Technologic Labs/Episode 2: Upgrade

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[edit] Intro

This Is Technologic Labs, The Show where we destroy Caravans, In the name of Sciance

[edit] Fanficboy12

in the next few chapters thomas & arthur bart and lisa and friends was touring around Springfeild when bart said so thomas & arthur wanna come to the comicbook store with me and we said of coruse we've would love to come bart said thomas & arthur and seconds later we made to the comic store and bart said thomas & arthur are you ready to meet comicbook guy i think so we walked into the store and bart said comicbook guy these are our friends thomas, arthur, allan, sue ellen & francine & buster and then he said does it look like i care he said and then arthur said kinda rude huh bart said arthur yeah really i said and then arthur said sir do you happend to have bionic bunny comics do you and then comicbook guy said do you think we have bionic bunny comics here and arthur said no i guess not said arthur and then arthur said what comics do you have radioactive man said the owner well cool and bart said arthur & thomas what did i tell you said bart well let's go to the movies then said bart

in the next few chapters arthur & thomas was heading off to school when we crashed into Buster & Muffy oh sorry guys i did'nt see ya'll that's ok thomas said Buster and then amauffy said Thomas i'm glad that i ran into you because i wanted to ask if you could watch my brother Tyson for me asked muffy and i said sure ask your mom and let me know what she says ok and then muffy said ok i'll cal you on your cell and let you know and then Arthur said Thomas we better get to class before we all get busted for being late i told Arthur and he said thomas your'e right i think we all better get to school and then 10 mins later we got to school that's when mr haney said thomas buster & arthur & muffy i'm glad that you kids made it to class on time and now if you kids can get to class said mr haney right a way sir we said and then i bumped into Francine oh hi i said can i walk you to class i asked her and she said thomas that's so sweet of you to do that to offer to walk me to class

in the next few chapters arthur & buster and thomas was chit chatting about our summer when i bumped into arthur oh hey arthur buddy what's up i said to him and arthur said oh nothing much thomas said arthur how about you buddy i asked arthur and he said just chilling you know just traveling that's all arthur i told him and then Buster said oh really Thomas where have you been traveling too well let's see i've been to New York' Orlando ' and were are planing to go to Califorina just my family & me I told Buster and he said cool said Buster but say thomas wanna come over after school asked buster and i said sure how's your mom doing and he said that she's doing fine as a matter a fact she wants you to have dinner with us tonight sure i'd love too

in the next few chapters arthur & thomas was starting our first day of school and then arthur's dad said do you think that thomas might want a ride and arthur said uh no i think that thomas is going to catch a ride with Buster and then his dad said arthur is something wrong at school that I should know about huh arthur well yea there is some you should know dad said arthur and then his dad said what's on your mind son said arthur well some kids at school wanted me to try some drugs and i just don't know what can i do about it and he said well why don't you tell the teacher said his dad

in the next few chapters arthur & thomas was heading off to school when we crashed into Buster & Muffy oh sorry guys i did'nt see ya'll that's ok thomas said Buster and then amauffy said Thomas i'm glad that i ran into you because i wanted to ask if you could watch my brother Tyson for me asked muffy and i said sure ask your mom and let me know what she says ok and then muffy said ok i'll cal you on your cell and let you know and then Arthur said Thomas we better get to class before we all get busted for being late i told Arthur and he said thomas your'e right i think we all better get to school and then 10 mins later we got to school that's when mr haney said thomas buster & arthur & muffy i'm glad that you kids made it to class on time and now if you kids can get to class said mr haney right a way sir we said and then i bumped into Francine oh hi i said can i walk you to class i asked her and she said thomas that's so sweet of you to do that to offer to walk me to class

[edit] Speed Racer

Yoshi was in first with Peppy behind him.

“Get out of my way, Yoshi!” Peppy yelled as he picked up a green Koopa shell and threw it at Yoshi.

Yoshi dodged the Koopa shell and shouted back at Peppy, “It's going to be harder than that if you want to take me down!”

Boshi fired a missile at Peppy and was using a mushroom to pass Yoshi. “See ya sucker!” Boshi said, as he got closer to the finish line.

“Hey!” Yoshi shouted, as he speed towards Boshi.

