List of Countries by type of Government

From Eshraval Saved

This is a list of nations by type of government.


Single-Party States

A Single-Party State is defined as a state where executive power is ostensibly vested directly in the people, in a single party, as represented by a body of individuals selected or appointed by the populace (or themselves) as caretakers for the greater good of the people. While Single-Party states can resemble fascist states or democratic states, the primary difference is that the Single-Party State tends to at least pretend to believe in the maxim “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” as well as a general distaste for capitalism or exploitation of labor.

Single-Party States can be subdivided further into:

  • Theocratic State, where central control is viewed as being divinely inspired or is in the hands of a religious authority.
  • Single-Party Autocracy, in where the power rests exclusively with a single individual or autocrat as caretaker for the ideology of the nation.
  • Single-Party Plurality, in where the power rests with more than one individual as caretakers for the ideology of the nation
Nation Head of State Type of Government
Alenichev The Beloved leader Vladimir Alenichev Single-Party Autocracy
Panaya Cardinal Chancellor Nathakara Single-Party Autocracy
Velheln (...) Single-Party Autocracy
Iascartyr President Donnacha Single-Party Autocracy
Khadis Premier When Ba-Lun Single-Party Autocracy

Democratic states

A democratic state is defined as a state in which the Head of State is an elected political office, chosen by some or all of the people, either through representatives or directly. Such states differ from communist states in that they usually have multi-party systems.

Democratic states can be further categorized according to the seat of executive power:

  • parliamentary republic - executive power is fully, if not formally, vested in the foremost member of the legislature, often called a prime minister or chancellor.
  • semi-presidential republic - executive power is shared between a president elected by the people and the foremost member of the legislature.
  • presidential republic - executive power is fully vested in a president elected by the people.

And according to division of political authority:

  • unitary state - the national government holds full authority over regional and local government.
  • federal state - regional or local governments retain a certain degree of autonomy within their jurisdictions.
Nation Head of State Type of Government
Alahre Chancellor Kurak Seluran federal presidential republic
Anadile Consul Anu Podrangu
Consul Paavo Elva
unitary presidential republic
Template:AND President Olderiko Nonato unitary presidential republic
Anqar Premier unitary parliamentary republic
Araukang President Hava Mriam unitary presidential republic
Arvitan Premier Ervin Raillagh federal parliamentary republic
Benintak Premier Tesale Gondarike unitary parliamentary republic
Beqara President Bouraneq Fare federal parliamentary republic
Beyahrem President Kóraq Sheifen unitary parliamentary republic
Template:Flag President Pawlo Ribayro unitary semi-presidential republic
Cennen Rawigèl Yhen Inslir federal parliamentary republic
Clairone Prime Minister C. Fedlarus Vesperides federal parliamentary republic
Comanoba President unitary presidential republic
Gebrence President Alharic Daflotta federal parliamentary republic
Haaku President Gideon Rider unitary parliamentary republic
Linaret President Kanur Augara federal presidential republic
Raenamon Thaar Aeshri Hansalo unitary presidential republic
Template:Flag President Harmand Aldric Buchalter semi-presidential federal republic
Sanfranchez Major President Lauren Johns-St. Langsburg federal parliamentary republic
Template:SCW First Minister Kirad Waelau federal parliamentary republic
Triana President Bigral Stee federal parliamentary republic
Vasmontio President Laŭrenco Roso unitary presdential republic
Template:VRD President Amat Vir unitary semi-presidential republic
Template:Flagcountry First Consultant Brino Daguor federal parliamentary republic
Zénland Federal Chancellor Vinsent Jenner federal presidential republic

Dictatorial States

A Dictatorial State is defined as a state where executive power rests with a single individual or small group of individuals, not necessarily related by blood, who exercise strong if not total control over every aspect of the state.

