Bridgette Vott

From Eshraval Saved

Template:Infobox Officeholder

Bridgette Vott, is the current Chancellor of Special Affairs in the Dominion of Arëdighùan. She is the longest serving Grand Chancellor in the history of Arëdighùan, and has served under three seperate Righ-Këjsãre's, Niklas II, Fredrik, and Örjan.

Her actual position within the Dominion's government is highly secrative and has never been fully elaborated on. Officially she is the head of the Kesjare's Intellegence services, but others feel that there are more powers awarded to her, usually considered to be of a much more sinister nature.

Ms. Vott is one of the most elusive figures in Arëdighùani politics, and is rarely seen in public. One of the few things known about her is that she is an avid collecter of art, and has obtained some originals by some of Arëdighùan's greatest painters such as Wäinö, Kaj, and Artturi.



Early Life

Services to the Monarchy

Appointment to Chancellor

Financial Status=

Though much of her private life is unknown to the public, thanks to the Banking Scandal of 1298, when much of the financial imformation of Government employees was leaked, it was discovered that she had considerable sums in the Imperial Dominion Bank.

Her networth is estimated at +200,000,000 Nyngers today.


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