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[edit] Early On (1953-1993)

The ITTC communication net-work was established in 1953 and allowed for all parties to adequately communicate and establish a stable government. As the decades passed, Usea expanded across the entire continent and many small states had been formed.

Across the Ocean, the World was on the verge of war on the Osean Continent. During The Belkan War’s early beginnings in 1987, the war’s climax in 1995 and it’s end, Usea had stayed out of it hoping to preserve it’s neutral stance in World Affairs. This move turned out to be the best for them, due to their latest Astronomical Discovery which threatened to destroy their entire Continent and possibly the world.

[edit] The Ulysses (1994-2001)

In Mid-1994 as the Usean Government watched the Belkan War unfold, Astronomers gazing deep into space found a large asteroid on a collision course with the Planet. It’s official designation was '1994XFO4' , but it was later known as the “Ulysses”. With The Belkan War’s end, Usea called on nations all around the World to meet on this matter. Representatives from many countries went to Usea and there they drew up plans to stop this oncoming disaster. The Ulysses was to impact the continent in mid-1999.

Around early 1996, it was decided that a Super Weapon was to be built on the Usean Continent, the Ulysses’ expected impact point; in order to stop or at least stem the loss of life. Development of this new Super Weapon, known as “Stonehenge” began. Scientists of multiple backgrounds, including Belka and neighboring Erusea, arrived on the continent and worked together making new technologies which uses Electro Magnetic Energy in order to propel classified munitions into space.

Construction began, in the middle of the Usean Continent in a very desolate, sandy area. However, exsiting tension between the FCU (possibly meaning Federation of Usea) began to boil over in 1996. FCU Troops were order to pull out of The Republic of Amber and the Independent State of Ugellas to avoid conflict. In the same year Commander Robert Taylor became the FCU Chief of Staff, when Michael Riass died. A Comona Island Rocket Launch Facility is named after Riass.

As the Stonehenge construction neared it’s completion point, a faction within Usea saw an opportunity to attack the Government, at a vital time and hoped to catch the government off guard. The Usean Government was unexpectedly attacked by an Usean Rebellious Force, attempting an Armed Coupe de' Tat, in 1998. The Usean Government was in-fact caught off guard, but reacted as quickly as possible dispatching the STFS "Scarface" and other units in order to stop them.

The conflict lasted for multiple months and the Scarface Squadron saw much action across the Continent; even within Erusean territory. The Usean Rebel Forces had taken footholds across the continents and made strong points where ever they could. Through out the conflict, Usean Ace Pilots were encountered, along with the mysterious ZOE Squadron/Flight. The ZOE were believed to have been a key part of the Usean Rebellion's plans for success and were engaged by the Scarface Squadron. The Usean Rebel Forces deployed a large Naval Force, which incorperated two Large Dragonet Submarines. These Submarines were the first of their kind. Though one ship was destroyed before it left it's Port, the second ship had launched an 'Extra Powerful Cruise Missile' at a near by Usean City as it was being engaged by the Scarface. The missile was destroyed, along with the last Dragonet Submarine. From there, their headquarters was attacked and taken thanks to the SFTS. This however, was not the last battle. A Final Stronghold was found in the middle of North Point. The SFTS Assualted the Usean Rebel Fortress "Intolerance". It was here that Scarface One met the ZOE Supreme Commander in the ADF-01. After a lengthy dogfight, the ZOE aircraft was shot down and the Fortress was destroyed.

The Rebelling Usean Force was destroyed and Stonehenge was completed, before the impact date in 1999. On July 8th 1999, the Ulysses passed the Roche’ Limit and split into thousands of pieces. Stonehenge did it’s best to stem losses from the debris, but over 500,000 people die in the first two weeks of the Asteroid’s Fragments raining down on the continent and other countries. damage was estimated to be the equivalent of 18 months of the total GDP for the entire Usean continent.

