YWD: Tell them they're in for a treat, and direct them to Brutus's kennel?

From Create Your Own Story

When you return to the kennel where Daphne is still tied to Brutus, she shrieks in horror as she sees the cluster of astonished boys and girls. Some of the girls start calling her hurtful names, and one of the boys pulls out a camera and takes some photos of Daphne and Brutus. Daphne struggles to her feet and tries to flee from the kennels, but the boys catch her and drag her to the floor. Egged on by you and the other girls, the boys take it in turns to fuck Daphne, who is by now crying and screaming. Eventually, when all the boys have come inside her, you all walk out of the kennels, leaving the naked Daphne curled up in a sobbing ball on the floor. You hang out with that group for the rest of the day, which passes without further incident. On the way back to school, you are voted Bitch of the Year, a title which must make you very proud.


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