You return in triumph to tell Trent of your success

From Create Your Own Story

You,Ronnie and Derrick decide to split so no one could connect what has happened with three of you or why two members of the Vipers and a initiate were doing on Aces 360s turf. After a minutes you had backtracked to the club where you are greeted enthusically by various members including Trent who slaps you on the back for a job well and said that they even heard the boom from here. You told Trent that you couldn't have done it without Ronnie and Derrick's help and the others crowded them saying their thanks and such,you could see that neither one of them were happy about being in the spotlight and you mentally noted to gift them with some drinks later when you felt a pair of eyes on you and turned to see that Ashley was watching you from the bar with Peta next to her and you smiled at her only to have her turn blush red when Peta whispered something into her ear.

You made your way to the bar,occasionally stopping to shake hands with various members before reaching the two girls. Peta giggled as both you and Ashley turned red and said "that Bobby needs a saving of his own" before vanishing into the crowd presumably to find Bobby. You asked Ashley if it was okay to sit down and she said sure and for a few minutes neither one of you said anything when you and her decide to start talking at the same time only to end up laughing. "I wanted to thank you for saving me",Ashley said shyly and she also asked how your throat was,you replied with,"It's fine,Maggey said that the bruises will go down in a couple of weeks" as you showed her the bruises and were stunned when Ashley gave your throat a quick kiss. "Ash...",you said softly as you close the distance between you and her.

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