Sinor Mutant Ninja Turtles

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[edit] Ideas

[edit] To Be Judged

none yet

[edit] Good Ideas

Toonatopia: Ressurection of Doom

Takes place after KH II: After recieving a letter from a original character, writing for Mickey, Sora, Riku, and Kairi journey with a few humans to Toonatopia, which the gateway was where the ACME Factory once stood. (Yes, this does have Roger Rabbit Continuity) Meanwhile, Katz and one of the villains from a place called TeknoTopia calling himself the Teknophage bust out most of the villains from CN (minus Mandark who wanted to be top CN Villain leader) The two also recruited the Never Weres, the ones that were banished, and for one purpose: The ressurection of the one who almost killed all of Toonatopia named Judge Doom and his five henchmen. Now it's up to Sora, Riku, Kairi, the loyal authors (not Justin Lawson thank goodness), a few good Toons, and the Toons of OC (Original Character by fans) City with some unexpected allies to stop the menacing Toons before it's too late. (Wow, The ressurection of the one who almost killed all of Toonatopia named Judge Doom and his five henchmen (We love return of doom! 0/10)

Toonatopia: The Nicktoons and their Holy Geyser

The Slime Geyser is missing and the Nicktoons must set out to find it and bring it back home. (perfact match For the Recent loss of Nickelodeon Studios, That's For My Fridge! 2/10)

Toonatopia: Fan Fiction, the Parallel universe

Cartoon scientists, Proffesor Farnsworth has discovred a Wormhole in the depts of space. He creates a crew of nine different toons: Kim, Ron, Kaiba, Dil, Numbuh 2, Jenny "XJ9" Wakemen, Bender, Fry and Leela to exlpore it. only to find the parelle universes of what we know as fan fictions. Now, a evil universe lord (author) is destroying other universes with unknown powers and its up to the nine explorers and their parelle twins to stop this evil. (Not Bad, 3/10)

The Toonatopia Adventures of SharkBoy And LavaGirl

SharkBoy, LavaGirl and Max Have To Visit Toonatopia To See why is there constant Premieres in the Real World, More Ideas Soon (I Made This 0/10)

[edit] Re-Arrange It

Toonatopia: Dark Game Rising

a war with video games against cartoons, where the video games army is controlled by none other than Bowser himself. His army of the Ing from Echoes, elite evil such as Lava Piranah of Paper Mario, and mind controlled Heros like Mario, Link, Samus, ect. But secret forces of evil hide in the cartoon lands. (EPIC FAIL! Though It might have Helped Me Spawn a Saga for Transmorphers, Oh Well. I'll Re-Arrange it to Give it Subspace Emmissary's Storyline 4/10)

[edit] Exploration

Toonatopia: The Hope To Be's.

It reflects the story of what Original Characters like Malco, Leapin' Leamur and such journey around the tooniverse. (O-C-Artoon-Network-Yes-To-AC-Who-Has-KH:COM-needed-To-fill-his-Dream-Chain 5/10)

Toonatopia: The Quest for The MTV Peninsula

A while ago, the MTV Peninsula was home to many great cartoons such as Daria, Bevis and Butt-head, and Celebrity Deathmatch. But one tragic day an earthquake struck, separated MTV from the rest of TV Place, and drifted off to sea. Since then, MTV has aired nothing but trashy reality shows. Members of The [Adult Swim]ming Pool and Comedy Central Center decide to set sail in search of the floating peninsula and return it to TV Place. (stop on a nothing but trashy reality show Whammy, But It Made Me Find the MTV Logo 6/10)

Toonatopia: Machina-maniacs

The animation style of Machinama (stories using video game engines to animate it) is slowy evolving so much in the interent cartoon contry is becoming overcrowed with machinama characters. So, in order to find a new home, the Cast of "Red vs Blue" begin a crazy road trip-like journey, meeting new friends and making new enimies. (NO F-ING S#!^, But The Machinama Land feels good, On another Account, Live Action Connunication, Use IT 6/10)

[edit] Whammy'D

Toonatopia: Escape from The University of Educational Programming

Our heroes somehow end up trapped in a university where cartoons from Playhouse Disney, PBS, Nick Jr., etc. live. Luckily for them, they find refuge among “the resistance” (a.k.a. the bad guys like Swiper the fox, the Hacker, and others.) But can they escape before they get brain-washed into becoming non-violent pre-school dribble? (poop(I'd Say ***k But The University of Educational Programming wont let Me, And By The Way, Puppyville Overuled) 8/10)

Toonatopia: War of the Shows

From the deepest regions of space, an evil new empire has emerged and lusts for universal domination. It is a race called “Reality TV”. And their first stop is Toonatopia It’s up to every cartoon (including the classics, the retired, and even the Never-Weres) to fight for their very existence. (Uber CRAP! 10/10)

Toonatopia: Holiday Havoc

Every winter, the Rankin-Bass Comet circles Toonatopia, spreading Christmas cheer all over the world. But Professor Utonium, Dexter, Jimmy Neutron, and the other great scientists are starting to worry. According to their research, Rankin-Bass keeps coming earlier and closer each year. (A chemical in the o-zone called “commercialism-dioxide” is said to be the cause.) Something must be done, or else the comet will crash and create a never-ending holiday rush. Villagers from the Christian Cartoon Coastline (such as Davey, and Goliath, and the Veggietales cast) pitch in to try to stop the commercialism and the comet.(Satans Will Smile 8/10)

Toonatopia: Battle of the Bowls

A horrible genocide is taking place down in Mascot Marsh. The cereal mascots are being captured and forced to make their sugary cereals Have a more healthy(and less sweet) Substitute. Can they ban together and fight off this evil force? (I Aggree with you, The Sugar-Free Kind needs A Sweet(And Healthy) Sugar Substitute, But That, I Say NO SALE! 10/10)

Toonatopia: The Case of the Anime Assassin

For the toons in the Manga and Anime Archipelago, it wasn't unusual to go under redubbing. However, some of the finest anime shows are getting more than just a voice makeover. Scenes have been poorly edited because they're considered "inappropriate," lousy rap songs are used for their opening theme, and some characters even had their genders and races changed. Nobody knows for sure who the culprit is, but there's a sneaky suspicion that those working for 4Kids Entertainment is behind all this. (Anti-4kids-TV-Show-More-Food-Store-Teamup-Show-Chain-Reaction-Suck-A** 10/10)

Toonatopia 2 the war on baby shows(SUCK! 10/10)

[edit] Whammies' Amount

  • 0=*Snif*
  • 1=Marvolus
  • 2=Great
  • 3=Good.
  • 4=mmm..K!
  • 5=Adding To Toon Galactica
  • 6=New Place
  • 7=S#!^!!!
  • 8=less fun than a man dancing
  • 9=U Suck eggs
  • 10=You Must Die!

[edit] Judgement Process

  • Phase 1. Dream Phase
  • Phase 2. Final Judgement
  • Phase 3. THE BOTTOM LINE!

[edit] E-Mail

[edit] Good Ideas


You Made The Cut!

[edit] Re-Arrange It

Your Idea Made the Cut!

But I'll Change the Plot!

[edit] Exploration


The Land Made The Cut but no sale For The Tale

[edit] Whammy'D

I Write This With A Heavy Heart

You Are The Weakest Link!

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