AC Short Shorts

From Finsters Place For Made Up People The Tbs Wiki


[edit] Transcript

[edit] Shorts 1-5

[edit] Short 1

{Cut to Marshmallow's Last Stand. The camera pans across the table, which is littered with french fries and ketchup.}

STRONG BAD: C'mon, The Cheat! You can do one more! Just one more!

{the camera zooms out, showing The Cheat sitting opposite Strong Bad at the table, with Strong Mad behind Strong Bad. The Cheat's mouth is crammed full of fries, he has purple bags under his eyes, and is whimpering}

STRONG BAD: {pops up near The Cheat, wearing a brown hat with a press pass} {speaking quickly} Oh, have you heard the latest news? {sits back down} I heard the latest news, it was that you could do one more! One more!

{The Cheat whimpers and spits three fries onto the table}

STRONG BAD: Strong Mad, tell your girlfriend to do one more.


{Homestar Runner runs up, dressed as a waiter, with a brown cap that says 'egg.' on it}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Aaaaaaand can I get you gentlemen anything else?

{Homestar holds up a red clown shoe, and a large daisy rises from inside it}


[edit] Short 2

{cut to a Powered by The Cheat landscape, showing a volcano and the caption "The Millionzoic Era". Cut to a scene showing a prehistoric Marzipan and Homestar, with a tar pit next to them}

PBTC CAVEMAN HOMESTAR: {spits green bubbles while he talks} Ooga, ooga. My breath, it stinks.

PBTC CAVEWOMAN MARZIPAN: {turns to the left, away from Homestar} Uh-huh!


{A pterodactyl with Coach Z's hat flies in from the right}

PBTC COACH Z DACTYL: Hey look out the fly! {flies off to the left}

{A caveman Strong Bad enters from the mountains. He lands in the tar pit, which splashes Homestar and turns into a skull, which sticks to Homestar. As Strong Bad sinks to the bottom of the tar pit, his feet can be seen poking out from underneath.}

PBTC CAVEMAN STRONG BAD: Ooga. Me want set the face on fires.


PBTC CAVEWOMAN MARZIPAN: It sounds fun! Oo-ga! {jumps}

{A large The Cheat-like dinosaur runs by from the right. It then clamps its mouth around the volcano and begins "drinking" from it, accompanied by glugging noises. The Cheatsaurus then turns and breathes fire over the group, scorching them. Marzipan turns into a drumstick with its tongue sticking out, Homestar into a smiling steak with a gold tooth, and Strong Bad merely blackens}


PBTC CAVEMAN STRONG BAD: Oh, me too! {turns into a dish with a lobster tail on it} I am not exempt!

PBTC COACH Z DACTYL: {pokes head in} Hey, did you see that? The Cheatsaurus can do it again!

Do you have more great arcielts like this one?

[edit] Short 4

{cut to a black screen, while red and green lasers arc from the top and bottom of the screen. Guitar music begins, while the Limozeen logo appears in bright yellow. The logo splits, and an image of Larry appears. It changes colour, as a pair of feminine legs in fishnet walk by. Three images of Larry playing guitar appear, which meld into one of him leaping into a power chord. The words "BRAIN SISTER" rise from the bottom as Larry jumps offscreen. A calculator displaying 3.14 appears, and an outline of Texas draws itself around it. Several images of a brain, Larry, guitars, and the ZEEN part of the logo flash past in front of a crowd, until Larry zooms forward, surrounded by stars and playing guitar. More images of Larry's head flash in front of the crowd, as the lasers start again. The calculator flashes by, and the legs walk out, with a brain perched on top of them. They walk by a Limozeen amp as the song ends. The Limozeen logo flashes briefly}


Well, she was only twenty-seventeen.
She was a low res beauty queen.
She was a brain... brain... brain sister!
Texas Instruments all day!
And she remembers how they used to duet,
And she remembers how they used to duet!
Th'all think you know what I mean!

LARRY PALARONCINI: Yeah! Oh! Ooh! All right! Uh!

