The Church of Cyanology

From Eshraval Saved

The Church of Cyanology is a "new religion" which claims that humans are not native to Eshraval, but in fact were forcibly transplanted here thousands of years ago from an alien planet.

This is all written in a book called "Revolting Stars", a confession written by the supposed architect of the scheme, the evil overlord El'Hronubrd. According to Cyanology mythology, only revealed to its third level members, thousands of years ago all humans lived on a planet, called Dirt (or "Earth", depending on translations).

Dirt was threatened by terrible war and disease caused by monstrous overpopulation. El'Hronubrd, devised a plan to render billions of people unconscious, using subliminal codes embedded in remakes of old movies. Eventually the spirits of billions of people fled in horror, leaving their bodies lifeless and unable to resist. They were then kidnapped, transferred to interplanetary space-planes and dumped on a distant, uninhabited, world - Eshraval.

The aim of Cyanology is to reconnect your body with your lost spirit, which is now lost somewhere, floating in space intergalactic space.

Celebrity Members

Cyanology Chapters

There are Cyanologist chapters in the following countries:

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