Dictatorial States can be further subdivided into:

  • Theocratic state, where central control is viewed as being divinely inspired or is in the hands of a religious authority.
  • Oligarchy, where power rests with a small elite segment of society (Plutocratic (wealth), Aristocracy (family, social status, political party) or Military)
  • Military Dictatorship, where rule is in the hands of an individual military leader.
  • Populist Dictatorship, where the charismatic, autocratic ruler has convinced the people that he rules on behalf of all the people.
  • Authorist State, a state adhering to the principles of Authorism.
Nation Head of State Type of Government
Arisnona President Jabro Letarazo Aristocratic Oligarchy
Archenomeo Supreme Academician Petrus Verlo Intellectual Oligarchy
Galamorea Chancellor Talaris Aslatek Meritocratic Oligarchy
Nova Esperia Father of the Nation Roberto Sjalar Aristocratic Oligarchy
Røysaborg Spokesman Steinvald Torgrimsson Aristocratic Oligarchy
Nathaia Author Delan Author Authorist Dictatorship
OCCP Primus Jerin Ganyin Authorist Dictatorship
Tejj Empire Emperor Ceryt IV Authorist Dictatorship
Druzia Prime Arial Haram Ul-Zadak Theocratic Dictatorship
Sharoyl Kyrronyl Toshuma Azoru Alvys Theocratic Dictatorship
Akthyles Triumvirate (see national article) Theocratic Oligarchy
Outer Slombovia Captain-General Yingqi Military Dictatorship
Samsar General Erasmus Grendal Military Dictatorship
Makaria Chancellor Ramad Tamir Military Dictatorship
SCCP Primus Raddik Teng-Shin Military Dictatorship
Dúneghosta President Trudo Dorcaigh Military Oligarchy
Baylesland High Majistrate Jonathan Bayles Plutocratic Oligarchy
Laduja President Barak Umaran Plutocratic Oligarchy
Noïvar Chancellor Sebastïao Dornik Plutocratic Oligarchy
Gasjenae Enar (President) Fotaj Pe-Taq Populist Dictatorship

Monarchist states

A monarchist state is defined as a state in which executive power is vested, even nominally, in a noble or royal bloodline. Actual governance may approach democracy, but the Head of State is an individual with noble blood, usually from a single family line.

  • absolute monarchy - the monarch exercises full political authority and is unanswerable to any other party, regardless whether there is a constitution ostensibly limiting the monarch's power.
  • semi-constitutional monarchy - the monarch exercises some political authority, but is limited to a certain degree by the constitution and the nation's parliament.
  • constitutional monarchy - the monarch is recognized as titular Head of State, but all significant power is held by the nation's parliament, usually by a prime minister or chancellor.
  • commonwealth state - the titular Head of State is the head of the Norric Commonwealth, the King of Haarden, who rules through the country's appointed leader, and may or may not have anything to do with the actual governance of the state.
Nation Head of State Type of Government
Aedhael Ard-Ri Lir Cearbhaile constitutional monarchy
Aliôn King Valerio III of Sareborga-Aasen constitutional monarchy
Arëdighùan Righ-Këjsãre Örjan Körnishenkä absolute monarchy
Elimnu Confederation King Alexander Khairi Veladin absolute monarchy
Template:Flagcountry King Dulvan III semi-constitutional monarchy
Haarden King Karl VIII constitutional monarchy
Inodeji Director Gimor Hierlofaxih semi-constitutional monarchy
Kwaljon Chel Fe Brung Authorist absolute monarchy
Losmái King Tra Vótahn semi-constitutional monarchy
Neuvian Federation High King constitutional monarchy
Portae Margaeon Mo'i Apuahile absolute monarchy
The Principality of Osthausen Prince Alfred II constitutional monarchy
Pirimassia High King TBD constitutional monarchy
Shilikar Avatar Kurvakan Shulikor 1-15 absolute monarchy
Skjønøhav King Børje II constitutional monarchy
Strolus Queen Valios Farshee IV semi-constitutional monarchy
Surimtak Prince-Regent Salok II Kal-Risulom absolute monarchy
Valentin Prince Andrew I absolute monarchy

Other states

States with government types which do not fall into any of the other categories.

Nation Head of State Type of Government
Central Zunian States collection of totalitarian warlord states
Eysturoy anarcho-socialist society
Humvossar Viceroy Ulthar Meskami collection of city-states

Unclassified states

These states cannot be classified due to insufficient data.

Template:Lists of countries

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