North Point

From Electrosphere

Location: Off the North East Coast of the Usean Continent

Nation Capital: ---

First Mentioned: GAZE Special Edition: "War?", August 22nd, 2003

[edit] Neutrality - (???? - 1993)

North Point is a smaller country off of the North-Eastern Coast of the Usean Continent. North Point strived to maintain a neutral stance in all World Affairs, since they did not posses any military forces capable of defending their country successfully. Even during the beginnings of the Belkan War in 1994, North Point and neighboring Usea decided to stay out of the conflict.

[edit] Ulysses - (1994 - 2003)

In late-1994 Astronomers on the Usean Continent discovered an Asteroid on a collision course with the planet. It was labeled as the Ulysses 1994XF04 Asteroid. With the Belkan War technically ended, the world leaders decided to meet on the matter and decide what to do about the asteroid.

The World Leaders met there in early 1995 and after multiple talks, decided that they would make a Super Weapon, capable of destroying the Ulysses. After calculating it’s crash course it was decided to make the Super Weapon on the Usean Continent. All of the world’s nations participated by sending Engineers and their best Scientists to construct it.

However and unexpected development had arisen. A Usean Armed Rebel Force had arisen and attempted to overthrow the Usean Government. The Usean Government scrambled it’s best response unit, known as the Scar Face Task Force. As the Rebel Force began to crumble and was pushed out of the Usean Cities, until they retreated to their last stronghold. Suprisingly, it was located deep within North Point; it was known as Fortress Intolerance. The North Point Government did not know of this and allowed the Usean Government to destroy the fortress. After Fortress Intolerance falls, construction of Stonehenge is sped up and it is eventually completed, before the Ulysses makes planet fall.

When the Ulysses unexpectedly broke apart, as it passed the Roche limit, North Point also took damage from the Ulysses Fragments. When the rain of meteors had thinned out nations had began to deal with damages and refugees left by the Ulysses. North Point volunteered to take in as many refugees as they could.

As they were being moved over the next few years, a country known as Erusea, on the far Western Penninsula of the Usean Continent began to disagree with decisions made by the Usean Nations and refused to take in anymore refugees. After Erusea mis-handled refugees and Usean Nations boycotting all Erusean Products, Erusea made a sudden move. They saw Stonehenge as a powerful weapon and wanted to use it as a weapon, but the FCU and other nations had control of the facility and was still using it to destroy any Ulysses Fragments which could pose a threat. In 2003 Erusea unexpectedly took Stonehenge, with their military forces and occupied San Salvacion. Usean Nations began an uproar and soon the FCU President was calling for an imediate Erusean pull out of San Salvacion with the threat of military action, if Erusea did not comply. The FCU and other Usean Nations banded together to form a 'defensive' group known as the Independent State Allied Forces (ISAF).

Soon after their formation, the ISAF were caught off guard by a sudden Erusean advance outside of their own borders and San Salvacion. This was the beginning of the Usean Continental War.

[edit] The Continental War and Afterwards - (2004 - 2010)

In late 2003 to early 2004, the ISAF was pushed all the way to the eastern-cost line, which was out of Stonehenge’s firing range. However, this caused them to lose many vital facilities such as Los Canas, which was their Head Quarters. ISAF HQ needed to relocate quickly in a safe location, out of the Erusean Military’s reach. North Point, once again stepped forward and had ISAF GHQ moved there, in late 2003. From North Point the ISAF began to evacuate their troops on the continent and set-up defenses against the many Erusian attempts to take North Point or destroy ISAF GHQ. In mid-2004 a large scale counter-offensive was launched against Erusea. Every operation ended in success, thanks to the Troops on the frontline and their coordination with one another, as per ISAF GHQ plans.

The Usean Continental War officially ended on September 26th, 2005. With the war’s end ISAF GHQ remained on North Point, but a smaller Headquarters was re-established in Los Canas. In 2006 an Erusian group, by the name of “Free Erusea” still stood against the ISAF and attempted to engage the ISAF Forces; which were in Erusea helping the new Erusian Government stabilize itself. ISAF GHQ decided to send out one two Aircraft; an F-22A Raptor and an E-767 AWACS codenamed “Sky Eye”. Mobius One, the ISAF Ace of Aces was chosen for this mission after ISAF HQ evaluated his performance and monitored his movements from North Point.

The “Free” Erusian crisis was over and peace finally fell over the Usean Continent. North Point had begun a new chapter of their history and began to become the host of many conferences and meetings among nations around the world. In 2010, during the Circum-Pacific War between Osea and Yuktobania a secret meeting was to be held between Yuktobanian Prime Minister Nikanor and Osean President Harling. However, Prime Minister Nikanor never arrived and President Harling’s secret military transport was forced to make a crash landing, he went missing soon after that.


Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War (the game)

Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War (the game)

Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies / Distant Thunder (the game)

Ace Combat 02 (the game)

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