As smaller fragments fell into the Atmosphere and burnt up, Stonehenge remained on stand by on the look out for large fragments and the Usean Government began evacuating refugees from the damaged areas. An Alliance known as the “Independent State Allied Forces” was formed to further the evacuation of these refugees and also monitor a developing situation with Erusea. The ISAF was made up of all Usean States and some Countries on the Usean Continent.

Erusea and the ISAF had begun arguments over who had control over Stonehenge and how they should deploy it in the future. Eventually, Erusea cut all ties with the ISAF and began to take steps towards war. Ties were cut in 2001.

[edit] The Usean Continental War (2003 - 2005)

Erusea declared war on the ISAF and invade San Salvacion. ISAF Forces there were caught off guard and were forced back out of the city. This was the beginning of the large continental retreat. Soon after the fall of San Salvacion, the ISAF was continued to be pushed back by Erusean Air, Ground and Naval Forces. Soon the ISAF lost control of Stonehenge and Erusea deployed it as a large Anti-Aircraft Weapon. The ISAF Air Force couldn’t operate effectively because of Stonehenge’s barrages and their Ground Force was left without Air Support and continued to be pushed back. Los Canas, ISAF’s General Head Quarters, was eventually taken over. The ISAF had relocated it’s GHQ on the neighboring country of North Point and the ISAF Forces were pushed until they were out of Stonehenge’s range, on the edge of Usea’s Eastern Coast.

ISAF GHQ was attempting to find a way to recall their forces to North Point, in order to redeploy them at a better time, but they were currently at a stalemate. Eventually, Erusea made it’s move to end the War by sending a Bomber Contingent from a former ISAF Air Base, known as Rigley Air Base; to bomb their HQ at North Point. The Contingent was intercepted by the 118th TFW and all bombers were shot down. The following Operations which destroyed Erusea’s Frontline Bomber Base and Radar Stations, put the ISAF on a counter offensive. Erusea attempted to send reinforcements to the Eastern Coastline, but the Transport Group was shot down. Erusean Military High Command saw the ISAF’s string of success and deployed their “Invincible” Aegir Fleet to Comberth Harbor, on the East Coast. An Invasion of North Point was planned. However, the ISAF had launched an Air Strike on a near by Petrol Station which temporarily immobilized the fleet, then attacked the Fleet in Comberth Harbor; destroying it.

Later, the ISAF managed to recall most of it’s forces and prepared for an amphibious assault, which was to be the first step in reclaiming the mainland. The destruction of a Vital Power Plant within Stonehenge’s Range and the launch of a Vital ISAF Satellite, which resulted in the Largest Air Battle in Modern History; opened an opportunity which the ISAF took. The amphibious Assault was a success and the ISAF began to push back the Erusean Forces, coupled with limited Allied Air Operations. Defectors from Erusea, many which were the creators of Stonehenge held in Erusea, contacted the ISAF and had managed to escape in two Civilian Airliners. They had agreed to work with the ISAF in destroying Stonehenge for amnesty.

Days later, Stonehenge was attacked in Operation: Stone Crusher”. Despite losses from Stonehenge, supporting Erusean forces, and the Yellow Squadron, Stonehenge was destroyed and the ISAF’s counter-offensive had turned into an all out offensive. The Erusean forces were now in a panic attempting to re-group and activate their newest Super Weapon “Megalith”. Before preparing the push into the Erusean homeland, the ISAF worked together with local resistance forces in San Salvacion's capital city, San Salvacion. After a battle at midnight the city was liberated and the Eruseans were pushed back into their own nation.

The ensuing ISAF Offensive had pushed the Eruseans onto their last defensive line at The Whiskey Corridor. This battle was the largest of the War and involved the Erusean main force and the ISAF’s Main Force in the Desert. The battle was won by the ISAF and a week later, Farbanti, the Erusean Capital was under siege.