[edit] Short 5

{open in a barroom-type scene. Homestar and Pom Pom are seated at the bar. Both have an 'old one bottle, and there is a bowl of peanuts on the table}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Seriously, Pom Pom. {gesturing with bottle} You and me, we're like two breads in a biscuit. {pokes the bottle in Pom Pom's face} Two breads in a biscuit! I'm gonna make a T-shirt! {leans in close} No, wait! You and me? {crouches to look at peanuts} We're like this bowl of mayonnaise here. {points at Pom Pom with the bottle} You're the bowl, 'cuz you're a big, round, fat guy. {Pom Pom looks angry. Homestar sits up again, now pointing at self} And I'm the mayonnaise, 'cuz I'm smart as peanuts. That'll make a good T-shirt too. Oop, no, wait! Before you strangle me again... You and me? {pulls the napkin out from under his bottle} Soggy napkin. {as Homestar says "Soggy", Pom Pom gets a dull, bored look on his face.}

[edit] Shorts 6-10

[edit] Short 6

{The title "Homestar vs. Very, Very Little Girl" appears. Scene opens to reveal the very, very little girl is swinging and Homestar is standing next to the swing.}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh hello, very, very little girl. Take it away.
{piano flourish, crickets, another piano flourish}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: I've got no material with this kid. Say something cute. Talk about picking your nose. You seem like a smart kid. You wanna go out some time?
{Music from the Pom Pom short plays. Homestar dances.}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: You've got no interest in the crazy man over here, do you?
{Homestar Runner comes too close to the swing and is hit three times.}

[edit] Short 7

{Cut to an Old-Timey consturuction site. The Homestar Runner is hammering some nails near the top. Move to the right. Sir Strong Bad is sneaking up on The Homestar Runner. The Homestar Runner looks to the right}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh hey there, Strong Bad!

{Cut to Sir Strong Bad, who is about to step into a bucket of hot tacks}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Stop, Strong Bad! You're about to step into a bucket of hot tacks!

{Sir Strong Bad steps into the bucket of hot tacks and jumps off the pillar. Sir Strong Bad falls off}


{Sir Strong Bad falls into the cement mixer}

[edit] Short 8

{cut to the 20X6 style of The Field with Stinkoman and 1-Up}

1-UP: Hey, why can't I be the guy?

STINKOMAN: Because you're a kid.

EKO-HAD: {comes in} I like to be the guy! {falls down by a panda bear (20X6 Pom Pom)}


ALL: Yeah! {they eat pudding}

[edit] Short 9

(cut to the Lair of Con & Perducci}

CON: Alright, Dangeresque, say good-bye! HA HA HA!

DANGERESQUE & DANGERESQUE TOO: {enters} Well, well, well... you can't catch so... {kicks Con & Perducci}


CUTSEY BUTTONS: I won't let you die.

DANGERESQUE: Don't worry, because we're both gonna have to jump! {they both jump}

[edit] Short 10

{cut to the inside of Homestar Runner's house; Homestar puts a Tandy XP computer on a computer desk}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: 6:25 P.M. The time that I got a computer. Well, time to start it up! {turns on the computer; it shows the Tandy XP logo, then the screen says: TO START PRESS ANY KEY}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {reading} "To start press any key". {not reading} Where's the "Any" key? I see {close up on the "Esc" key} Esc{pronounces "Esc" as it looks}, {close up on the "Ctrl" key} Ctrl{pronounces "Ctrl" as "Ctarl"}, and {close up on the "PgUp" key} PgUp{pronounces "PgUp" as "PigUp"}. {cut back to the computer} There doesn't seem to be any "any" key! {sighs} All this computering stuff is making me thirsty. I think i'll order a "Tab". {pushes the "Tab" key and holds a cup to the disk tray; drops the cup as the computer now says "CHECK CORE TEMPRATURE? Y/N} Not right now, the computer's starting! {reading} "Check core temprature?" {not reading} Hmmm...

[edit] Shorts 11-15

I be aware like I’m coanntstly looking by reason of inviting things to pore over close by a number of topics, but I succeed to include your install among my reads every lifetime because you give birth to compelling entries that I look forth to.

[edit] Short 12

{cut to the stage.}

STRONG BAD: Okay, ladies & gentlemen. This short is a Bloot short.

BLOOT: {enters.} Hi. Ahem... {burps.} Meow.

STRONG BAD: Did he suck?


[edit] Short 13

(Cut To Homestar With Cosmo(Sonic X), Marsipan and Homsar)

COSMO: Please Pass The salad

(Enter A Monster)

MONSTER: Raggle Fraggle!

COSMO: AAAAHHH! (Monster Kidnaps Her)Somebody Help Me!

[edit] Short 14

(Twila is Walking Around The Sansburro Mall, So is...Twila?)

TWILA: You won't believe it,Karen! I saw a lot of cute boys there and they we're totally hitting on me! It was so awesome!

(They Bump Into Eachother)







[edit] Short 15

TWILA: brush, slave! I want my hair to be pretty!

BRIGHTON: Sure. Uh huh. Whatever.

TWILA: (Hears Music) Huh?