Birdo, Zirdo, and Bronto were having a war of their own as they were in one group. Bronto kept slipping on bananas left by Birdo, but was able to throw red shells at Birdo and Zirdo. Zirdo used a mushroom to speed up, but it was hard because of the red shells.

Yoshi passed the finish line, but it was the second and final lap. Heppy and Shelia were right behind Yoshi, but he managed to slow them down with his Fake Boxes. Yoshi continued to speed towards and eventually he passed the finish line first, followed by Boshi, Birdo, Zirdo, Bronto, Peppy, Heppy, and Shelia.

[edit] Brainiac Experiment


[edit] Prankic

Somewhere at a random pet salon in Wisconsin...

A black-haired woman in a pink peasant-y shirt and a long green skirt with a gigantic boomerang strapped to her back walked in the door. In her arms was an adorable white cat with big pink eyes. The woman walked up to the counter and dinged the little dingy bell...thing.

“Uh, hello? I’m Sango, and this is my cat Kirara. We got this coupon in the mail for some salon visit...did I win something?” Sango’s voice was quizzical, and she jumped back as two girls clad in bright pink lab coats popped up from behind the counter, both grinning in a rather creepy fashion back at the demon slayer.

“That’s right!” Morgan squeaked! “ a contest...“

“...An essay contest.” Sapphire chimed in. “About her favorite...cheese.”


“Yeah! And Kirara, for her fantastical essay about the wonders of the exotic gouda feta, has won a totally awesome makeover!”

“So why don’t you just leave her here and we’ll take care of her.”

“Yeah, so you can go hang out with that guy waving at you outside!”

Sango whipped her head around to see none other than Miroku waving at her from behind the glass doors, smiling ever so innocently. Sango, however, knew better. Unfortunately, she also knew there was no use arguing with these two, as much as she hated it. There was just something about those two that made her want to whip out Hiraikotsu and slice their creepy grinning heads off...

“Fine. Be good, Kirara.” Sango made her way to the door, but no before turning to the two girls and growling menacingly, “I’m watching you.”

With that, she went out the door and went for a walk. Miroku followed her with a sly grin plastered on his face. Sure enough, a loud slap was heard a few moments later. When they were both gone, the girls went into the back room. Morgan rubbed her hands together.

“Ready, Saph?”

Sapphire placed the squirming Kirara into a wash bin and grinned evilly.

“You bet! Let’s get ready to dupe!” One Hour Later...

Sango barged back into the salon, steaming mad.

“That’s it!” she fumed!. “There’s absolutely no way I’m spending another second with HIM!”

She pointed to Miroku, who could be seen outside waving in a fashion similar to the way he had waved before. This time, however, there were several red, (literally) throbbing handprints on his face.

“I’m taking Kirara and leaving! NOW! Now! Now. now. now...”

Surprised to hear an echo, Sango looked around to see that nobody else was in the room. She decided to look around for her cat.

“Hello? Kirara? Creepy smiling people? Where are you?” Sango called out as she followed a seemingly endless - and pink, by the way - corridor until she heard two voices females behind her. Sango whipped around to see the two girls grinning at her again, more creepy than ever.

“Back so soon, Sango?” Sapphire asked. “Come to pick up little Kirara, I presume?”

“Okay, we’ll take you to her!” Morgan giggled, leading Sango through one of the pink doors. The demon huntress gasped.

“HOLY RENEE’S MINTY STRAWBERRY LETTUCE PUDDING!” she exclaimed, horrified at what she saw.

On the counter, Kirara lay curled up asleep on a fluffy pink towel, but she was...

“PINK!” Sango cried. “YOU DYED MY KITTY PINK!”

Sapphire scratched the back of her head.

“Yeah, about that...there was a mishap...”

“What kind of mishap?”

“, right after the mishap happened, a random curling iron fell on our heads and we got amnesia and forgot.”

Sango seethed with anger.


Her hand immediately flew to Hiraikotsu. Sapphire flinched, and Morgan steadied herself from the loud blast of sound that anime characters usually make when they’re mad.

“Whoa! Okay! Okay! We’ll turn her normal again!” Morgan’s hands flew up in defense. “You can even watch us!”

