Bridge Convoy

From Electrosphere

[edit] Description

Mission Six:

HQ would like to install a new radar section at a strategically important location. It is up to you to prepare the area by destroying the entire enemy presence at the proposed ground site.

[edit] Objectives

Primary: Protect the convoy until it gets to the designated location.

Secondary: Get 1200 points by destroying enemy targets.

[edit] Aircraft and Weapon Selection

F-C Talon, F-G Hawk, FZ-23 Stinger, F-E Talon II, UG-16 Hawk & F-H Hunter II > AGM Standard Air-To-Ground Missile

F-C Talon, FZ-23 Stinger, F-E Talon II, UG-16 Hawk & F-H Hunter II > ASM Tactical Air-To-Surface Missile

F-C Talon, F-G Hawk & F-H Hunter II > CM Cluster Missile

F-G Hawk, FZ-23 Stinger & F-E Talon II > AAM Air-To-Air Heat-Seeking Missile

FZ-23 Stinger, UG-16 Hawk & F-H Hunter II > NB Napalm Bomb

FZ-23 Stinger, F-E Talon II & UG-16 Hawk > PGB Precision Guided Bomb


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