
From Dofus

This profession gathers meat and makes preserved meat. Hunting is a unique profession. Instead of utilizing resource spawns on maps, a hunter will unlock extra meat drops from certain monsters.

You do not gain any profession experience from gathering the meat, only from preserving meat.


[edit] Acquiring

To learn the profession, you have to defeat a level 3 gobball within two minutes. And you will receive a Gobball leg that you will have to give to the Hunter master to receive the hunter profession.

[edit] Tools

The levels listed are the profession level needed to equip.

[edit] Workshops

  • Amakna (1,13)
  • Astrub (0,-15)
  • Bonta - N/A
  • Brakmar - N/A

[edit] Crafting

See Hunter/Recipes.

[edit] Gathering

See Hunter/Gathering.

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