Sango’s eyes narrowed.

“Make it quick.”

Too frightened to pay attention, Sapphire grabbed the nearest three bottles of shampoo she could find without even reading the labels. Morgan then placed Kirara in the wash bin and they got to work. Starting with the first shampoo, they lathered up good and then rinsed it off the cat. She was still pink. Sango groaned impatiently.

“Guess it didn’t work.” said Morgan, the nervousness showing in her speech. “Let’s try the next one.”

They squirted out the next shampoo and lathered. When they rinsed it out, the pink still remained. Sango was now fuming and Kirara, having been exposed to so much water, looked like she was about to have a catatonic meltdown.

“I’m waiting.” Sango growled angrily.

“Don’t worry!” Sapphire squeaked. “The next one will work for sure!”

The lathered the final shampoo into Kirara’s fur. It didn’t take long for the cat to become covered in bubbles. When they finally rinsed it out, they all gasped at what they saw.

“Uh, Morgan?” Sapphire whispered to her co-host.


“Was this part of the prank?”


“Uh oh...”

Sango nearly exploded with rage whe she saw Kirara, who was now...


It was true. The shampoo had made all of Kirara’s fur fall out, making her look similar to a shaved rat. She hissed at the two girls.

“W-well,” Morgan stuttered. “A-at least she n-not p-pink anymore.”

Sango didn’t even listen. She immediately whipped out her boomerang and flung at the girls.

“Hiraikotsu!” she cried.

“EEEK!” the girls shrieked, dodging the weapon. It hit the wall, leaving a large hole, then returned back to it’s seething user. The two girls ran outside into the salon’s courtyard, with Sango right behind them.

“She’s gaining!” Morgan yelled.

“Okay,” Sapphire stopped, panting. “If we can’t outrun her, then we’ll just have to fight back! You have the ring ready?”

“Uh huh!”

“Then let’s do it!”

Morgan and Sapphire took off their pink rubber styling gloves to reveal that both of them wore rings around their fingers. Morgan’s was black while Sapphire’s was blue. They put the rings together and a white light glowed. Sango, who was now riding a bald demon Kirara, was blinded until the light faded, leaving Morgan and Sapphire in black and blue priestess costumes. They turned towards Sango.

“We are the Black and Blue Priestesses!” they cried in unison. “And we shall destroy you by creating a giant paper version of you!”

They chanted a few magic words, and sure enough, a giant paper version of Sango appeared. Not only that, but she was holding up a gigantic sign.

“What does that say?” the real Sango inquired. She read it aloud. “‘You’ve been duped’? What’s that?”

The co-hosts burst out laughing.

“Hehehe!” Sapphire giggled. “We gotcha Sango! You’re on a televison show, and we just duped you!”

“So...the whole thing was a prank?”

“Uh huh!”

“So you can make Kirara’s fur grow back, right?”

They stopped laughing.


“Uh...” Morgan tapped her fingertips together. “Well, that happened by accident, so...we don’t know.”

Sango didn’t need to hear anything else. She threw Hiraikotsu and tore the paper Sango to shreds.

“Uh oh.” Morgan whimpered.

“Don’t worry!”Saph cried determinedly. “We still have one last hope!”

She reached behind her back and pulled out...


“Of course! I bring Sparky everywhere I go!” Sapphire said cuddling it, making Morgan shudder. “Now...”

Sapphire pointed the plushie and positioned its magnet hands directly at Sango and Kirara. When everything was in place, she yelled put at the tops pf her lungs, “MAGNA TINGLER BLAST!”

Nothing happened.

“Wait for it...wait for it...”


“Any second now...”


“Nice move, Saph.”

“Aw man...” Sapphire groaned, kicking the dirt. “I guess we should start running now, huh?”


The girls took off for the hills with Sango and Kirara following them.

“You can’t get away from me that easily! Go Kirara!”

“We’re Morgan and Saph, and you’re watching Operation: Duped!” Sapphire panted. “See ya next time!”

“If there even is a next time...”

“Don’t say that, Morgan! You’ll upset Sparky!”

“Just keep running...”

