Wave whoever it is down and try to hitch a ride

From Create Your Own Story

You step out into the middle of the road. The noise of the engine grows louder and soon the vehicle appears.

Too late, you realize that it's a Jeep full of angry and suspicious-looking Syrian soldiers, machine guns at the ready. There are too many of them to fight and if you run, you'll just make them more suspicious and they'll probably shoot you in the back. You drop your AK-47 and raise your hands as the Jeep comes to a stop a few yards away from you.

A man in an officer's uniform gets out and gives you a hard stare. "What are you doing out here all by yourself? And what are you doing with a gun?"

You give a story about being a Lebanese businesswoman who was attacked by rebels as you were driving. Your car was wrecked and you were forced to walk.

"And the gun?" he demands.

"Come on. I need protection," you say. "Now can you please give me a ride to the next town?"

"Oh, we'll give you a ride to town, all right. The town jail," says the officer. At that, all the men begin laughing. Your eyes start flashing in anger.

A soldier grabs your assault rifle. Two more men search you, relieving you of your Walther and your knife. Luckily, your cyanide capsule and data drive are too well-hidden for them to find...for now.

"I haven't done anything. You have no right to arrest me," you plead.

"You had all those weapons on you," growls the officer. "That's illegal. That'll be enough against you for now. I bet we'll find more later. There's something suspicious about you. Men, grab her and let's go."

You are roughly shoved into the back of the Jeep, wedged tightly between two soldiers. As the driver starts the vehicle up again, you sigh.

Health {{{Health}}} Equipment:

Data drive, cyanide capsule

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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