Technologic Labs/Episode 1: Startup

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in the next few chapters thomas & arthur bart and lisa and friends was touring around Springfeild when bart said so thomas & arthur wanna come to the comicbook store with me and we said of coruse we've would love to come bart said thomas & arthur and seconds later we made to the comic store and bart said thomas & arthur are you ready to meet comicbook guy i think so we walked into the store and bart said comicbook guy these are our friends thomas, arthur, allan, sue ellen & francine & buster and then he said does it look like i care he said and then arthur said kinda rude huh bart said arthur yeah really i said and then arthur said sir do you happend to have bionic bunny comics do you and then comicbook guy said do you think we have bionic bunny comics here and arthur said no i guess not said arthur and then arthur said what comics do you have radioactive man said the owner well cool and bart said arthur & thomas what did i tell you said bart well let's go to the movies then said bart

in the next few chapters arthur & thomas was heading off to school when we crashed into Buster & Muffy oh sorry guys i did'nt see ya'll that's ok thomas said Buster and then amauffy said Thomas i'm glad that i ran into you because i wanted to ask if you could watch my brother Tyson for me asked muffy and i said sure ask your mom and let me know what she says ok and then muffy said ok i'll cal you on your cell and let you know and then Arthur said Thomas we better get to class before we all get busted for being late i told Arthur and he said thomas your'e right i think we all better get to school and then 10 mins later we got to school that's when mr haney said thomas buster & arthur & muffy i'm glad that you kids made it to class on time and now if you kids can get to class said mr haney right a way sir we said and then i bumped into Francine oh hi i said can i walk you to class i asked her and she said thomas that's so sweet of you to do that to offer to walk me to class

in the next few chapters arthur & buster and thomas was chit chatting about our summer when i bumped into arthur oh hey arthur buddy what's up i said to him and arthur said oh nothing much thomas said arthur how about you buddy i asked arthur and he said just chilling you know just traveling that's all arthur i told him and then Buster said oh really Thomas where have you been traveling too well let's see i've been to New York' Orlando ' and were are planing to go to Califorina just my family & me I told Buster and he said cool said Buster but say thomas wanna come over after school asked buster and i said sure how's your mom doing and he said that she's doing fine as a matter a fact she wants you to have dinner with us tonight sure i'd love too

in the next few chapters arthur & thomas was starting our first day of school and then arthur's dad said do you think that thomas might want a ride and arthur said uh no i think that thomas is going to catch a ride with Buster and then his dad said arthur is something wrong at school that I should know about huh arthur well yea there is some you should know dad said arthur and then his dad said what's on your mind son said arthur well some kids at school wanted me to try some drugs and i just don't know what can i do about it and he said well why don't you tell the teacher said his dad

in the next few chapters arthur & thomas was heading off to school when we crashed into Buster & Muffy oh sorry guys i did'nt see ya'll that's ok thomas said Buster and then amauffy said Thomas i'm glad that i ran into you because i wanted to ask if you could watch my brother Tyson for me asked muffy and i said sure ask your mom and let me know what she says ok and then muffy said ok i'll cal you on your cell and let you know and then Arthur said Thomas we better get to class before we all get busted for being late i told Arthur and he said thomas your'e right i think we all better get to school and then 10 mins later we got to school that's when mr haney said thomas buster & arthur & muffy i'm glad that you kids made it to class on time and now if you kids can get to class said mr haney right a way sir we said and then i bumped into Francine oh hi i said can i walk you to class i asked her and she said thomas that's so sweet of you to do that to offer to walk me to class

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