Write the note on a scrap piece of paper and slide it across the desk, F

From Create Your Own Story

As the laughter continued to ripple through the classroom, you seized the opportunity to stealthily slide a small, folded piece of parchment toward Tyler. The note's edges glided silently across the wooden surface, your fingers careful not to cause even the smallest sound that might draw attention.

Tyler, sensing the movement at the corner of her eye, glanced in your direction just as the parchment came to rest beside her. She regarded it with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, knowing full well that you always asked her about her workplace whenever she got back from a shift, today seemed to be no exception. A playful smirk tugged at the corners of her lips as she picked up the note and unfolded it.

"Your shift at the herb shop... Do tell," you had scribbled hastily, trying to appear nonchalant in case any prying eyes caught a glimpse of the message.

Tyler's giggle was restrained but unmistakable, her shoulders shaking ever so slightly as she grabbed her quill and penned a response. You watched her every movement, the delicate way she held the quill, letting it dance gracefully across the parchment. Her excitement was palpable, a testament to the enjoyable experience she'd had.

"Here you go, nosy," she whispered, sliding the note back to you with a teasing grin. Eagerly, you unfolded the parchment, your heart quickening as you read her words.

"Two regulars, Gideon and Rhea, paid me a visit. They were... more than friendly." The suggestive ellipsis made your heartbeat stutter, a mix of excitement and envy simmering within you. "We shared stories, laughter, and a few stolen kisses behind the counter."

Request more details, she can't leave you hanging

Knowing your in class, you try to change the subject to something more appropriate

Roll your eyes and turn your attention back to the lecture

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