The Erusean Capital soon fell, despite the arrival of the Yellow Squadron and the war was declared to be over, however many radicals and young Erusean Officers had taken control of Megalith and were going to use it against the ISAF all across the Continent. Megalith was a large Hardened ICBM Launch Facility originally planned to shoot down passing Ulysses Asteroid Fragments. The ISAF launched a large Air Strike composed of their best pilots from their best Unit, the 118th TFW ‘Mobius’, named after the ISAF Ace of Aces.

Megalith was protected by the last of Erusea’s famed Yellow Squadron; the following battle ended with Megalith’s destruction and the War’s official end. Now the ISAF, along with Erusean governmental members began to set-up a provisional government.

[edit] Post-Continental War (early 2006)

After the destruction of Megalith, the ISAF and a new, Provisional Erusean Government began to stabilize the country and calm any negative parties against the occupying ISAF Forces. However, groups of Erusean soldiers and officers still resented the ISAF and denied the orders of disarmament.

As the ISAF dealt with occupying Erusea, border disputes between Erusean States began to occur and small conflicts had broken out there as well. Delarus, a small Usean Country, was a midst these small conflicts between the two parties and the ISAF deployed forces there to stop the fighting.

After a year of working with one another the ISAF and Erusean Government had made no progress with the individuals of the Erusean Military. The opposing officers and soldiers had then managed to get their hands on an old Weapons and Munitions Factory and proclaimed that the new Erusean Government was false and that themselves, “Free Erusia” would do anything to stop them and remove any occupying ISAF Forces.

[edit] The Second Erusean Conflict (2006)

ISAF GHQ, now back at Los Canas, assessed the ”Free Erusea” situation and decided to fight force with force. After the Usean War, one pilot was known throughout the continent for his actions. He had been in every major Battle, destroyed both Stonehenge and Megalith, became the Ace of Aces of the Usean Continent, destroyed Erusea’s Top Ace Squadron and Destroyed the Invincible Aegir Fleet. After the war, his combat effectiveness was evaluated and this pilot alone is as effective as an entire ISAF Squadron. This pilot is only known as Mobius One.

ISAF GHQ decided to send Mobius One and an E-767 AWACS known as Sky Eye, who was in direct support of every mission Mobius One had been on. As “Free Erusea” had began to attack ISAF Forces and spread from Erusean Borders, the two were sent up to each ‘Hot-Spot’, engaged and destroyed the Free Erusian Forces. This Operation was known as "Operation: Katina".

During the conflict, the Free Erusean Force was destroyed, new Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle technology was found and an unknown force of Eight X-02 Wyverns, were shot down. The new Erusean Government was established, and the ISAF pulled out of Erusea. Operation Katina lasted for only a month or so, and ended in 2006; the same year it began.

The Usean Government was now stabilized and economic growth began. The Neo-United Nations saw the stability in which Usea had presented and set-up their Headquarters there. An extended period of Peace spanning decades had begun and the Usean Government continued to operate normally. However, everything would change as a new world era would begin.

[edit] A New Era (2007 - 2032)

The world enters a new Era of history. As the World’s Technologies advance and countries become even more reliant on Computers and other technologies. Companies which produce, distribute and develop technology gain a strong stance in the World Market. Soon, two Major Corporations rise above the rest and spread across the globe. Soon, each becomes Economic Rivals. These Companies are General Resource LTD and Neucom Inc.

Neucom Inc was formerly known as the Erusean Air and Space Administration (EASA), and was originally from the Usean Continent. After the Usean Continental War and the Second Erusean Conflict, the EASA expanded it’s research and purchased the Comona Island Rocket Launch Facility and renamed it the Riass Space Center. They began developing Space Technologies and Communications Technology. Soon they became the leading Technology Experts on the Continent and began spreading their business world wide. They also began to take a step into Aviation and Military Aviation, introducing new ‘Radical’ Designs which re-wrote aviation design.

