of glad, something was beginning to feel eerie and he knew that storm was about to hit, plus he'd still get the pizza he had been waiting for. He sighs and decides to relax. He takes out his weather analyzer again to check on the status of the storm. The analyzer reads:


"Its never said that before" Tails mutters.

Tails knew now, that they'd have to leave, but he wanted the pizza so bad and it's not like those things were ever accurate. Suddenly Tails and the gang hear it. Raindrops on the roof and what appeared to be thousands of them, a neverending shower of rain pitter pattering on the oddly shaped red roof of the pizza hut. Tails was now scared. He moved the curtain somewhat so he could look out the window and he sees gallons of water pouring down. NOW he was scared.

"Uh Sonic? Maybe we SHOULD get going" Tails says nervously.

"Well if you want to I guess we can" Sonic says

"Thank god, this seat is so uncomfortable" Amy says getting up.

The gang strolls towards the door. But it was too late. Several inches of water blocked the door. They were practically waterlogged. Suddenly everyone glares at Tails angrily.


Amy charges him angrily and shakes him vigorously

"You mean you knew about this flood and never told anyone???!!!!" she yells.

Suddenly the lights dim again and Amy is gone.


"She dissapeared...." says Knuckles

"....Just like Rouge"

"Well, we're the only 3 left then," Sonic says "we have to find the girls and get out of here"

"But... where could they have gone?" Knuckles asks "And who kidnapped them?"

"I bet it was that creepy cashier...." Tails replies.

Suddenly the cashier lady steps out with an overcherrful smile presenting them a box of pizza.

"Your. Order. Is. Ready." she says.


The gang runs past the cashier. As they run down the halls towards the kitchen the lights dim and Knuckles dissapear leaving just Sonic and Tails down the dark hallway.

"Tails, you ok?" Sonic asked.

"Y-yes, but where did Knuckles go???"

"The cashier must have gotten him"

They sigh and lean up against the wall hoping they were hidden from whatever evil was stalking them. Suddenly an ax splits through the wall, the real cool one I told you about earlier, with the blades and whatnot, plus it was gold, I like gold. Gold is cool.


The 2 of them run down the hall as axes from all directions split the walls. Just the Sonic wonders, if he ever found the girls would they still be alive. Suddenly a butcher's knife flies at them. Sonic swings open the Men's room door and pulls Tails inside as the blade whooshes past.

"Ok, we should be safe in here" Sonic says, out of breath.

"Why's that?"

"Well noone would barge into a bathroom, that's just wrong"

".... Sonic I'm scared"

"Don't worry Tails it should be..." Sonic begins.

The lights go out and Sonic is gone. Tails is all alone and he looks nervously around to see the lights were already begginning to dim. Tails would be next! He runs out of the bathroom as 3 more knifes fly at him at once. He dashes down the other way and jumps behind the counter. Just then he sees the cashier. Oh no he was doomed!

"Are. You. Enjoying. Your. Stay?" she says, her eye twitching a bit as Tails backs off in fear.

This was super weird. The cashier seemed friendly, just TOO friendly and whoever was kidnapping everyone was a lot less obvious then the cashier had been. Tails begins to suspect someone else is behind all this. Suddenly an ax flies through the wall and kills the cashier. Tails screams as her bloody remains fall at his feet. He goes around to the kitchen and sees the killer at last. He was hideous, all oozing with cheese, and dough and evil onion like eyes that pierced you when you looked at them. Yes, this heinous foe was....

"Pizza Face?"

THAT'S RIGHT. It was Pizza Hut's former mascot PIZZA FACE. The slice of pizza whom hasn't appeared in commercials for years. This personified slice of doughy goodness stares at Tails with spite

"Hello Miles Prower!" the glaring slice of dough said.

"Pizza Face? Wow I am a huge fan!"


"Wait a sec," Tails realized "how can you be holding an ax with no hands?"

"I'LL ask the questions here!" he snaps.

"So it was YOU, Pizza Face, but WHY?"

"I've been haunting this place for years..." he explains "ever since Pizza Hut canned me, interesting thing, Tails, you know WHY they canned me?"


"Becuase they had moved on, they found a BETTER promotion, a cosponsoring with SEGA of America!!!!!"