[edit] Fast Spooks

HA HA HA HA HA HA! HA HA HA HA-- cough! Ahem! Sorry about that. Anyway, Welcome to the sequel of my LAST great horrible hit (nightmare at Pizza Hut). In this tale our friends enjoy some all new fears.... no ketchup packets, out of salt, broken straws and in every drink despener.... all there is is water.... and diet coke. Sounds pretty scary doesn't it? Oh it is.... for this is NO ordinary Burger King that the gang have decided to go to on this cloudy Friday afternoon. Oh is actually a Burger King....FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION and haunted by the spirit of.... well.... I'll just start from the begginning....

Thursday night the gang met in Tails basement and drew straws to determine who would select the eating place for the following afternoon, this time around it would be Amy, who was very calm about her winning

"HA! In your face, you dumb fox! No Pizza Hut for you!" she screams "HA HA HA HA! So uh...I guess we can all go to Burger King then"

"Sounds alright to me, cant be much worse than Pizza Hut" Sonic says, shrugging.

"HEY! What was so bad about Pizza Hut anyway?" Tails asked defensively.

"Well lets see, the service was terrible, the pizza was sub-average and oh yeah, WE ALMOST GOT KILLED!" Sonic explains.

"Dont forget the fact that there was a flood of monstrous proportions!" Rouge adds.

"How DID we ever escape that flood?"

"Uh... y'know, Im not sure....but, anyway, tommorow we'll all meet at Burger King" Sonic says.

And so the next day the gang met at Burger King, and not an old crappy one either, this Burger King had been built just recently, it had all the latest of Burger serving technology, computerized orders, automatic drink dispensers, and these really cool ketchup dispensers....

"Ok, we dont care about the ketchup dispensers" Sonic snaps.

"No, hes right, these ARE pretty cool" Tails says now examining the ketchup packets.

"So we just order by computer?" Rouge asks.

Duh! What part of computerized order do you NOT understand, Rouge?

"Hey! Are you insulting me AGAIN?" she shrieks.

No, ofcourse not.....

"Well then..." Rouge says speaking into the computer "I'll have 2 cheeseburgers, medium fry, oh and a super size drink..."

"Uh Rouge? The SuperSize is only at McDonalds...." Tails says.

"And actually its not even there anymore Tails, a lot of McDonalds across the country are discontinuing it" Knuckles added.

"What? That's terrible!" Sonic says.

"And alas, true...may we all take a moment to salute the super size fries...." Knuckles said sadly.

-moment of silence-

" that we're done saluting some fries.... I want to order next" Tails says speaking into the computer "I'll have 2 king fries and... a kid's club meal"

"Kids Club Meal? What are you, 2?" Sonic taunts.

"Well....I'm still a child at heart!" Tails insisted.

"WHATEVER!" Sonic says, now whispering into the console himself "Yeah, I'll have a big kid's meal...."


"WHAT? I..... uh...gotta watch my figure" Sonic says.

"Sure ya do...."

"Um..I'll just some burgers for me" Amy says, now ordering into the computer.

"No burgers? Come on Amy, live a little" Sonic says.

"No way, that stuff goes straight to my hips" Amy replies.

"No burgers, eh?" the computer seems to snarl back, in a low, almost raspy voice.

"Um... is the console supposed to TALK to me Sonic?" Amy asked.

"Thats ridiculous, Amy, the console doesnt TALK....." Sonic replies.

"Yeah you're whats our total.....? What the...." Amy says, now consulting Sonic "Uh Sonic...doesnt that total look....wrong?"

Indeed it had.... the number displayed on the LCD read 66666666666.66666666666666666666666 and as we all know 6 is the number of the devil!

"Really? I thought 3 was the number of the devil...." Tails interuppted.

"No thats the number of the easter bunny......" Knuckles says reassuringly.

"That IS odd, are you sure you totaled it up right?" Sonic asks.

Sonic keeps pressing the clear total button but to no avail, the console still reads that impossible total which soon starts to flash. Sonic sighs and heads towards the drink dispensers. Soon enough the food appears beside them, as if by magic.

"Enjoy your order" the computer speaks cheerfully.

"Well... that was odd, we never even paid for it...." Knuckles points out.

"Shh, just take it" Rouge says.

