
From Expanding Your Horizons

Hi there,how is everybody doing, my name is Yui Hongo (that not my real name though)

I don't know what to tell you,but i think that evrybody is having a good time now. The things that i like playing is Neopets it s fun game or computer game. The things i like about Neopets is it give good games and you can chat and of course we can make friends. you also can do many things. Playing games let you have trophy and it can challenge your minds. You should check it out! Hopefully my life could work out the way i want it to work.

I love to travel that why i want to be a travler, but i'm not sure it will come true. i will keep on dreaming until the day it come true. i know tht everything. That the dream i would like. Also to make my parent proud of me, i don't think they believe me that much well i think my mom is but my dad i don't know. it ok they might believe in me but i don't know that. There a lot of mystery in the Worlds.that why i like to travel. this may sound boring but it the best i can do and you can know more people. You can also find things interesting about your life reading this. Like me at first i don't know much about me but after my friends show me. i realize that the person who know me best is me.You should keep that in mind beforeyou are doing something stupid and think someone know you better but that is wrong.

What i do Play Neopets play friends watch t.v

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