Dorothy Merlot

From Familia Niveum

Dorothy, marchessa of Tradition (She might change her Noble name to Fay Ree, Godmother of Tradition, once she figures out how things work, out of a sense of mischief. After all, what could be more traditional?

Staid. Stubborn. Set in her ways. Dorothy is very familiar with those words. She is more inclined to think of herself as practical. There's little point in changing what works, after all, is there? She grew to age in Germany (properly, the people's republic of Deutschland), steeped in the stories of her grandmother, and avoiding as she could all news of the War. Her hair, prematurely grey, and pale blue eyes, let her pass unnoticed by the inspectors, and the occasional escapee was sent on their way with a bit of map and food almost immediately. Hospitality was important, after all.

"I can't say as I was happy about being plopped into this position, nor that I really had a choice. One minute, I was dropping off my monthly load of books for that thrift shop, Buried Treasures, and talking to that dear young woman Katie Beckett, when things started shaking, and my head started hurting. I thought I was having a heart attack! Then I ended up in that room, facing several strange kids, and find out I'm in charge of...Traditions? " --Dorthy Merlot, Marchioness of Tradition

Bonds: Her grandchildren 6pts

The sanctity of her estate 4 pts

pride in her heritage 3 pts

Her grey tomcat Marlow 3 pts

her title in the S.C.A 2 pts

Renaissance Festivals 2 pts

Aspect 1 5 mp

Domain 3 5 mp

Realm 1 5 mp

Spirit 3 5 mp


Dorothy's Sample Miracles

Tradition Spirits

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