General Resource LTD was formerly known as Grunder Industries, based in North Osea/South Belka. Grunder, which has a long History of being involved in war and conflict. Since their involvement in the Circum-Pacific War in 2010, the entire Company was reformed and given a new name. While getting rid of the people in Command of the Business and hiring new employees, but keeping older, trusted ones their Business had grown quite quickly. They concentrated more of Military Technology, such as Operating Systems, Aircraft, Tanks and Weaponry. Unlike their Neucom counter-parts, General Resource focuses on mare practical Aviation Designs and Technologies, rather than un-tested, new designs. Soon their business also spread into the international market and rivaled that of Neucom Inc.

However, General Resource hit a small snag in their growth. In 2032, a faction of the General Resource Defense Force began attacking facilities which belonged to the United Air Defense. After a brief conflict, the General Resource faction was defeated and after an investigation, the Leaders of this group were fired and brought to justice; its was believed that the leaders were Belkan Extremists. Because of this short conflict, General Resource’s Global Business had fallen behind Neucom in certain fields, but caught up quickly selling programs such as the Data Swallow and PEEK-A-Boom. Their business once again rivaled that of Neucom Inc. and soon, they began to set-up a branch on the Usean Continent.

[edit] Paper Tigers (2033 - 2040)

Seeing General Resource’s expansion into their own territory, Neucom Inc saw it fit to keep their home customers’ business. A Series of Business Campaigns against General Resource, putting down their service by rehashing past events in which they were a part of. General Resource was naturally not pleased with this, but simply ignored Neucom’s multiple smear Campaigns and carried on business on the Continent.

By 2037, the Usean Government had lost so much political and economic power, it was decided that their government was no longer as effective as it was decades ago. In a sense, it had became a shadow of it’s former self. The Usean Government decided to change the country’s name to the ‘United States of Euro-Asia’. With this, the ISAF had also fallen apart and many old Alliances had simply fallen apart due to the powers of International Corporations. Neucom Inc and General Resource LTD’s rivalry then began to take turns for the worst as these simple smear campaigns began to evolve into indirect threats and small-scale cyber sabotage. This caught the attention of the Neo-United Nations, who then called in the leader of both companies to hold talks, in hope of a piece. All conflicts were to be avoided at all costs.

While a temporary treaty was set, it did not last long. During this time, Neucom Inc. had announced it would create Mega Float, a sea faring city, their R-Aircraft line had become widely acclaimed world wide and research on Nano-Machines had taken the Continent by storm. However General Resource’s new combat technologies, retrofitted Aircraft and Operating systems which made accessing the Electrosphere even easier

This period ends with Mega Float’s official construction in 2039. At the end of this year, General Resource and Neucom’s rivalry and attempts to out do one another result in the ITTC being bought by GR and expanding it’s services to include Video feed, the Data Swallow and Peek-A-BOOM systems being developed and optimizing the Electrosphere’s overall capabilities and usefulness, making it the #1 source for any and all information, new space Technologies and Nano Technologies made in Neucom Facilities and an overall leap in modern day Technology. However, eventually, only one could be on top.

[edit] Phase Park Dispute and Tensions (2040 - 2044)

This period would be some of the most controversial years in the USEA’s history; it is between this time that the infamous, "Phase Park Dispute" occured.

General Resource sees and oppurtunity to pull ahead of Neucom Inc, economically and takes it. A dispute, then erupts at the Phase Park territory. Neucom Inc.’s hostilities towards General Resource escalate. Sabotage and multiple threats on each side begin to increase and eventually, Neucom Inc. then threatens GR with military action by possibly creating a Military Force, which they told the NUN was for their own protection and to show General Resource that they were not going to be intimidated. Seeing this, General Resource had put it’s Defense Force on standby and began to have them patrol GR Facilities across the Usean Continent.