"Ok, ok "

And so the Sonic gang get their drinks and colorful packets of ketchup and sit down in a corner by the window. Noone couldve asked for a nicer day to go out on, and the food was okay too.

"I'm gonna need more ketchup" Amy announced.

Amy gets up and goes towards the ketchup dispensers but when she presses down the handle the only thing to come out, is a clear liquid, and it lands on the counter spelling out the words "YOU'LL LIVE TO REGRET THE DAY YOU CROSSED US". Amy backs away in fear and calls Sonic over.

"Sonic...does that look right?" she squeals in fear.

"What? All I see is some ketchup on the counter...." Sonic replies.

"Ketchup,'s.... "

She looks to see that it IS ketchup but then, what is it she had seen earlier? Something wasn't right about this place, and Amy had to find out what.....

"Come on Amy, I think those burger fumes have gone to your head..." Sonic says, pulling her back to the table.

"Aw, I wanna finish this burger but Im just so full, any of you want it?" Rouge asks.

"What? No way! You took a bite of it"

"Oh right, I guess I'll just throw it away then" she says with a heavy sigh.

And so Rouge goes to the garbage can and disposes of the unfinished hunk of beef. Seems simple enough, right? Wrong. Becuase by doing this she has offended the burger spirits....and by offending the burger spirits....well it's just not a good thing to do, okay?

And soon everyone starts to notice, although Tails is the first

"Whats with that blue ooze coming out of the walls?" Tails asked.

"What blue ooze?" Sonic asks, now turning around to see it "Oh man! What IS that?"

Indeed, and undeniably had there been a streak of blue oozy type substance that seemed to have at one time been running down the wall but it had now all but dried up. Suddenly all the doors slam shut, and there's an almost silent click, and yet one that every ear in the building could hear.

"Uh-oh, I have a bad feeling about this" Tails says.

"You know it IS kinda weird that we're the only ones here" Knuckles realizes.

"Um... well Im sure its nothing" Sonic says.

Sonic slowly inches over to the door and pulls on it with all his might, but cannot, as there is an ancient magical lock on the door.... either that or he's just a weakling.


"Yeah, really, why must our author be so verbally abusive?" Amy asks.

I could be physically abusive instead if you want

"Ugh.....never mind...." Amy groans.

Alas Sonic pulls and pulls but with no luck. Just then something clocks him in the head and he falls to the ground. Amy, his beloved girlfriend, runs to his injured side at once, much concern in her eyes and... uh.. Amy?

"What? Oh I mean Oh.... Sonic... Im so concerned for you...." Amy says, expressing no emotion whatsoever.

Well, that was...stupid. Anyway, as Amy comforts her fallen beloved she neglects to notice that the drink dispensers are going haywire, spurting out water and diet cola all over her friends. And it gets worse!

"I'll say it gets worse, I got a grease stain on this shirt..... " Amy whined.


"They are?"

Yes, you silly girl, for that object that clocked Sonic was a rusted......greasy...SPATULA

"AHHHHHH.... NOO, wait did you say spatula? Who cares about that?" Amy asks indifferently.

Uh-oh. By displaying indifference towards the burger spirits she has angered them. The spatula that was once an inanimate object laying on the ground floats to live before Amy's very eyes and slaps her across the face. Just then the ovens burst open and beef flies at her face, followed by more spatulas.

"What's......happening?" Amy cries, now wiping the beef off her cheeks.

Suddenly the spatulas surround the young hedgehog filling her with fear and confusion. Just then, one of the spatulas sweeps her off her feet and knocks her onto the ground hard, another one gets under her back and yet another. The spatulas had been atempting to lift Amy and with a rusty creak they do, all 5 of them working together lift Amy's weight and drift her into the kitchen.

"AHHHHH! Wh-whats happening?" she screams.

Just then some salt is sprinkled on her, followed by ketchup and mustard in her hair.

"AHHH! You know how long that took to comb?! Im gonna have to wash it all night now" Amy screams again, now almost sobbing.

"There wont be another night for you" an eerie voice speaks.

Just then some deep humming noises began. She was in the kitchen, and these floating burgers were seasoning her, one of them had a chef's hat on. She gasped in terror. The burgers were planning to cook her.

" dont like burgers? Now you shall BE one!" she hears a voice say.

