Walk over to Elizabeth and put the Circlet on her head

From Create Your Own Story

You walk over towards your sister, smiling at her. She looks curiously at you, but seeing that you make no move to draw a weapon or even reach for any of your items, she merely observes.

When you reach her, you carefully lift the Circlet off your head.

"What are you up to, sis?" Elizabeth asks curiously.

"This," you say, placing the Circlet securely on top of your sister's head.

You instinctively know what you have to do next. You hold up the Lunar Dial. Elizabeth's body shudders violently as the darkness in her soul is absorbed by the Dial. When the Dial is full, you place it on the ground and throw a vial of Water of Life on top of it.

Both the vial and the Dial shatter and vanish utterly. The light within the Solar Prism winks out, and you sense that the bars of light restraining Patricia are gone.

Patricia herself walks into the room, Patty trailing behind, as a black cloud seems to lift from the entire fortress.

"What just happened?" your sister asks, confused.

"I found a way to lift the darkness from your soul, sis," you tell her. Your own powers are gone. You hold out your hand to her and smile at Patricia. "Let us leave this place, my friends, and live our happy lives."

You three do exactly that.

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