(Twila Opens Up To See)

AC: Luna, I Must Win Your Love, You, Not Your Bother, I Got You a Cool iPod, Not For Your Bro, Nick (Or Should I Say Brigthon)

TRIXIE TANG: Hey! AC, Dont Be So Upset

TIMMY: Hey! AC, You Not Beaten YEEEEET! (AC's Glasses Break)

TWILA: You are Paying For That! Brighton, Send Him To The Duel Cave

BRIGHTON: Sure. Uh huh. Whatever. (Presses Button and AC Drops)


[edit] Shorts 16-20

[edit] Short 16

LUNA: Hi, I'm Luna, You may know me from the billy zone, here to clear some things up, (Grabs Twila) We Look Nothing Alike! I Have Blue Hair, She has Light Perple

[edit] Short 17

KAMAKAZI: And now, Thnikkaman, at long last, the world will discover your Super Secret Identity, Thereby rendering you useless as a Thnikkaman!

THNIKKAMAN: I'll render you toothless!

KAMAKAZI: Now, give me them cool shades! 10 (Robotboy Superactivates) 9 (Ben Goes Fourarms) 8 (The Powerpuff Girls Dress in Their Gear) 7 (Juniper Lee Puts on Her Armor) 6

{The frame freezes. Zoom in, and the "dun, dun, duuun" sound effect is heard. The screen fades, and "Resolution" appears over the top in yellow text. This goes away, and we return to the scene—Kamakazi Gets A Beatdown From June and The Powerpuff Girls}

KAMAKAZI: What About...

{Ben and Robotboy Start To Beat him Up}

THNIKKAMAN: Yeah, shut up, Newb.

{The Thnikkaman jumps out of the locker on top of Coach Z, and walks off the left of screen. Ben's Omnitrix Deactivates while Ro, You Know}

BEN: You Know What We Make A Good Team

ROBOTBOY: You Think So

BEN: Duh, Just to make up. {Holds a blob} I have Exo Skin from Moshimo

ROBOTBOY: Thank You, Ben, you are a true Friend

{Ben goes Stinkfly, and he and robotboy fly out}

KAMAKAZI: At least I have You Three{The Teen Titans Kill Conentine}

CYBORG: That's the dude who stole my bluebrints

{They Leave}


{Phil from season 7 of bonus stage pops out of nowhere}

PHIL: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Stop making this cartoon, Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it{Grabs an ax and kills phil} Joel, Stop making this cartoon it's {Gets McFlied} what the, Oh, Crap I've been McFlied


{Joel Hangs himself. The usual singers chime in, the words flying across the screen.}

SINGERS: You Missed Unmsking The Thikaman!!!! {Short Pause} Because You Have Really, Really Bad Self Defence Skills!!!!

KAMAKAZI: Enough already, I get it! My Super secret has been reveiled. {Dies}

[edit] Short 18

STRONG BAD: The Lappy's tail! I'll save you, Lappy-pie... poo... {runs back and forth anxiously, making the Homsar walking noise} Just keep your pixels on. Strong Bad's got everything under control-alt-delete.

{Strong Bad picks up a ladder from behind the stand, and climbs up onto the roof.}

STRONG BAD: Who put you up here— Wha?!?

COACH Z: Strong Bad, I Was Horping The Thnikaman Wold Show ap, BUT YOUEL DOO!

{Dramatic Music}

{Cut to Aileta}

AILETA: Thats the prologe

[edit] Short 19

AC: Attention Newbs, If you say ANYTHING! I wont download Reboot, Preschool Junk, Gi Joe, Transformers and TMNT, But I Will add game cubes and teenage mutant ninja turtles,(4Kids TMNT get downloaded) ladder not the 80s version, (Evil Laugh) Bye

[edit] Short 20

{Cut to the Locker Room. Coach Z is sitting on a bench, with a plate of cake on his lap. He appears to be sculpting the cake. Homestar Runner enters.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Awen't you going home, Coach Z?

COACH Z: Homestar, you should know by nor that I live here!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, wight. So, watcha doing {pronounced like he did in Car.}

COACH Z: I'm trying to be a cake sculptor!


COACH Z: Have you seen those shows on the Ford Network? Those cake-sculptors are ba-millionares!

{Cut to a wider view of the room. Coach Z has made the cake into the shape of a small person playing tennis.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Woah! That looks exactly like a vat of witches bw--

COACH Z: It's not witches brew! It's me as a yourth playing tennis!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {in an artistic voice} How, gwacefull. It weminds me of an old smelly man playing tennis on a beach. {normal voice} Think about it Coach Z! You could be wich by this awtistic! You could be a celebwity! {Coach Z gets stars in his eyes}

COACH Z: Really, Homestar?!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {chuckling} No, of couwse not. Well, see you on Monday! {leaves}

{Coach Z looks down at his work, and then slaps it to the ground.}

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