"That's right! I was REPLACED...." Pizza Face yelled "with stupid menu items like the "Prower Pizza", the "Sonic Salad" and the "Samba de A-pizza" and MY personal favorite, "NIGHTS into IceCream"

"Look, I'm sorry about the Sega-Pizza Hut deal," Tails says "even though the Prower Pizza's pretty good, but it's not my fault, I wouldve loved you to make more ads"

"Well it's too late for you now, Prower!" Pizza Face warns, now bearing his ax "This is where I cut you off!"

Pizza Face hurls his really cool, but deadly, triple bladed, gold ax of doom!!! Tails runs away as various axes miss him. He runs into the other room and leaps back into the kitchen. There was just one chance. Tails takes some red hot peppers and sprinkles them on Pizza Face.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Pizza Face screamed.

Tails grabs Pizza Face and puts grated cheese on him now

"Wait! Whats going on?" he screams again.

Tails stifles his complaining with a single pepperoni on his mouth and slides him into the oven.

"NO! NOOOO! Not the face! AHHHH"

Tails cringes as he hears the sizzling. It was the sizzle.... of death. After Pizza Face has been evenly cooked, Tails sighs to see his friends were still missing. Pizza Face must have killed them Tails thought. But I guess I can always eat this pizza alone. Just then someone taps him on the shoulder, it was Sonic and the rest of the gang was with him.

"You guys, you're back!" Tails cried happily.

"Yep, and being captured sure makes you hungry! Hey a slice of pizza" Sonic says.

"Wait don't eat that!" Tails shouts.

Sonic already takes a substantial bite of it and a familiar scream is heard as he gulps.

"Wait a sec," Sonic says "what exactly is wrong with this pizza?"

"Well it's actually a mascot for Pizza Hut from the early to late 90's"

"Oh is that all?" Sonic says, eating the rest "I thought maybe it was overcooked"

"Well we should probably go home now" Knuckles says.

"Wait, before we go.... who wants some Nights into IceCream?" Rouge asks.

"WE DO!" they all replied.

And so that is the story of the NightMare at Pizza Hut. Yes, it was kind of stupid and whether that flood kills them or not, well we don't know but we can only assume. Y'know I think I might have some Nights into Ice Cream myself.... but first I think I'll buy an axe, a really COOL one, with the triple blades and the gold stuff and the,... oh, you're still here..... c'mon stop reading the story's done now, okay? Okay, so see you later!

[edit] Segmant 4

"So....whose ready for another exciting game of truth or dare?" Amy asks cheerfully.

The gang all groans.

"Oh c'mon I thought we LOVED truth or dare" Amy said.

"No, Amy.... in fact I dont even know why YOU love it" Tails said.

"I dunno, its funny, I guess" Amy shrugged.

"Maybe for you, its not funny when you actually have to do the dares!" Shadow yells.

"Oh cmon everyone! Live a little" Amy says.

"Okay then why dont you go first then, Amy?" Sonic asks.

"Alright I will, and I'll say TRUTH" Amy says confidently.

"Ok, tell everyone your bra size" Sonic says with an evil grin.

"WHAT?" Amy says nervously, backing away "but thats so personal"

"Hey you wanted to played this game" Tails mentioned.

"FINE. I wear a size..." Amy mumbles "B19"

"A B19 eh? I always pictured you as a C cup, Amy" Shadow says with a chuckle.

"Alright then, its YOUR turn Shadow, truth or dare?" Amy asks, now angrily glaring at him.

"Uh...dare" he says.

"Ok, then" Amy says, smiling, reaching into her pocket and taking out a potion

Before we get any further, We Are testing New Technologic Products

"I dare you to turn yourself into a girl...."

"For.....ever?" he asked nervously.

"Yep" she says with a grin.

The gang laughs as he slowly reaches for the potion bottle. He knew he hadn't wanted it to happen but he had no choice as he was under the sacred rules of the game of truth or dare. As the gang laughs, he gulps the potion down, but he had also forgotten an important rule about being a girl in the Sonicverse, and soon realizes everyone is staring at her.

"What?" she asks.

She realizes she's naked and runs out of the room crying, the rest of them laughing uproariously.

