Eaglin Straits

From Electrosphere

This area is seen in Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War. Eaglin Straits is an Osean route that connects the Ceres Ocean to the Bannion Sea. The Osean Highway OH101 runs across it North to South, about 2 km away. The Eaglin Strait is 'sandwiched' between mountainious terrain. In the same area, some glaciation might have occured to reshape the region to what we see today. Evidence is the shape of the Strait and some parts of the strait supports that an ancient glacier might went through the Eaglin Strait region.

[edit] Circum-Pacific War (Op. Whale Bird)

The remnants of the Osean 3rd Fleet sailed through Eaglin Straits to the inland sea as part of Operation Whalebird on September 30, 2010. Among them were the Aircraft Carrier Buzzard, the Vulture, & the Kestrel which was a veteran of the Belkan War & the Battle of St. Hewlett. At 9:30 AM, Yuktobanian V/STOL , Sea Harrier FA.2, planes ambushed the fleet trying to escape. Wardog Squadron which was the only squadron airborne at the time destroyed all aircraft. However, The Scinfaxi launched 2 Burst Missiles that sank the OFS Vulture & OFS Buzzard. In the end. Wardog was the only surviving squadron, apart from Captain Marcus Snow of the OFS Kestrel. Wardog was sent to Heirlark AFB in South Belka/North Osea to rearm & refuel.


Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War (the game)

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