Main Page

From Electrosphere

Revision as of 20:41, 22 November 2007 by Neo (Talk | contribs)

Welcome to Electrosphere. This is a resource for the Ace Combat series of aircraft flight-sim video games. This project is headed and owned by Ribbon-Blue and is under major construction.

If you have any problems using this resource then please contact Ribbon-Blue or more preferably Neo via either the forums or the wiki.

Please note that Electrosphere is an unofficial resource, and is not endorsed by Namco Bandai Games, Inc. The forums of the Electrosphere can be found at

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Featured Article

In December of 1994, the International Union of Astronomists (IUA) sights a large Asteroid on a collision course with the Planet. The FCU Government, located in the middle of the Usean Continent, called for a further study of the incoming asteroid. A special team, consisting of prominent astronomers, astronomical physicists, and geologists was formed and placed under the IUA. It was found that the asteroid, officially labeled as the "1994XF04 Ulysses" had a diameter of roughly 1.6km and had an extremely high probability of impacting the planet...

Global Community Effort

The FCU Government decided that it would not be prudent in announcing their findings to the general public, in cooperation with the Aerospace Society, government researchers began to explore possible solutions to the impending disaster to be caused by the Ulysses. They soon realized that a solution was not possible unless they had full cooperation from their allies.

On April 20th of 1996, the President of the FCU addresses all ambassadors and leaders of all nations. He announced that the 1994FXF04 Ulysses would infact impact the planet. The date of the impact and scope of the damage expected to be fall the planet was also announced to the world community. This announcements sent shock waves around the world. During the same conference the FCU President announced a special project to deny the collision was initiated.

"The disastrous effects of the asteroid collision will not only affect the USEA, but the whole planet. We are now facing almost certain extinction. We must increase the number of underground shelters and strengthen our defenses. We are now considering possible methods of intercepting the asteroid. If the human race is to survive into the next century, we must devise appropriate measures." said the President, appealing to the world for assistance with this special project.

Read On: Ulysses 1994XF04 Asteroid

What's happening now

  • October 3rd, 2007 - Electrosphere's Wiki has been founded.
  • November 22nd, 2007 - Another admin of a small Wiki wants to join the Electrosphere... We're getting BIG! =D

News from the users

  • I've almost finished working with Electrosphere and making it look like a good Wiki. Hopefully what I've added will help everyone on this project! =D Neo 14:07, 22 November 2007 (EST)
  • The "Featured Article" ACES logo has been added to the first deatured article. RibbonGold 17:54, 5 December 2007 (EST)

Tip of the day

  • Pressing the "Preview" button before you submit your changes to see how they will appear in the Wiki format. Please use this function to prevent the hassle of finding you did something wrong and having to go back and fix it, since every time a change is submitted it is recorded to the page... Also, I should take my own advice... Neo 14:04, 22 November 2007 (EST)

Community information

Electrosphere currently has 172 pages files being created, expanded, and maintained by the users of Electrosphere. See more Electrosphere statistics...

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