14 minutes later

"So, Tails, you wanna go next?" she asks, still chuckling about Shadow's current situation.

"If I must....and I'll say dare" he says sighing.

"Alright, I dare you to switch places with Rouge" Amy says grinning.

"What? Why??" Tails asks.

"I dunno, I thought it'd be funny" she says with a chuckle.

"It wont be funny for me when that" she begins to say

Too late. We already used the mind warper

"AHHH! Look at me! Look what you guys did to me! Now Im all furry and....boobless..." Tails cries, now with Rouge's brain.

"Woah.. Im hot...." Rouge says, now with Tails mind, admiring herself in the mirror.

Tails cries more.

Just then Shadow comes back in a Vneck green Tshirt and pink skirt, a couple of the gang whistle at her.

"Yeah yeah, it'll still take some getting used to, especially with this bra always riding up on me" Shadow says.

"Ok, Cream, youre next" Amy says.

"Do I have to go?" Cream asked.


"Well then Ill say dare"

"Ok I dare you to zap your intelligence reducing yourself to a state of blithering idiocy" Amy says with a smile.

"WHAT?! Thats just......" Cream begins, now getting zapped "DUH..... hey Shadow youre perty, but youd look better if you were smaller...."

Cream now whips out a shrink ray that she points right at Shadow.

"Hey careful with that thing" Shadow screams.

"Why, of course Id be glad to shrink you down to miniature size for the rest of your life, just hold still......" Cream says idiotically.

Shadow runs as Cream zaps and zaps away at the terrorified Shadow as she runs through the house, down the hallways, as the shrink ray comes ever closer. Panting, and breathing quickly she hides behind the couch in the living room. She sighs with relief, but then looks up to see Cream behind her. She runs as fast as she can but not fast enough, it only takes a second for Cream to pull the trigger and for Shadow to shrink down to miniature size for the rest of her life. She looks up in fear. What had happened? And worse what was about to happen as the idiotic Cream came at her.

"Duh...I think I'll keep you as a pet" Cream says with a dopey smile. She then opens a hamster cage and attempts to scoop Shadow into it but she runs away quickly.

Now with a major disadvantage, Shadow continues to run from Cream, each of her footsteps feeling like thunderous stomps to her. She runs and makes a leaping jump towards a toy car as Crean just misses hitting her. She starts the car and drives forward, but Creams still about as fast because shes bigger. Shadow jumps out of the car as is it is snatched up by the dumbed down 10 year old, but would she be fast enough?

"HEY! Whats with that whole long scene? Its all supposed to be about the game here" Sonic says at last.

Sorry my bad, continue

"So then Tails, or rather Rouge in Tails body, I dare you to..... give yourself boobs as big as Rouge's" Sonic says.

"Wait I never said dare" Tails protested.

"I know but before you were complaining cuz you had no boobs in this body so I thought Id do you a favor" Sonic says with a shrug.

"Hmm... ok" Tails says and zaps himself as Rouge watches in fear, her old body being breasted now.

"Alright then, Amy" Sonic says.

"Um I choose dare" she says.

"I dare you to use this highly experimental breast ray to expand your cup size to C cup" Sonic says.

"What? No, I like my body the way it is...." Amy says, all of a sudden, her breasts growing "AHH! MY breasts! What have you done?"

"I did you a favor, now youre more s**y" Sonic says.

"I am? Hey whats going on?" Amy shrieks as her breasts begin to glow.

Everyone gasps and backs away as the boobs shoot lasers at everyone. Rouge is hit and is turned invisible, Tails is hit and loses his boobs, Knuckles is hit and develops boobs, Sonic is hit and he turns into a bra.

"Ooh just what I need...." Amy says scooping Sonic the bra off the ground and strapping him on "A perfect fit"

"Great, now I have to spend the rest of my life on Amys boob" Sonic groans.

"Serves you right, dude" Amy says with a smile.

The whole gang walks out. Then Cream comes back with a hamster cage, which was empty.

"Hey, have any of you seen my new pet?" Cream asks, then takes a step forward and hears a scream and then a crunch "Ooh, my bad"

Why did we do this, Because We're F***ing Crazy

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