The NUN saw that itself alone wasn’t enough to control the two factions, and they called in the Universal Peace Enforcement Organization (UPEO). The UPEO set-up sanction and areas in which the two corporations could operate and also reinforce No-Fly Zone near civilian Cities. However, both Neucom and General Resource continued to increase their amount of Military Forces and blamed one another of planning a pre-emptive strike. The UPEO continued to attempt to contain the GRDF and Neucom, but eventually an incident occurred.

A Neucom Emergency Unit strike group attacked GR facilities in Expo City. An aerial battle broke out over the city and aircraft were shot down over the city. This was a large violation of UPEO sanctions, but when the UPEO brought Neucom to the table, they denounced the UPEO’s leader for once being in GR, and called the UPEO a General Resource Puppet. The UPEO then forms the Special Armed Response Force in order to use force to stop force.

General Resource finally had enough of abiding by NUN and UPEO sanctions, since they were obviously not being followed by Neucom and mobilized it’s Defense Force. Neucom then began directing large scale transports with fighter escorts, over General Resource territories. The UPEO had constantly warned these flights about breaking No-Fly Zones, and acted.

[edit] Corporate War of 2045

A Neucom Transport group consisting of four R-501s, two R-201s and two R-101s, were engaged by UPEO Fighters, and shot down over Expo City. Now, Neucom seeing that the UPEO had sided with General Resource forms the Neucom Emergency Unit (NEU), a small military ran by Neucom. The GRDF then becomes fully operational and a conflict is imminent. This would be one of the first armed conflicts of the new era.

The GRDF dispatches it’s military forces and defends it’s facilities along with UPEO support, against NEU attacks in multiple Cities and other areas. In some instances UPEO pilots are asked to join GR, but most turn down the opportunity, in order to uphold UPEO directives. Eventually, a cease fired is signed.

But, during that time General Resource intelligence is intercepting information of Neucom preparing to mount a large scale counterattack. With this information backing them, General Resource then launches a pre-emptive strike against Neucom Forces. However, the UPEO then defends Neucom Forces and engages GR forces in an attempt to contain fighting.

In the midst of this, an unknown group launches a large airship full of Chemical Weapons towards the city, Axel Bay. The UPEO react quickly and prevent the ship from exploding. As the GRDF and NEU continue to engage one another, UPEO representative Clarkson attempts to go to meet with Neucom Officials and hold talks. However, as he is in flight aboard a UPEO R-511, a group of GR Fighters moves to intercept and destroy his transport. UPEO Supreme Commander, Gilbert Park finds that he is attempting to defect and orders UPEO fighter to help in shooting down the transport. There were reports of pilots a part of the UPEO being asked to join Neucom, but none have been made official.

The war then becomes even bloodier, with civilian casualties being a result of each faction bombing one another’s factories and offices, and fighting near and over cities. Neucom then begins to amass fighters over Mega Float, along with a large Fleet in preparation of a large scale attack against GR forces on the Usean Continent. The GRDF, then sends fighters to destroy the entire Aerial and Naval fleet and after an extended engagement, succeed. General Resource head leaders are outraged and order a large scale air strike against Neucom Forces and Buildings in Port Edwards, one of the largests cities in the USEA.

Before the UPEO can fully mobilize, the GRDF and NEU engage one another over Port Edwards, resulting in the city taking heavy damage from bombing, falling aircraft and any munitions from aircraft which missed one another. The UPEO finally sent fighters into the fray, as the battle was well underway and managed to destroy many GR and NEU combat aircraft, resulting in the battle ending.

As the UPEO attempts to stem any losses caused by the General Resource and Neucom engagements, another faction arises. Their large airship known as the UI-4053 is sighted flying over Mega Float, escorted by black fighters. They call themselves the Ouroboros and claim responsibility for a Coup’ which occurs in Neucom Inc, General Resource and the UPEO.