"What? NO!" Amy screams, being helplessly taken towards the stove.

The spatulas flip Amy onto a large grill but she is still large enough to take up most of it.

"HA! Im too BIG to be cooked" Amy says, a bit of relief now overtaking her.

"Is that so? Take her to the deep frier!" the burger chef speaks.

"The deep frier? NO! Im too young to be deep fried!" Amy screams, her heart now racing as the burgers overtake her again.

But it was too late. Of course by now, Amys concerned friends had come to her aide.... AHEM! Amys concerned FRIENDS!

"R-right! We have to help Amy....." Rouge says valiantly.

"What happened?" Sonic asked, coming to at last.

"Sonic! Those burgers are gonna cook Amy!" Tails shouted.

"What? Nooooooo!" Sonic screams.

Sonic dashes behind the counter but he was too late. The spatulas had shoved Amy into a huge machine, which began pumping and steaming. Amy inside had been sweltering and felt herself begin to shrivel up and shrink, sweat now coating her body. Her eyes widen in fear, knowing she only had a few more minutes to live at this point. When the process ends she had been shrunk to only a few inches high and was shiny from sweat. The now giant burger uses the spatula to flip Amy off her feet, then drags her back to the grill and flips her on, then begins flipping her up and down. Now coated in ketchup, shrunk to miniscule size and drenched in her own sweat and grease, Amy began to break down and cry, her own tears causing the grill to sizzle. The burger laughs and throws more salt on her., the salt now burning her skin with all the sweat. Finally Sonic dashes in.

"AMY! " he shouts looking down in horror at the deep-fried hedgegirl.

"Sonic! Hurry, turn the grill off" she screams, her tiny voice almost droned out by the loud sizzling of her own flesh cooking.

Sonic turns the dial but the wrong way

"OW! Off, you idiot!" she screams, tears and sweat now coating her face.

"Sorry, sorry"

Sonic turns it off and uses the spatula to scrape Amy off.

"Oh geez, you alright Amy?" Sonic asks, biting his lip. Indeed, it didn't look good for Amy, whose back had been scorched.

"Ive been how do I get unshrunk?" she asks.

"Not sure if you can be, Amy.... but dont worry about that right now, we need to get out of here" Sonic says.

"I dont think so!"

"Whats your deal? Why would you do this to an innocent girl?" Sonic asks.

"Innocent, hardly! She has defied the burger lords, and so have you!" the burger yells.

The burger then takes out 2 ketchup dispensers and squirts Sonic with them. Sonic whacks the burger back with the spatula (putting Amy in his other hand). The burger reeled back and latched itself onto Sonic's face. Sonic places Amy on the counter behind him as he shoves the burger into the oven in front of him and quickly slams it inside. Then he scoops Amy off the counter and runs back to his friends.

"Amy, you alright?" Rouge asked.

Amy could barely speak it was so traumatic. Right now her clothes were so fried that they cracked when you touched them, she hair was ruined with ketchup and mustard and she smelled like a sweaty hamburger, not to mention she was about the size of one, all she could do at this point was let out a long sob.

"ARGH! Thats it! We have to do something to avenge Amy" Rouge says.

"But what? I dont want to get cooked" Tails says in fear.

"Well neither do I, that would suck, I mean first they shrink you, then they...."

"You know, youre not really helping" Amy growls.

"Right well...."

Just then a half dozen burgers had surrounded them, each with spatulas and chef's hat.

"Uh what do we do?" Tails asks.

"RUN!" Rouge shouts.

And so in lame 3 stooges type style the burgers chase the gang around the restraunt.

"Hold on! Why are we running from a bunch of BURGERS?" Sonic says at last.

Sonic finally grabs one and eats it, then spits it out into the garbage.

"Geez, Sonic, that was kinda harsh" Rouge stated.

"They deserve it for what they did to Amy"

This made even Amy, coated with ketchup, smile a little, that Sonic had cared about her that much. She sits down and sighs, she sure was lucky to have him. But just then another spatula swept her up. She screamed for help but her screams were too feeble as the burger chef took her into the kitchen and opened the oven.

"This is the end for you!" the burger chef growled.

"Eep.... no! No! Let me out!"

