Whisper to just Daphne that Daphne is actually better

From Create Your Own Story

You walk over to Daphne and pull her aside. She shrugs your hand off of her and looks at you.

"What do you want?" Daphne asks in annoyance.

"Look," you whisper. "Teenagers are really sensitive and I had to say what I did in order to make her feel better. I know you're older and more mature so I figured you could handle it. Can you handle it?"

Daphne stares at you thinking for a minute.

"Yes," she replies in a whipser. "I can handle it."

"Good," you whisper back before both of you rejoin the other women.

"To the Jacuzzi?" Daphne asks.

Health Horny Location:

Daphne's Beach House

MP 0
Level 1
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