They are labeled as a terrorist group, but soon the UPEO finds that they are actually as large a Military force, by themselves. The Ouroboros are found to have had operatives in each faction the entire time, engineering the entire war in hopes of weakening each side, so they could destroy them with little resistance. Shockingly, one of these Operatives was none other than Gilbert Park, the UPEO Supreme Commander. Some pilots in the UPEO then moved to assassinate Gilbert Parks, but he had begun to use the remaining loyal UPEO forces as his own personal guard. Eventually, Parks is killed and the Ouroboros then begins operations on an open playing field. They had somehow, succeeded in hijacking the Electrosphere, all other information net-works and began attacking the remaining facilities of each side in many cities. At each engagement with the Ouroboros they were repelled. However, at their last engagement they had deployed their entire force against Mega Float.

The remaining UPEO forces then moved to finally stop them at this pivotal battle. The Ouroboros had deployed their UI-4053 Sphynra airship, multiple XFA-36A fighters and a Battle Fleet, including an Aircraft Carrier to attack Mega Float. The city was under siege when the UPEO arrived. The UPEO Pilots managed to destroy the fighters and the Naval Forces, just outside of Mega Float shelling the city. However, the Sphynra then launched the X-49 Night Raven, which fired a Powerful Laser Cannon at Megalith and destroyed the entire city in one shot.

The Sphynra and it’s escorts were then engaged and finally were shot down. As the UI-4053 went down, it had launched the X-49 and the UI-4054 Aurora which escaped into the Geo Front, a sub-terrain city located deep underneath the Ocean. A Single UPEO aircraft, piloted by an A.I. program named 'Nemo', which had been at the brunt of every major UPEO operation followed the aircraft in. A Battle broke out between it and the X-49. An attempt to bring down the Geo Front on top of the Night Raven was attempted, after seeing that it was too powerful to be destroyed any other way, but failed and resulted in the X-49 being damaged.

The X-49 was re-engaged over Port Edwards at night, along with the remaining Ouroboros. All forces there, including the X-49 were destroyed by Nemo. However, afterwards the UI-4054 Aurora, piloted by an AI copy of the GRDF’s Top Ace, Abyssal Dision; had engaged the UPEO Pilot. The battle resulted in a stalemate and a second battle against the Aurora was carried out. It was sighted near the remains of Mega Float. The final battle between the Aurora and the UPEO AI had started off in the material plain, but the Aurora using technology beyond that of modern technology, had downloaded itself and the UPEO AI into the Electrosphere itself. The battle resulted in the destruction of the Aurora and the Ouroboros had receded into the shadows once more. The war was officially over.

[edit] Into the Future (2046 - )

The Tech-War between Neucom and General Resource was finally over, and the Neo-United Nations then began to debrief them about the Ouroboros’ actions. As each side then sorted out the facts of what had happened, the UPEO were informed of a situation developing in Port Edwards. Apparently, at a Neucom Facility they were beginning to test and manufacture XR-900 Geopelias, modeled after the X-49 Night Raven. They suddenly lifted off and were being controlled by multiple AI programs, which came from an unknown source.

The AI which had destroyed the Aurora a month ago, Nemo was sent to deal with the situation. When it had arrived the XR-900s were attacking multiple buildings in the city itself. The UPEO Pilot engaged the Geopelias, but had little effect. Eventually, the AI was hacked by one of the Geopelias, it’s Flight Control was taken over however, it being a program as well it had back-hacked the Geopelia and taken control. The AI then used the Geopelia to destroy the others and the crisis had ended.

While UPEO and Neucom Engineers checked their Operational Records and Data Files, nothing had indicated that there were no signs of this occurrence what so ever. It was then speculated that this was a pre-programmed attack by the Ouroboros, set during the conflict in 2045. However, no solid proof has been found and the case was dismissed.

Currently, the USEA Government is reforming it’s economic system and regaining it’s powers as a government. In the Era of Corporate reform the USEA was the first country to be taken over by it and is now the first to become independent from it. The USEA is currently putting laws in place which will not allow any political or economic power but the Usean Government, run the country or decided on anything that will effect the continent itself.


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