As Amy banged on the oven door all she saw was the cold unfeeling eyes of the burger that put her in there. Wait do burgers have eyes? Well....yeah....

"Please... have a heart...Im sorry I said I didnt like burgers..... PLEASE.... this..." she cries.

Amy eventually finds herself trailing off into tears, it wouldnt be long....until she died. She broke down and decided to wait for the end. Just then the oven door swings open and Rouge takes her out.

"Rouge? You saved me" Amy says.

"Yeah, what are friends for? Now c'mon let's go, the burgers have everyone cornered at the playplace, we need a plan to stop them" Rouge tells her.

"How are all these burgers coming to life anyway?" Amy asked.

"Well Tails found out that the burger king was built on an old radioactive garbage dump and all the burgers there were angry at the people who threw them away" Rouge explains.

"Well, that was oddly specific..."

And thus, Rouge takes Amy down to the playplace where the Burger Demons board it up, trapping the gang inside.

"Stop, you evil burgers, and leave us be!" Rouge shouts.

"NEVER! NOW GET HER! GET THE BURGER HATER!" the burgers all said growling.

The burgers then swarmed all over Rouge, slashing, biting, attacking, and doing other bad stuff. During the chaos Amy falls onto the ground and is able to slink away from the madness and run towards the others.

"Amy, You alright?" Sonic asks.

"Yeah, but we have to hurry and get out of here...." Amy replies.

Amy jumps through a hole in the boards and breaks the gang out of their ropes.

"Now hurry, the burgers havent boarded up the slide" she tells them.

"Thanks" Sonic says, scooping Amy into his arms and giving her a little kiss on the cheek.

"Now let's go!" Amy shouts.

And so the gang springs up the tubes for their lives as the burgers board up the entire playpen forever, never once do they lose their focus...

"Whee! I can make the propeller spin" Tails says in glee, now spinning a plastic steering wheel.

"TAILS! Come on" Sonic shouts.

That is, never losing their focus TWICE

"Hey if you look through this window you can see outside....HI ROUGE!" Tails says looking out.

Just then the burger demons turn around and see Tails in the window. Uh-oh....looks like someone's an idiot!

"Really? Who?"

"Cmon dumbass lets go" Sonic says, scolding the idiot fox.

The gang sprint as fast as they can and finally reach the slide but waiting for them is the evil burger chef who keeps them back with his greasy spatula.

"Err... it may be harsh but we need someone to take a bite of that burger, its the only way to kill them" he says, now looking down at Amy.

"Me?! But why?" she shrieks.

"Youre small enough to jump onto him without him noticing, I cant get a good bite with his spatula in my face, now go Amy" he insisted.

"Aw, I dont know" she says worriedly.

"Go! I believe in you" Sonic says reassuringly.

Amy closes her eyes and times her jump perfectly, she lands on the burger chef and forces herself to take a bite, causing red ketchup to ooze from him like blood, and he perishes at their feet. Sonic takes Amy off the ground, who was now drenched in ketchup moreso than before.

The gang finally take their slide down and escape through the back gate, now in the sunlight everything okay....well...except Amy.

"So.... whats gonna happen to me? Im just gonna be small forever?" she asks.

"Well no, see the deep fryer just dehydrated you and caused your molecules to become much less dense, if you allow the molecules to....." Tails begins to explain.

"In English?"

"She'll be normal size in a few days"

"Well thats good to know, but how am I gonna wash all this crap out of my hair?" Amy whines.

"Uh.... thats gonna be tough" Sonic admits.

"Hey, where did Rouge go?" Knuckles asks.

"She was still inside, she sacraficed.....her..... life....for us"

"No I didnt Im right here" Rouge says.

"How'd you get away?" Tails asked.

"After you killed the chef the rest of them just died, and it was easy to escape": Rouge explains.

"Well that was some trip"

"I'll say"

"So next week?"

"Ooh, how about we go to Taco Bell?" Knuckles suggested.

"Here we go again...." Sonic groaned.

And that ends our horrible tale of the NightMare at Burger King, as for the Taco Bell thing, well I'll get back to you. the meantime, tell me what you thought of this story and Ill be back soon with more random action later... maybe.

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