You are too scared to attempt to escape, and the robber puts you in his car and drives away with you.

From Create Your Own Story

Status: Naked, Collared and Getting Horny

The robber puts you in his car, and drives off at a high rate of speed. He seems very nervous, constantly looking around. Suddenly a black van with tinted windows pulls up next to the car.

The robber barely has time to say, "Oh, fuck!" before the van's window rolls down slightly. There's a series of bangs and you see the muzzle flashes. The robber's head explodes, showering you with blood and brain matter. His body slumps forward. You're unable to do a thing as the car rolls down an embankment. Mercifully, you fall unconscious as your head strikes the ceiling.


When you come to, you're lying naked on a large bed. There's a collar around your neck, and a slim but strong wire running from it to a solid steel ring set in the wall.

"Welcome," says a male voice. A tall, naked, black-haired man who you judge to be Italian and in his late 20's enters the room. "Thankfully you were unhurt in the crash. If I'd known Tommy had a passenger, I'd have had my men immobilize the car before killing him. He tried to cheat me out of my money." He pauses. "Anyway, I had my doctors examine you and my staff clean you up. You're physically 100%, except for a few bruises. Oh, I'm Leo Galli. The bathroom is through that door [pointing], and my staff will bring you your choice of food and drink. Just push this button here to activate the intercom." He gestures at a large green button on the wall behind the bed. "You will be my permanent guest here. The TV and DVD player are being prepared now, and if you like video games I can buy you any console you want with the change in my sofa. Now why don't you use the facility?"

One necessary function later, you return to the bed. "So... this is my new home?" you ask. The room you're in, alone, is at least 5 times the size of your apartment.

"My men can get whatever you want out of your old place and move it in here," Leo replies. He joins you on the bed. "While we're waiting to get everything installed, how about I make your body happy?" He caresses you gently, then slowly kisses his way from your neck to your upper chest. He's a very good kisser, and has you shivering with pleasure.

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